
2021年8月20日19:34:25神秘故事已关闭评论 44,631 4166字阅读13分53秒

















Introduce:Be brought up in the hill of Yunnan in one's childhood, there is the Shi Qiao of an of primitive simplicity in the village, but its birthday follows the body of generation acting villager early to disappear in this earth interior. The grandfather says, either end of a bridge ever had a little room, it is brick wall on four sides, without window door. The house of the villager can be far from that house to build as far as possible, resembling is to be being avoided also resembling is to respect. Abrupt one day, heavy rain fell 3 days, somebody discovers the house collapsed one side wall. Night can hear the frail and hurried breath voice in river water, more magical is, this sound can let person heartbeat accelerate. Beard hangs down pectoral old person is greatly upset, tell a youth to want to foster cordial relations between states the house as soon as possible. Arrived in the evening, people discovers that a respectful form of address for an old person in etc cool one all night, gate lock, there is sound inside. A few youths discovered the body of the old person in either end of a bridge, there still is knife of build by laying bricks or stones in the hand when he is dead, and the one side wall of that cave in already was close to foster cordial relations between countries. The villager people eristic in succession, what is indissolubling the old person doing that can let this have little physical strength had manual work. A few youths run to the one dug other house of either end of a bridge unexpectedly, pair of silent villagers when but become them,coming back people shake shake one's head, resembling is medium unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease. Female people feared to rise, exhort oneself child must not go to either end of a bridge amuse oneself. The house of the either end of a bridge after passing overnight did not know to be fostered cordial relations between states by who, and brick wall still was hit cement. Those a few youths that had seen a room begin to become silent, taking dependant to leave this village in succession. After a lot of years, people forgot gradually once that old person. The construction team in the city came, they say to weigh Xiu Shiqiao. Then, their finish that house. These year, in the village a lot of more widow, often can hear the cry of the woman that sobs by the side of the river. Dim in, the man in the village calls faint fear, they do not know whether Azrael also wants to take away his. Then, male people works in succession. Woman and child were left almost in the village. Abrupt one day, the village came a big and tall and hale young man. He is not talktive, people thinks he is a dummy. But the girls in the village turn round him everyday however, want to do his wife. The sand that the man likes to be with finger at the door the home draws a few erratic pattern on the ground, young girl asks what he is, he says is a body. The girl thinks he is joking, use a base littery his picture. But that man is abrupt,growl rises, to girl random growl, facial features twist, there is hematic silk in the eye. The person in the village feels to he is neuropathic, hiding he goes, because fear,also stand by even young girls him no longer even. After 10 years, the man is drawn before the door full grotesque design, some resembling

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