
2021年8月20日19:19:18灵魂出窍已关闭评论 40,453 2689字阅读8分57秒









Introduce:I am a very common person, very rare however experience passes marvelous. If others tells me such thing, I can not believe certainly. But on the body that this produces in myself, I must be believed! Although have among them some to now I cannot understand. When that happens in me many years old 10. I just learned to ride a bicycle, when a brae rides downward I forgot stop a machine by cutting off the power, the tricycle of the face came to a hot kiss in front of result bicycle. The side-effect that they heat up a kiss is, I fall down insensible. Abrupt feel to have all round oneself some white, see a flock of people round an insensible person, see that insensible person seem to be familiar with very much again, is that me? So I had two me it seems that, another I am to wave actually be in in the air! Catch me to see the ground go up that I woke it seems that, what saying with pa and elder sister, but in the air I cannot be heard. Appear next everything disappeared, also evaporated even me! When awaking again, already went up in the way home, the first word that I say is, how am I here, what to produce. The elder sister is very strange look at me to say, you gave traffic accident, we already had been to a hospital, the doctor already made an inspection, say to did not get hurt, you also already said to do not have a thing oneself, so we come home. I feel very confused, because I did not know I went to a hospital really, answered a doctor personally all problems, go up in the way home next, I say I was met sleepily. I cannot understand that up to now, why be another I already no longer below the circumstance, I still walk conversation, completely normal in ordinary person eye. And very short time existed only in those another my memory in me, those who remain is a blank, I do not have whichever to write down that paragraph of memory. But I know, when that I appear in high above in the sky, my feeling is in aerial that I, I do not know the ground to go up what that I did or said what. I also know, aerial I did not fear to everything, very quiet, it is some curiosity only! Straight line I thought again later, just feeling that is likely is so called soul give a key to do sth! Me what not be afraid of death before this, after this more not be afraid of death. It is actually before this, do not believe incorporeal and so on. But after this, I can say to there are a few clever different incidents really on this world only.

入殓师殡仪馆灵异事 灵异事件


殡仪馆鬼故事 我是一名入殓师,每天面对的,都是冷冰冰的尸体。 一次,我收到了一个陌生女子的电话,她告诉我,她叫阿娇,她得了癌症,活不长了,希望在她死后,我能为她整理遗容。 我本不想接这种事情,但阿娇说...
民间怪谈:天津十大灵异事件 灵异事件


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天津金永KTV 201房间灵异事件 (转帖)

纠结了很长时间,还是决定发个帖子818这件事,我真的不想再有人经历我那天经历的事情!真的太恐怖了! 前些天看见团购KTV的券,8块钱4个小时,我就觉得太便宜了,而且以前也去过那个地方(上次去还是两年以...
周恩来总理出殡那天正直腊八节,八宝山上发生一件灵异事件…… 灵异事件


周恩来总理出殡那天,八宝山发生一件离奇怪事,至今无人解释明白。这个故事发生在1976年的腊八节,一个对中国人来说意义重大的传统节日。 正值这一天,人们沐浴在浓浓的腊八节氛围中,享受着美食和快乐,然而,...