
2021年8月22日10:35:35投个好胎已关闭评论 57,578 3323字阅读11分4秒

刘光是一个稀奇贪心的人,为达目的不择手段。,他暴毙身亡的那一天,熟悉它的人都拍手叫好,大赞老天有眼,却不知来吸收刘光的牛头马面被它愁坏了。,原来从碰头最先,刘光就一直地埋怨自己死得早,希望下世能够长寿百岁。但这事儿怎么可能是它说了算呢?牛头马面受不了它的聒噪,就堵住了它的嘴,它便撒野耍赖不愿去阴间。等好不容易把它带到阴间,它又哭又闹的,把鬼差们烦得够呛。阴间也是讲理的地方,不能滥用私刑。而刘光以为自己死都死了,那还怕什么啊,一定要把这份利益弄得手。,阎王爷思量良久,竟然准许了刘光的条件。,人人本以为这下刘光可以赶快走了,谁料它眼珠一转,冒出来一句:“不是我不信托你们啊,可等我喝了孟婆汤,前尘往事遗忘得一干二净,怎么知道你们有没有遵守这答应呢?以是孟婆汤我可不能喝。”, ,鬼差们闻言都气笑了,直骂刘光心眼儿多。但不知足它的要求,就又是好一番撒野耍赖,怂恿了许多不明以是的新鬼。,别无他法,刘光这一要求又被知足了。马面是个暴脾性,指着刘光破口痛骂:“你可别忘了自己的身份,九泉还容不得你在这儿胡乱撒野!”,这么一来,又给刘光提了醒,它又要求给自己放置投个好胎:“不需要豪富大贵,我就想天天有吃有喝有人养,还不用干活——不贪心吧?”众鬼差早已被它折腾得筋疲力尽,无心再与它胡乱搅合。当它提出这个要求后,就被以最快的速率送去投胎了。,当刘光再次睁眼看天下,发现自己竟然置身于一个臭烘烘的猪圈中——它这一世是头猪!,牛头马面突然泛起在它眼前,牛头先启齿了:“刘光,这下你知足了吧?带着上辈子的影象,这辈子又有人养着你,还不用干活——这种待遇真是我们做牛做马的想都不敢想啊!”,刘光闻言咬牙切齿,却又想到了什么,突然叫着向墙上撞去:“大不了我再死一次重新投胎!”但它撞了几十下,剧痛之极却没死!,“你忘了?”牛头马面大笑着提醒它,“你可是要求这辈子长寿百岁的啊!”, ,Introduce:Liu Guang is a special cormorant, to amount to a purpose by hook and crook. He is cruel kill a day that when die, the person that knows it clap applauds, big favor old day has an eye, the extent of bovine lead horse that does not know to receive Liu Guang however by it anxious is bad. So from meet begin, liu Guang keeps complaining he dies early, hope future world can long-lived 100 years old. But how may this thing be it said to calculate? Face of bovine lead horse is overcome its noisy, stemmed its mouth, it makes a scene act shamelessly does not agree to go Acheron. Had waited to take it not easily Acheron, it is blubber, need spirit people irritated terrible. Acheron also be reasonable place, cannot abuse illegal punishment. And Liu Guang feels he dies to death, what is that still afraid of, must come to hand this interest. Hades father considers a long time, promised Liu Guang's condition actually. Everybody thinks Liu Guang can go rapidly this originally, who expects its eyeball turns, appear come to: "Not be my distrust you ah, can wait for me to drink boiling water of mother-in-law of the first month, the past past forgets to remember completely, how to know you abide by this acceptance? So soup of mother-in-law of the first month I but cannot drink. " ghost is poor people Wen Yan is angry laughed, heart of straight light vituperation Liu is much. But the requirement that does not satisfy it, it is good make a scene act shamelessly, a lot of more incendiary unidentified so new spirit. Have no other way, liu Guang this one requirement was satisfied again. Equestrian aspect is a cruel disposition, pointing to Liu Guang shout abuse: "Can not forget your identity, ground government office returns a look not to get you to act wildly at random here! " so come, carried to Liu Guang again wake, it asks to oneself arrangement casts a good embryo again: "Do not need large fortune, I want to have every day eat have drink somebody to raise, need not still work is —— not avaricious? " numerous ghost difference is gotten by its do sth over and over again already dog-tired, inadvertently again as careless as it agitate closes. After it raises this requirement, by send reincarnation with the rapiddest rate. Open again when Liu Guang soon the world, discover oneself actually place oneself the —— in the piggery at a stinking its this generation is head pig! Face of bovine lead horse appears suddenly before it, bovine head started to talk first: "Liu Guang, did this finish your satisfaction? Bring the memory of all one's life on the move, this all one's life somebody is raising you, still need not work —— this kind of pay is we do what the ox does a horse to want not to have the courage to think really! " gnash of Liu Guang Wenyan, what to think of again however, making suddenly go up to the wall bump: "Alarming I die again new reincarnation! " but it bumped a few times, of pang do not have dead however extremely! "Did you forget? " face of bovine lead horse is laughing to remind it, "But you ask this all one's life is long-lived 100 years old,

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