我的亲身经历 作者:独龙尊者

2021年8月20日19:27:16我的亲身经历 作者:独龙尊者已关闭评论 36,575 3508字阅读11分41秒




Introduce:Once had kept this job on the net, to ensure true, divide henry with everybody again. Lost out future however a light, after the university entrance exam passes, right country is contended for arms, do not have method! Go army is mixed mix! ! Very successful, was answered to contend for. After drilling 3 months, undertook diploma takes an exam, of the grandma, what diploma! It is some of physics completely the basic knowledge of one! Lucky, take an exam the 4th day, this day I am written down very clearly, company commander calls me, sent later this, say to want to allocate me to go to Beijing. Our group picked 11 people, alas, do not pull these! ! Ever had raised national flag in Tian An Men, spoken parts in an opera every chapel one, I can fight ensign go out. After retiring from army, return a place, send the political instructor that deserved to become military unit corresponding to a company to one fire department. Very clear, was 2003, august, my team is received call the police phone, saying is to have one child, had fallen into water to did not rise to surface for long. Let us help a person at once. In our heart very clear, so long, still help what person, it is to salvage a body obviously. Scoop up to disembark, just also make appearance. Arrived the spot, see a lot of person is in on the bridge, looking come in the village. River side still has a lot of person, taking a few salvage a tool, the deformed old elder sister that still two cry. Look the woman that should be the child, with the grandma. Ask clear child the place that fall into water. We are maintaining a boat to begin to salvage, water is too deep, flow rate, let us do not master a boat. Then I took 4 firefighters to dive. The place that falls into water from the child arrives all the time current direction, salvaged have more than 300 meters, do not see the child's sign. Salvage 4 hours, a bit trace is done not have, soldiers, that exhaustion! ! Want to return a bank to go up, want to eat bit of meal, see the child's dear one, also mix fast (dead) like, that still has what idea to have a meal. I stand in river side, looking casually, be in this moment, quirk happening, I had turned round, went to have a few situations. With respect to the feeling somebody pulls my vest. I looked round to look, without the person, also may be oneself tired, had turned round, was pulled again, and very clear hear uncle ·# ¥ % ¥ # . It is clear to did not listen from the back. At this moment backside is cool cool, look all round a few comrades that stand in with me, do not have a feeling however. I know the child's soul is beside me. Let me remember to the job that produce goes up in my body in Ceng Zaixue school. I had answered a god, very calm, pretend to do not have again meaning, continue to turn back, it is clear that at that time I hear the child's word. Very clear: Uncle, I am in the bridge there! ! The panic in my heart rises! My also the voice rises greatly, hear my voice, with

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