
2021年8月22日10:34:36亲历黄鼠狼迷人已关闭评论 55,747 3451字阅读11分30秒

黄鼠狼,在东北叫黄大仙或者黄皮子,而我们这里把这玩意叫做黄獟(yao),据传这器械很邪性,可以修炼成精,我以前也以为是瞎扯淡,然则我姥姥却跟我讲了这样一个故事,且听我细细道来!,我的二老舅,到现在都无妻无子,姥姥说这是他年轻的时刻造的杀孽太多,报应让他这一枝断子绝孙。,我二老舅家到现在都珍藏着一支不能叫做枪的老土抢,那是他年轻时刻手工制造用来打黄鼠狼的家伙什。,据村里人说,我二老舅昔时基本不种地,就靠他那一杆枪打黄鼠狼扒皮卖钱,连家里的屋子都是从黄鼠狼皮上得来的,二老舅在狩猎上尝到了甜头,于是变本加厉的猎杀黄鼠狼,正当他走到他所谓的人生事业巅峰的时刻,报应来了!, ,那天,二老舅卖了当月积攒的黄鼠狼皮,就和几个同伙去喝酒了,一直喝到大晚上才回家,即即是喝醉了的人在晚上也不至于都不知道那里是路,那里是野地。就在这月黑风高的晚上,一件十星散奇诡异的事情让原本喜气洋洋的二老舅往后收起猎枪足不出户。,厥后二老舅告诉我姥姥那天晚上到底发生了什么,他不明不白的走进了野地,咚的一声掉进了一个窟窿,正当他寻找出路时,有一大群人蒙上了他的眼睛,把他牢牢的困了起来,他透过遮眼布透进的火光隐约看出,身边的器械似乎不是人,对,是和人差不多的黄鼠狼,而且还会说人话。也可能是酒壮怂人胆的缘故原由,二老舅竟然没有被吓昏已往,还听到他们说要剥了他的皮为死去的子孙报仇,一阵阵的磨刀声进入了他的耳朵,这种情形下哪怕是喝再多酒也会被吓到尿裤子,可我二老舅照样活了下来!,为啥他没有被剥皮呢,据他说是他自己被吓出来的尿,救了他自己。,二老舅一辈子没娶过媳妇,自然没有碰过女人,照样个老童子,就这一泡童子尿破了那一群黄鼠狼的法。,到了第二天,姥爷和大老舅在地里找到了我二老舅,死里逃生的履历让他回抵家后马上将猎枪藏起来直到今天,还放在以前的老地方!,二老舅以为是自己的童子之身保住了自己的命,由于恐惧黄鼠狼再次来复仇,他一直到现在都没有结过婚。, ,Introduce:Weasel, northeastern call Huang Daxian yellow perhaps leather, and play this here meaning be called yellow (Yao) , as it is said this thing very sex of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease, can repair refine to become spirit, also feeling before me is blind talk nonsense, but my grandmother told a such stories with me however, and listen to me fine fine line comes! My 2 old uncle, do not have to now wife without child, grandmother says what build when he is young to this is kill evil too much, nemesis lets him this one branch may you die without sons. What home of my 2 old uncle arrives to collecting to cannot be called a gun now is vulgar grab, that is him young moment is handcrafted the fellow assorted that uses dozen of weasel. Say according to village person, my 2 old uncle in those days far from cultivate land, rely on him gun of that one lever hits weasel to gather up the skin sells fund, lian Jiali's house must come from weasel skin, 2 old uncle are hunting on savor benefit, the hunt that becomes aggravated then kills weasel, just when he goes to him so called summit of life career summit when, nemesis came! That day, 2 old uncle sold that month the weasel skin of scrape up, drank with a few friends, drink all the time just come home in the evening greatly, even if is drunk person in the late evening unapt also do not know where is a road, where be wild country. Be in this month of black wind is tall in the evening, a very bizarre and weird thing lets originally successful 2 old uncle pack up shotgun to never leave home from now on. 2 old uncle tell me what grandmother produced after all in the evening that day later, he is unidentified not white walked into wild country, of Dong fell into a burrow, when just when he is searched,finding out a road, one swarm person covered his eye, him closely rise tiredly, the blaze that he enters fully through blind fold cloth is faint see, the thing beside is like is not a person, yes, be with the person's about the same weasel, and still can say person word. Also may be wine strong the reason of Song person bravery, 2 old uncle were not frightened actually, still hear them to say to wanted to pare his skin revenges for gone descendants, fitful ground Dao Sheng to enter his ear, even if be to drink again much wine to also can be frightened,this kind of circumstance falls uric trousers, but my 2 old uncle still lived to come down! For what he was not decorticated, occupying him to say is the make water that he himself is frightened to come out, saved him himself. 2 old uncle had not married son's wife all one's life, had not met a woman naturally, still be an old boy, broke that law of a flock of weasel with respect to make water of boy of this one bubble. Arrived the following day, lao as form of a address for an official or rich man and big old mother's brother found my 2 old uncle in the ground, after the experience of barely escape one's life lets him return the home, Tibet of equestrian admiral shotgun rises till today, still put in the old place previously! 2 old uncle feel the body of the boy that is his maintained his order, because be fear of weasel to be avenged again, he had not married to now all the time. ,

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