
2021年8月20日19:22:05我所经历的灵姑事件已关闭评论 43,422 3825字阅读12分45秒

我们老家的镇政府后面,有一个妇女开了家店,在我们那里非常出名的,人称“神婆”, 她本是个平凡人,中年遇一高人授道,可通阴灵现在她就是帮人们和死去的亲人对话,我爷爷生前做了几十年的校长,我也常常和他交流神鬼的话题。


我们是半夜四点到达那里的,已经有人在那里了,我们只得排队等候。 问鬼的人络绎不绝轮到我们的时候,她问了爷爷的生辰和死的时间,然后就开始作法,喊着类型于“地府之门快打开......叫某某地方某某人氏......”的咒语。

几分钟后她回过头来,和我们讲话的时候,语气就全变了,和爷爷一模一样。因为当时我们已经亲眼目睹全面一些人和鬼交谈的情形,所有此刻都不怕了,毕竟是和爷爷在一起嘛。大家一人一言地问爷爷各种问题,爷爷一一回答,对于他的葬礼的排场、进来家里新修的一条公路(这是他生起的心愿)、他在下面跟哪些人住在一起、每天跟哪些人打麻将、他的病怎么样了,爷爷都据实回答。当然正如碟仙一样,涉及到神鬼本身的敏感问题,他也不说了。 另外我看过一个高人说的,人死后的灵魂会忘记前世的一些情感,变得冷淡多了。而我们见到的爷爷也恰是这样,他和我们讲话的时候都是冷言冷语的。

比较有趣的是,我大叔在外省打工,他老婆问爷爷,大叔在外面干活老实不老实,爷爷说他对这个儿子很生气,因为大叔带了个情妇在外面,叫大叔的老婆一定要多管教。这些消息我们听了无不很吃惊。结果那年过年,大叔回来了,他老婆把爷爷的话告诉他,并通过逼问大叔的同伴,果然发现大叔有劣迹...... 爷爷还告诉奶奶说,他以前有个早死的弟弟很想念他,一直叫他下去(地府),爷爷得胃病可能就跟他这个弟弟有关。奶奶听了顿时泪流满面,以后直到现在,逢年过节奶奶再也不给爷爷的这个弟弟敬酒上香了。 我们和爷爷讲了半个多小时,他说他要回去了,就走了。然后神婆恢复原样,一副劳累的样子。 爸爸(他可是县政府的领导,呵呵)问要多少钱,神婆说你们看着随意给吧。于是爸爸给了80元。

这几年来,我周围的亲戚、朋友几乎都去问过鬼,死去的亲人几乎都叫了个遍。而且大家也常常互相交流别人问鬼的一些趣事。比如有个老头就责备他的一个儿媳在他葬礼上哭得太假,这个儿媳虽然很不好意思但还是承认了。 还有一家人的亲戚,刚出来没讲几句话,神婆就把鬼送回去了,说太辛苦,受不了,你这个鬼一定生前受过刑祸,果然,这个鬼是枪毙而死的。

以上所述,句句真言。 也许真相并不是鬼,而可能只是一种通灵的存在,但最起码,已经证明了世界上绝对有神秘的灵异现象。

Introduce:At the back of the town government of our native place, a woman opened domestic store, very famous over us, person " sorceress " , she is a common person originally, middleaged encounter one tall person to be awarded, can connect Yin Ling she helps people and gone family member dialog namely now, my grandfather became president of a few years before one's death, I often also communicate the topic of divine spirit with him. Grandfather misfortune dies of illness at getting cancer of the stomach 99 years, after dying, there are 78 people in our home, arrive together over there that sorceress " ask ghost " (the common that this is our place says) , make sure this sorceress and we are known far from above all. We are midnight arrived at 4 o'clock over there, already somebody is over there, we are obliged to queue up to wait. When asking the person of ghost in an endless stream is turn for us, she asked the grandfather's birthday and dead time, begin course of action next, calling a type at " the door of ground government office is fast open. . . . . . Call such-and-such place so-and-so the family name. . . . . . " abracadabra. In a few minutes she has turned round to come, when speaking with us, mood changed completely, with the grandfather exactly like. Because at that time we already saw with one's own eyes is witnessed in the round the case that ghost of a few support of the people chats, all not was afraid of at the moment, it is after all be together with the grandfather. One character ground asks one person of everybody the grandfather all sorts of problems, the grandfather replies one by one, funerary to his ostentation and extravagance, come in a highway of a Li Xinxiu (this is the wish that he gives birth to) , he follows what person to live together below, follow what person to make mahjong, his disease everyday how, the grandfather occupies real answer. Of course celestial being of dish of no less than is same, involve the sensitive issue of divine spirit itself, he also did not say. Additionally I had seen a tall person say, person postmortem soul can forget a few affection of preexistence, become much cooler. And the grandfather that we see just also is such, sarcastic comments is when he and we speak. More interesting is, my uncle is outer the province works, his wife asks a grandfather, uncle works outside frank, the grandfather says he is very angry to this son, because uncle took a Moll outside, the wife that calls younger brother of one's father must much surelysubject sb to discipline. We heard these newses all without exception is very amazed. The result spends the New Year that year, uncle came back, his wife tells him the grandfather's word, pass the companion that questions uncle closely, discover uncle has evil doing as expected. . . . . . The grandfather still tells a grandma to say, he has a little brother that dies early to miss him very much before, call him to go down all the time (ground government office) , the grandfather gets stomach trouble to may follow him this little brother is concerned. The grandma listened to burst into tears immediately, later up-to-date, on holidays grandma also does not propose a toast to this little brother of the grandfather again on sweet. We and grandfather said half many hour, he says he wants to answer

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