衣服 作者:黑古拉

2021年8月20日19:26:56衣服 作者:黑古拉已关闭评论 36,525 2060字阅读6分52秒






Introduce:That day night, I and friend drink drink 12 half, return the home in, I fell on the bed to be asleep immediately, arrive about at 3 o'clock half, I am made a noise to wake by a sound, I see the balcony, day, the clothes that has a red actually is hanged on the balcony, I hide in the quilt rapidly. The following day in the morning, I hear someone calling me, I look, it is my cummer Nuo Nuo so, nuo Nuo asks me; "You how ah, how to hide in the bed? " " not " I answer. Tonight, I stood to slept partly at 8 o'clock, I was asleep very quickly, when I awake again, I discovered to that dress appears again on the balcony, and the arm of the dress still brandishs in what keep, I am frightened so that hide again in the quilt. At this moment, I heard a few voice, it is the sound that wind plays, I am hearing voice, was asleep a little while. The 3rd day I said this thing with cummer, cummer says " myself forgot the likelihood to receive the dress, " I pull this friend to sleep to my home in the evening, just was asleep, I see that clothes again, I call cummer all the time, but cummer makes do not wake, I take a pillow, go to that dress, approached to just discover, original somebody is wearing that dress, that person has turned first, ah! My shriek awakes, cummer asks me: "How " , I say: "Without. " so that is a dream only, but it is true that I always feel. The 4th day night, I just closed a key point, see a woman stands by, did she say a word " who is you do not remember me? " " small quick? " " did not think of, that day I for you, wearing a Bai Yi to commit suicide, my hematic incarnadine Bai Yi, now, groan, I want you to accompany me, hahaha! ! " the 5th day in the morning, TV news began: Some village a man commits suicide, strange is, the man's dress also cannot be found however. (be over) (I am a novice, I write although bad, but I can try hard)

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