
2021年8月20日19:32:57这是谁签的字已关闭评论 34,837 3523字阅读11分44秒







Introduce:I am a veteran, myself experiences this story that I tell below personally, the letter is not believed by you. In a village that my army visits Shijiazhuang city to deciding a county in Heibei, the former address that listens to the person over there to say our unit is a big cemetery, local villager arrived to be able to hear the the dead's voice at night always, because in those days the Japanese army has slaughtered here Chinese, after killing, bury their body here, time grew, round ministry is scared to do not let around villager again, build two camp of our army in this, the bad luck fetch that stays in those dead dying in order to press down. This place is more devious, the village is not old, the villager also is not much, calculate completely do not go up to pass 200 people. Our army is built be here to had had several years, specific not was clear about what when build. The story began …… to be become the 2nd year in me now veteran when, stand sentry a day night, I am stood by the clique gun library hillock, the position of gun library is at the back of army, have enclosing wall on four sides, gun warehouse is very old, but only one does not calculate big door, there is a dimmer droplight on the door, the area of illuminate is not large also. At that time is in the winter, very cold, what I stand is 0: 00- - 2: The hillock of 00, prepared a cup of wine ahead of schedule so, to stand sentry when cold when the keep out that drink a dot is cold. The time that stands sentry to me, cold wintry night is adding dim lamplight to let me feel fear, but do not have method, as the soldier, should be not frightened by these, then I drank dot wine, want to make oneself bit warmer, after but drink,be over, I feel giddy however, by a cup of wine is unapt still for common capacity for liquor make me giddy, but now however …… is in at this moment blast has been blown, I see not far give a form to go to me, but resembling again is wave (a bit dizzy still) , I am illuminated to with hand report " him " , ask " he " countersign, "He " also came on the answer, at this moment I see unintelligibly " he " wear officer outfit, seeming is a platoon leader, but had not seen him in this battalion courtyard, "He " closer and closer from me, but it is not clear to still look " he " appearance, "He " come leafing through in front of me stand sentry to also do not talk originally, I think at that time is the cadre checking mound that round department group comes, also did not care about, when " he " on guard this getting on after signing, left, whats did not say so left, because drink,I also dare not talk, look at " he " went not far when disappeared suddenly, I think I am drunk much still be in swimmy condition, also do not have an attention. Arrive eventually relieve guard time when …… trains the following day,

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