
2021年8月20日19:16:51身边的真实灵异故事已关闭评论 54,252 3894字阅读12分58秒



更奇怪的是,女孩子的学号是002号,而她住的宿舍号码是214(2要死)整个宿舍只有她的床框上印着214,整理遗物时在她的枕头下放着一本书 ,据说她父亲年轻时是司机,开车出了车祸压死一个17-18岁的女孩子,那以后他父亲就没有开车了,过了一年她就出生了.这个女孩死的时候正好17岁,出事那天是她的生日!!!



Introduce:Be being written down was March 1994, I still am reading ability school in those days, sunday midday when hear of the schoolgirl building on us the disaster of dispatch a vehicle of a schoolgirl of 214 rooms, at a loose end does not have a thing we run to have an accident the place watchs the scene of bustle (from the school 3 kilometers control roadside) see surrounded a lot of people, there is a few meters blood mark on the ground, that female classmate already carry away sends crematory. Return a dormitory to hear a my dear brother in the dormitory discusses the course that had this thing (the girlfriend of this brother mixes namely that gone female classmate the) of a dormitory: Bright of aurelian mandarin orange of ⒆ of  of Chou of Sun of of lineal descent boils Tuo travel ┓ to enter? to have an accident she rises this day in the morning special early (the person of common whole on Sunday dormitory is to sleep to 10 o'clock to just get up too) the left and right sides rose at 6 o'clock in the morning, begin to wash the dress next, sheet, bedding bag, of chummery was made a noise to wake to still joke ask her, rise so early to date with the boy? She is very earnest at that time say: Unplug? of excuse me of second  Bi because everybody sleeps at that time confused, did not care about so. After-thought rises just have bit of dreariness later) cross her a little while to wearing the dress that just buys in the firty few days to carrying a satchel on the back to go out alone. Crossed the school to receive an announcement to say our school at 10 o'clock disaster of dispatch a vehicle of a schoolgirl, just know the dead's identity through the student's identification card in the dead's knapsack, say according to eyewitness at that time she from distance school 2- - a when 3 kilometers control very the fair car on the roadside of hollowness, there is her only at that time a person, take a car to have 5 about- - 6 kilometers she is about to get off, the person just got off, door shut a driver to drove to go, the passenger that flew many meters of 50 car to go up as a result and driver discover to there is a thing over there door at the same time, waited for a driver to park a car, open door to just discover that girl fell to had been pulled 100 meters or so in the car, badly mutilated. The knapsack that what door clips is a girl still has her on the horn that that dress that buys newly hangs in door. Stranger is, of the girl learning name is 002, and the dormitory number that she stays in is 214(2 should die) imprinting on the bed circle that whole dormitory has her only 214, when arranging hangover, wear in her pillow transfer to a lower level a book, the driver is when her father is allegedly young, drive gave traffic accident to press a 17-18 dead year old girl, his father did not drive after that, crossed her one year to be born. When this girl is dead as it happens is 17 years old, have an accident the birthday that that day is her! ! ! The 7th day when the girl dies day, all girls of 214 rooms see a butterfly flies into the dormitory, fall in that girl after the dormitory flew a few rounds before one's death on the bed (on the bed already nothing, just one

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