
2021年8月20日19:39:05奇异的闹鬼事件已关闭评论 43,484 3872字阅读12分54秒










Introduce:Since moved England to take an examination of Wen Chuijun in September 2010 after Huoerbuluke presses down the building around, liza · horse coulds there be and family of Ji Du of Ai Li of Er of her Bao Wei of conjugal Anthony · , daughter, son suffers be haunted incident annoy, constantly be in a state of anxiety. For this, they have 6 times frighten so that be forced to leave the home to go to other place living. Liza says: "The first day when move, I always feel someone is looking me, it is when me especially when the kitchen, but occurrence what don't have from beginning to end, is beating bodeful? Or be illusive just? Lived about after two weeks, bulb begins to shine, from time to time is bright, from time to time is dark. Family person is in downstair when the footstep that can hear next buildings, still can appear to close strangely sound. " Liza and Anthony are blown to wake by an air cooling a of October portion night, lock up good door so, it is character 8 is big, they still hear the heavy footstep that from Ai Li the room transmits, they look, ai Li still sleeps soundly on the bed. Next sound is transferred again to the kitchen, liza says: "Boiler often oneself are bungled to the floor, tableware drawer also overset is on the ground. The porcelain dish that we fill dish also ground of one after another drops the ground. We are enduring a few weeks, look for origin of a few manage to comfort his, for instance wind, or our home dog works ' good ' thing. " later, ai Li hears voice again inside her room. One day, liza says to should hang picture of be in distress of a Jesus to Anthony. Abrupt, ashtray of a glass flies into the sitting room from the kitchen, then boiler also flew. "Escape when us when the doorway, cup of a beer floats from table in explode in the air broken. Ai Li and I feel to force action is postponed on the shoulder, hear again next go upstairs heavily footstep. " family person is frightened so that dare not come home, liza is forced to getting a family to lodge. The family heartens later in returning the home, but be haunted incident is even more serious. Ai Li by " the bleacher bottle that flies is hit; The photograph casing on the wall smashs the head of Anthony; The dog of a few bullfight in the home falls from stair; Two shank of Luo Ji are folded, funikesi is hurt againer, cannot stand. Once, the curtain of the bedroom that Ai Li upstairs sees on the lawn before Liza stands in the garden or go up or fall, and lamplight also when dark when bright, next she sees there is a gigantic figure at the back of the window, have two meters tall about, resemble be like an animal. " Anthony says, score is completely before the bosom discovering after once his shut-eye wakes up, the arm still stays have huge gules an impression of the hand, seem to be in nightly the chaos that be held in arms by who hits. Have a lot of hearts " expert " the residence that ground of in quick succession will come to see them. Liza says: "Abba gives us the home everywhere gush

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