
2021年8月20日19:23:50姐姐的产后怪事已关闭评论 32,410 4397字阅读14分39秒





Introduce:1995 when, in me eldest sister just is produced issue me inside a week of young sister's son, produced a very incomprehensible job, I will be shared with everybody in detail, how is looking to know this to return a responsibility? Have divine spirit and so on after all. In us local is told, the house cannot be built below large tree, perhaps cannot surround the tree in the house, the home of my eldest sister wrapped this at 2 o'clock namely, and room location is to be below the foot of a hill. Place still has a kind of view, it is a puerpera cannot sleep in the room alone, can outer pass the night or evening put in marital scarcely 's charge, such sentence is light attract a few nasty things come back. Actually since my elder sister marry occupy of this elder sister's husband this house, quirk again and again, not only husband and wife shoulds not, on body of my elder sister classics regular meeting produces quirk, sleep in midnight for example can be bitten by mice, and it is good year night of 30 the New Year's Eve, allegedly such thing happens is very bad to host, movement power is very poor. Itself of my elder sister also is very superstitious person, she often puts a bowl in the corner of the kitchen, some of food leaves inside, give those who feed rat namely, that mean creatures is ruthless still as a result bit host for many times. Return to the subject, the word says me below nephew birth 35 days or so, I just ate dinner that day, my father comes over hastily to say with me the person there comes my elder sister pass on a message says the evil in my elder sister! I ability is 17 years old at that time, the evil in hearing this word all over one shake, the comparison that hears of after all is much, those who take seriously solid on family member body happening still is first time. My father explains me to look after the house he should go, but I am afraid of,return be afraid of, still wanting to see an end personally is how one and the same, then I went accordingly, feel the neck is cool all the way cool, as if already body defect its condition, god of bovine ghost snake is all round! When sister home, did not take the door I feel atmosphere is very incorrect strong, very quiet! But enter a stack in the room that discovers my elder sister person, but everybody is shutting what mouth dies to death to pressing my elder sister, my elder sister also does not have activity, the child also did not cry (here should say, my nephew lies in the crural edge of my elder sister, but the thing happens to end that child to also did not cry to did not wake) . Treat everybody look is so earnest, each face stretchs tight closely, I also dare not ask, have calm view only! Abrupt, my elder sister begins to struggle energetically, relatives by marriage and elder sister's husband include my father they are not pressed soon, before I go up rapidly, capture among them a foot is pressed forcibly go up in the bed, at this moment I visit my elder sister again, very fearsome really! The eye is opened the circle is roundly, lie is worn the mouth is saying a tongue, complexion is green, the key is mouth crooked still fierce. Strange is, so much person does not press her, still from time to time played the base come out, although the elder sister is bigger than me 4 years old, but she

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