
2021年8月20日19:14:34北京著名真实灵异事件已关闭评论 63,100 2727字阅读9分5秒


井底有一个铁链子,士兵们花了3天3夜去倒那个铁链子刚开始链子还是新的,到后来就是锈的了,倒到第4天的时候那帮士兵突然说听见海浪的声音了,于是大家都不干再弄那铁链子了。后来这事还没怎么被人众所周知,直到上个世纪70年代文化大革命那会,红卫兵知道了这事,又重新实验,也是这样的效果。于是从那会开始这件事一直成为一个谜,大家可以去问问你们的爷爷奶奶那辈的人,他们肯定都知道的! 据说那井里压着的是一个小孩。北京地下有9个泉眼(好象是具体几个我也忘了) 分布在北新桥、酒仙桥、北海、故宫等一些地方。

从北京上空看北京这几个著名古迹的形状就像是一条卧着的龙! 为什么像有些朋友说的那样。由于一些这神秘的东西所在。人们根本不敢动。怕动了以后真影响天灵!就像鼓楼那附近的那座小桥和那2个狮子。没有纪念意义也影响美观影响交通,而为什么人们不去动他们? 就是因为那据说都是北京的泉眼! 北新桥之所以起这个名字,还是有来历的。据说当时一个算命先生说北京有可能马上要被海水吞灭,必须把一个最重要的泉眼堵上才行 (就是我所说的北新桥) 而堵住这个泉眼的只有一个东西,那就是一个小孩,他们找到了这个小孩,把事和他父母说了,父母无奈刚要把孩子送给他们。这时这个不满一岁的孩子突然说话了:“你们把我放进去可以,那我什么时候能出来呢?”。算命先生:“等桥旧了你就可以出来了”,于是到现在都叫北新桥!

Introduce:The boreal new bridge of Beijing has a well, bolt is worn below fokelore a dragon, also someone says is a child, go up a little the person of bit of age knows, pass on a message is the realest it is original Kuomintang when north is smooth, jiang Jieshi heard this matter existed a lot of arms to dig that well with respect to the clique. The bottom of a well has an iron chain, soldiers spent 3 days of 3 night to go that iron chain just began chain still is new, go to what become rusty namely later, when falling, that side soldier says to hear the voice of ocean wave suddenly, then everybody does not work to do that iron chain again. This thing still is done not have later how by the person well-known, till last centuries 70 time the Great Cultural Revolution is met then, gong Weibing knew this thing, new test, also be such effect. Then wherefrom can begin this thing to become a puzzle all the time, everybody can ask your grandfather grandma the person of that generation, they affirm what know! What pressing in that well allegedly is a child. Beijing underground has 9 the mouth of spring (seeming is specific a few I also forgot) distributing to wait for a few places in boreal new bridge, winebibber bridge, the North sea, the Imperial Palace. From Beijing in the sky the figure that sees these a few Beijing well-known place of historic interest resembles is a lying dragon! Why say like some friends in that way. Because the thing of a few this mystery is in. People dare be moved far from. Be afraid of to day spirit is affected really after was being moved! Resemble drum-tower that little bridge near that and that 2 lions. Without souvenir the meaning also affects beautiful influence liaison man, and why people does not move them? Because that is the mouth of spring of Beijing allegedly,be! Boreal new bridge has this name, still be pedigreed. Allegedly gentleman of a fortune-telling says Beijing wants immediately likely at that time by briny eat up, must block a the most important the mouth of spring up go up to just go (it is the boreal new bridge that I say) and stem of this the mouth of spring have a thing only, that is a child, they found this child, said thing and his father and mother, parents is helpless just should send them the child. At this moment this child that resents one year old talked suddenly: "It is OK that you put in me put in me, when can I come out then? " . Fortune-telling gentleman: "Etc the bridge became old you can come out " , call north new bridge to now then!

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