
2021年8月20日19:31:44表哥家老屋的客房已关闭评论 34,757 3342字阅读11分8秒






Introduce:The cousin lives, it is another city, the house of his home, it is former old building, have two buildings, when I am written down we are very smally, have that house, I am quite familiar also to that house, because put summer vacation to be on winter vocation in one's childhood, regular meeting goes to cousin home playing that guest room of ~ cousin home, upstair leans most inside, say namely an average room, just put some of unused goods at ordinary times, when the guest comes, just can clear clean come out, stay in what; first time hears to there is clever different event in that room to the guest, it is the associate that has played together with us, he says once, drink in cousin home, drink much, did not go back, the as it happens in that room spread a bed at that time, the cousin helps him up to go upstairs go in slept, confused in, he feels, have a hand, in gently flinch his face and head, often seem to still be in the quilt that pulls him, he begins to think is a cousin they are amusing him, can regain consciousness later a bit, just hear cousin and someone else did not go upstairs come, the hearing that still is clear about because of him is downstair their Tan Xiaosheng, in darkness, he is felt again do not wear switch, be forced to call my cousin aloud, be determined to want to go back later, bar also do not bar, he just speaks what actually the house of cousin home has held out this thing ~~ so later, had not heard of have this kind of thing, just hear of, before some year, lent home of the husband of one's maternal aunt a shirttail kin lived more than one year in the home (that family, seeming to say was to suffer an accident, the person died in the home, lifted the home to move the place that my cousin is in, because do not have a house temporarily, live in cousin home) cousin home goes in new building, after that family moves out later, can have now and then some similar above over thing happens ~ to be apart from closer now, listen to another my aunt to say, that she also is to go to that cousin home late, sleep in that room in the evening, in the middle of the night, she says to feel to resemble the individual is worn with hand clutch on the neck like, open an eye to look, frighten so that she dies partly, borrowing a window to shed incoming cold light, she sees each child very tall, bareheaded, the " person " with very long face is in clutch her neck, she cries to also cry not to come out, also look to not be clear about that clutch the face of the person of her neck, can careless chaos catchs chaos to kick, it is good to passed a long time, just flounce off, crying to open the lamp, in the room mix besides the wind that blows from outside the window outside the curtain of the flap that follow wind, did not discover that clutch the " bareheaded " of her neck. . . I went last year in cousin home, still slept of that room, tell the truth, some insecurity still are in the heart, do not come afterwards, I did not feel what to have unusual, besides falling asleep very hard. . (Also may be some are nervous in the heart. . Missing that " shaven head at any time "

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