
2021年8月20日19:24:07天津死亡大厦诡异传说已关闭评论 38,027 3338字阅读11分7秒











Introduce:Fabulous one: Tianjin daily edifice, the building has a few I also do not have designed number to pass, but 11 in the building, everyday elevator is in 11 in the evening when can halt open the door (be like is 11 somebody presses same) over there the layer. Look on a security personnel after all, he sees a wife sits over, having a face only up and down all over is clean, another disappeared in an instant. He also did not know with respect to what later, slept inside elevator night, the 2nd day of person will just carry him. Successors discover 11 thing, no matter what be,arrive greatly the table is small can change the position to the cup. The controller of the building asked a lot of Great Masters to come later, beginning is in the building people the mouth built pool of a lotus, but use without what, have later again two are put in gate mouth very big very old copper lion, flat finally a big vitreous cover result was built what to still do not have to use in the doorway of the building. Someone says building just right is in mouth of 3 viatic across, and over there it is cemetery so, ability someone says to building a building so recently inside the conduit that a woman when 11 positions does not take care to irrigate affusion mud. The result does not have method to save her to use her cement is pouring over, seem to also do not have those who pass her to agree at that time, say to should give her family money only. Fabulous 2: I also know a view: This mansion be haunted, because the place is 5 syncretic, very tall, stemmed passageway, be tired because of fetch of this a lot of bad luck in the edifice, go out not to go. Allegedly, can hear cry in the evening, elevator often stops in some layer building, after going up nobody. Sign up for popular feeling in a state of anxiety because of this day, asked a Great Master to look geomantic, change appearance, old lion, pyramid. Can baby goes to this soon in person, when rising, just was being built previously is a building, do not know when to rise downstairs later two stone lion. (Listen to classmate, parent to say, it seems that Tianjin person knows this thing) , it is the voice that security personnel can hear to there is conversation inside the building in the late evening, employee door can discover the shift with odd thing into house in the morning. Still have that one beneficial result of daily bad also. The edifice asks geomantic gentleman to look, say here is geomantic very poor, have bad luck energy of life, built lion of a pair of big stone then in order to press down evil influence. When just was being put, the canal used, hear of later washed-up. Invite geomantic gentleman again then, put a sculpture next. It is good now to also do not know not, nevertheless the classmate of this thing baby knows with the friend. And there was a rotunda again below the edifice now, it is a barbecue city, call Great Harmony river before, call Salabaier now. If carry oversee on the head from the building of daily edifice, that barbecue city is a the Eight Diagrams too extremely graph

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