
2021年8月22日10:34:43黑段子之好事情已关闭评论 39,802 3384字阅读11分16秒

上了四年大学,高礼终于结业了,面临的最大问题就是找事情。,虽然学了四年,但高礼什么也没学会,而且人又懒,人为低的看不上,人为高的别人又不要他。一来二去,整整三个月,高礼一份事情也没找到。但他却不急,整天说磨刀不误砍柴工,只有找到一份好事情才会去做。,“你所谓的好事情到底是什么?”看到高礼整天游手好闲,女友气不打一处来。,“所谓的好事情,就是事情轻松,时间自由,固然人为还必须高。”高礼想了想,认真地回覆。,“你……你做梦去吧!”女友气呼呼地走了。,高礼不气馁,依然天天坚持找自己所谓的好事情。,这天,高礼接到一个电话,说是一家公司看到高礼的简历,约请他来面试。,高礼急遽梳洗一番,来到公司。面试他的是其中年男子,自称是这家公司的司理,只是问了高礼几个简朴的问题,就就地宣布聘用高礼。而且开出了丰盛的薪资:月薪一万,无事情内容,无时间限制。, ,这不正是自己朝思暮想的好事情吗?高礼乐得急遽签了劳动条约。,第二天,高礼早早来到公司,准备显示一下新员工的精神面目,要扫除卫生,没想到刚拿起扫帚,就被一个员工老杨抢去了:“我来我来,你歇着去。”,高礼拿起抹布又要擦桌子,又被老张抢去:“你着手干嘛?这事我们来做,你歇着!”,往后,每当高礼想干点儿什么,都市被其他员工争先做了。而且其他员工有严酷的事情时间划定,高礼却不受限制。发人为的时刻,其他人都是一点点儿,只有高礼什么都没做,却能拿到一万,时不时另有个奖金。更新鲜的是其他人都没怨言,反而对高礼毕恭毕敬,照顾有加。,不到一个月,高礼就养得白白胖胖,十分富态。,很快,要过年了,开年会的那天,高礼又获得了一笔不菲的年终奖。他开心地在年会上又唱又跳,把酒当水喝,很快,高礼醉倒了。,醒来的时刻,高礼大吃一惊:自己正被五花大绑于一间密室,身边是一堆刀具,眼前另有一尊财神。,“你要干嘛?”高礼大惊失色道。,“这还看不出来吗?固然是要敬财神了,保佑我公司来年继续发大财啊!告诉你个隐秘,正由于我每年都敬财神,以是公司才气蒸蒸日上。”司理神秘地笑道。,“那、那你绑我干嘛?”,“你是祭品呀!”,瞬间,高礼明了了:司理给他那么高的人为,还不用干活,就是要把他养得白白胖胖,年底宰杀了,当祭品供奉给财神!,可是已经晚了,只见司理拿着一把闪着冷光的刀,徐徐地向他迫近……, ,Introduce:Attended a college 4 years, gao Li graduated eventually, the biggest problem that face applies for a job namely. Although learned 4 years, whats did not learn Dan Gaoli, and person lazy, salary does not look lowly, the other people with high salary does not want him again. In the course of contacts, full 3 months, gao Li works to also was not found. But he is not urgent however, say to grind a knife not to chop Chai Gong by accident all the day, find a good job to just can be done only. "Are you so called what is good job after all? " see Gao Li all the day careless and casual, cummer gas does not make one part. "So called good job, work namely relaxed, time freedom, of course salary is returned must tall. " Gao Li thinks, serious ground replies. "Your …… you daydream go! " the ground walked along cummer in a huff. Gao Li is not crestfallen, still insist to look for oneself everyday so called good job. This day, gao Li receives a telephone call, saying is the resume that a company sees Gao Li, invite him to come interview. Gao Li hastily freshen up, come to a company. Interview his is a middleaged man, professing is the manager of this company, just asked Gao Li a few simple questions, announce to recruit Gao Li on the spot. And leave gave rich and generous pay: Monthly pay 10 thousand, without working content, without time limitation. This is not the good job of own yearn day and night? Gao Lile must sign labor contract hastily. The following day, gao Li comes to a company early, preparation behaves the spiritual outlook of new employee, want to clean sanitation, did not think of to just took broom, by an employee Laoyang grab: "I come I come, you are resting. " Gao Li takes dishcloth to want to brush a table again, by Laozhang grab: "Do you start work work? We come to this thing do, you are resting! " after this, every time Gao Li wants what to do, can be done first by other employee. And other employee has strict working hours regulation, gao Li is unlimited however. When sending salary, someone else is little, whats did not do Gao Li only, can take however 10 thousand, still have a stake from time to time. Stranger is someone else does not have complaint, right instead Gao Li reverent and respectful, take care of have add. Be less than a month, gao Li is raised for nothing fat, very rich voice. Very fast, wanted to spend the New Year, open annual meeting that day, gao Li got brushstroke does not poor again end of the year award. He is sung happily again on annual meeting jump again, raise his wine cup to be drunk when water, very fast, gao Li is drunk fell. When awaking, gao Li is astonied: Oneself are being bound greatly by 5 flowers at a penetralia, one caboodle cutting tool is beside, there still is one before honour mammon. "Do you want to work? " Gao Li turns pale with fright path. "Do this still look not to come out? Be to should respect mammon of course, bless my company the coming year to continue to send big,

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