
2021年8月20日19:32:35真的活见鬼已关闭评论 39,518 3659字阅读12分11秒


那是春天的采茶季节。一天下午,我身体不舒服独自躺在堂屋的大板凳上,似睡非睡。大哥临出门时问我:“我有事出去啦。你一个人在家怕不怕?要怕就跟我一道;不怕就在家里休息。 村里就你一个人在家呢。”我懒懒的说:“我在家,我不怕。”因为外面阳光灿烂。我老家住在大别山腹地,除门口是竹林和竹林外是水塘外,其他三面都是山。村子里就四户人家,眼前都出去摘茶了。大哥比我大9岁,见我还小,出门时自然要关心我的。

不知过了多久,我在大板凳上醒来我突然感觉周围冷清清的,有一种从来没体会过的恐惧感。那时我虽小,只有十岁,可我并不傻,直觉告诉我赶快出去,到太阳地里去。老年人常说太阳是菩萨,它能保佑人的。我出门后来到离家十几米远的稻场边的台阶上坐下,身体不舒服浑身没劲,别的地方也不想去。坐了一会,忽然眼前金花闪烁,象通常人们都体会过的眼冒金星一样。我很好奇。渐渐地,眼前的金花不断扩大,演变成五颜六色的彩带,那些缠绕的彩带在我周围上下左右不停的飘动!这时,我的头皮发麻,浑身作冷,一种巨大的恐怖袭上我的心头!也许是人的本能吧,面对异常危险,我毫不思索地起身就跑,那速度绝对是百米冲刺!我跑到30米开外的邻居家那边,心想已摆脱了危险,于是放慢速度回过头去向后看看。妈呀!不看不要紧,一看吓掉魂:一个十六、七岁身穿一身黑衣、锑着板刷头的男子正躬着腰追我,离我不到两仗丈远!“啊!啊!”我一边惨叫 ,一边没命的向前面山岗上飞跑。跑到上岗上时,我忽然想起我妈妈在下面村里炒茶,我就飞身往下面地里跳,三下两下,跳过四五块梯地我就跳到离家较远的小大道上去了。幸好这时在对面的百米开外的地方有个打猪菜的大娘高声大喊“那个娃儿你怎么啦!怎么啦!” 我听到有人叫喊,后面再也没那个黑衣人的追赶,胆子稍大了些,但仍然惊魂未定地一路飞奔去找妈妈。等找到妈妈后,我一屁股摊坐到地上,半天说不出话来。妈妈搂着我儿呀宝呀的拍了又拍。

我所经历的这个故事当时在小山村引起了好一阵骚动。那时,人们都说我大白天遇到鬼了。我母亲还为我叫了七个晚上的魂。如今,我是四十多岁的汉子了,也是一个不怕鬼的无神论者 ,但始终无法解释小时候的那次恐怖经历。

Introduce:This is an absolutely and real story. The hero of the story is myself. Although this thing already was passed,go 30 years, but I think up to now creepy still. That is the season of spring that collect tea. A day afternoon, my body is uncomfortable on the big bench that lies in central room alone, be like sleep blame sleep. Eldest brother faces I ask when going out: "I am occupied go out. Is your person afraid of in the home be afraid of? Should be afraid of follow me together; Do not be afraid of rest in the home. With respect to you a person is in the home in the village. " I am lazy say lazily: "I am in the home, I am not afraid of. " because outside sunshine is bright. My native place lives in the big hinterland that fasten hill, dividing a doorway is pond is outside Zhu Lin and Zhu Lin outside, other 3 are hill. In the village with respect to 4 other peoples, go out to pick tea at the moment. Eldest brother is bigger than me 9 years old, see I am small still, the nature when going out should care me. Had not known how long, I awake on big bench I am abrupt cold and cheerless is clear all round the feeling, a kind of fear that had never realized feels. In those days although I am small, have 10 years old only, but I am not foolish, intuition tells me to go out at once, go in sun ground. Old people often says the sun is Bodhisattva, it can bless a person. I go out to arrive later leave home sit down on the step by the side of ten meters of far paddy field, the body is uncomfortable do not have interest all over, other place also does not want to go. Sat a little while, suddenly at the moment golden flower twinkles, like the see stars that normally people has experienced. I am very curious. Gradually, the golden flower before expands ceaselessly, evolve into the colored ribbon of multicoloured, the colored ribbon that those twining is all round me the flap with fluctuation ceaseless left and right sides! At this moment, my scalp pins and needles, make all over cold, a kind of tremendous horror is raided on my mind! The instinct that perhaps is a person, face unusual risk, I ponder the ground to rise to run none, that speed is 100 meters of sprint absolutely! The neighbour home that I run to 30 meters of above there, the heart wanted to already cast off danger, then rein in speed has turned round to look backward. Mom! Do not look never mind, look frighten the lofty spirit of a nation: 16, 7 years old wear the man of a suit black clothes, antimonial scrubbing brush head bend forward move the waist chases after me, be less than from me two battle a unit of length is far! "Ah! Ah! " I scream at the same time, spank on the forward face hillock of die at the same time. When running to mount guard, I remember my mother suddenly below the village fries tea, I am gone to with respect to flying body jump in next surface land, , jump over 45 ladder ground I jump to leave home further small highway went up. The wife of father's elder brother that there is a food that hit a pig in the place of 100 meters of above on at this moment fortunately cries greatly loudly " that child you how! How! " I hear somebody to cry, person of that black clothes also does not have again from the back chase, courage is some more largish, but still ground of not yet recover from a fright gallops all the way go seeking mother. Etc

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