
2021年8月20日19:38:11山中客已关闭评论 58,287 3884字阅读12分56秒











Introduce:I live in rural native place 5 years old ago, it is over there by hill layer upon layer around Qing child, bag of all sorts of big hill, hill, hill cans be found everywhere where, in village mouth that has package of a hill, the name is loose Bao Bao, pine is above that, but opposite at other hill, the tree above it is had pity on less really again, but there are a lot of gallinaceous fir holes above it, long gallinaceous fir compares other hill to go up want much, reason arrives 78 month, we these children run toward above with respect to love, then, we encountered her over, also be it. Weather is a little cloudy now, do not have raining trend however, to us these are for the feel nervous mud monkey of an idle, this weather our nature is not waited for in the home, making an appointment with of in twos and threes then ran in past hill. Duration is medium in July the last ten-day of a month, be the good time that gallinaceous fir grows, a flock of children wrap advancement toward the hill of village mouth. Since be hill, the nature on that hill can have grave, 7 graveyard tablet become party arrange gloomy and cold Bai Guang is being sent on hilltop, dot nature does not know spirit why content, what bravery can include a day is mad on hill play rise. Have have sharp eyes of a boy, see there was a gallinaceous fir to tell us on a grave, one says that is the ghost chicken fir that grows to go up in grave, eat to be not gotten, ate fetch to be able to be ticked off by ghost. Then a few boys climb to go up to step on that chicken fir graveyard rare cling to sodden, hind of as much as one likes played to rise. Left and right sides of the period of the day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. , everybody also plays tired, identify true mushroom, did not know when to appear however an old person, that old person is bending a waist to going in us, hanging on the face that is furrow completely laugh at the word that said a without rhyme or reason, "Gallinaceous fir is little today. " a flock of children are indescribable look at her, she took a group in us, next face about is carried on the back to hill, "Should come to grandma home play? The son son's wife of the grandma drops a grandma went in the city, there am me only in the home one person, of orphaned and helpless, come to grandma home sit sit. " the species that dot is kind of sensibility, hear an old person so say, love is flush carry on the back toward hill together with the old person, everybody did not remember in those days, the root is pressed to live with respect to nobody over there this hill back. The home of the old person still calculates clean, house all around still growing taro of a big banana, the old person burned fire, a few children went digging taro to come in the ground, wash clean in be being buried in igneous ash, burn, etc ripe draw out eat, there is tree of several trees one's pupils or disciples before the room, 29 schoolboys climb above dropping, the body keeps shaking on the tree will shake, the old person sits in igneous Bian Xiao to look at. Colour of sky is very fast dim come down, the village promoted igneous smoke in each chimney, adult has made our name in the village, we are forced to be not abandoned leave the old person went back. When wanting to sleep in the evening, the mother is helped I and

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