
2021年8月20日19:17:22真实鬼故事,我亲身经历的,只看到上半身!已关闭评论 42,371 3006字阅读10分1秒











Introduce:Real spirit story, I experience personally, see the upper part of the body only! The night that is a chill then (to us had been to calculate for Guangzhou cold) , still remember last session, that moment is in the winter, drink so much can go in the middle of the night Wc. Our school has a characteristic, namely wind is blown, when that wind has blown the window, can give out the sort of very bloodcurdling sound, elephant alas wail (that window is the sort of immediateness the ceiling wants outward face to push what should maintain with the thing next the sort of) that one evening goes again Wc, of course every time I am met and my friend goes together (two individual) , bathing room is next door our dormitory, wc is next door bathing room next, bathing room has a very large aluminous window, the wherefrom window with my not occasionally self-conscious metropolis to inside look. We go Wc, that wind blows that window to breathe out call out noise is extremely horrible, want to be pulled instantly run toward the dormitory. Hear when we are handing in water to expend 3 two schoolgirls chat then in bathing room bathing room and Wc are those who be linked together only one wall is lain between only (this minds not at all to us, because about the same each evening has can the schoolgirl smokes over, chatting) . But they are chatting that evening some fasten horror, perhaps be disgusting thing, they are talking about abort ah of what, a schoolgirl says she has been hit. . . . I and my friend go Wc runs toward the dormitory (actually very close) trot because of horror . . When running to bathing room, see that is big the window I not self-conscious toward inside look, see a schoolgirl stands in that (wherefrom the window sees the) of water approach head that can see the first wash the dress, original not of wondering because I think it is to follow those a few woman students one of schoolgirls that chat in that together, but my friend pulled me however, I say " how she is pointing to " that window says " that. Then the individual did not leave half body, of half float! Hear this I smoked buccal air conditioning, looked to that window again, that schoolgirl still is in, looked 2, 3 seconds are done not have really, have, below, half, personally. . . . (Because of me but the person is impish big so I dare look again, and I dare not believe a bit) look to pull my friend to scatter push run, run into a dormitory to cover with the quilt at a heat first, slept insensibly. I did not follow everybody to say with my friend later, because be afraid of them,fear. In us actually the school still has a lot of. It is true. Still hearing of us is sundry before the dormitory room somebody is inside hang by the neck passes. Extremely horrible …

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