
2021年8月20日19:39:48僵尸复活已关闭评论 42,155 3486字阅读11分37秒











Introduce:I am in last year QQ diary " alas! " in record and narrate uncle dies, and he is renascent however today! Such true. The crowd that I see he follows go to market to come home aloof is turning over a body to go, wearing black robe, taking even garment spy an exaggerated epithet used to categorize a person, be like the dress of nun. I do not believe this is true, I ever had seen a story in the home that express elder sister, also be the story with a true renascent corpse, there still is human relationship quite when the corpse in the story is renascent, send greatly with respect to demon sex later, achillean, finally destroy with baked wheaten cake. In the story I learned to coped with the technology of corpse, jumping to control sidle for instance, corpse cannot control you. And uncle is renascent with that story be exactly the same. Hear what go up in the body to the head of uncle is a tower, be like tower of a building blocks to be on another building blocks. Can carry a head to walk really. Uncle home is very much guest, like seeming to make wine, we have a meal in his home, I sit on the wooden stool of table edge, I dare not visit uncle, I am afraid that his appearance is very horrible. Hear of uncle bout home, aunty and hall elder brother accepted him. The hall elder brother that I asked to sit by me " you are willing to accept him " , hall elder brother is smiling to nod, I think he wants to say that is his father certainly, can not accept how. I want to tell him, tell everybody, the devil can become after corpse, of refuse to have anything to do with all kins and friends. But I did not speak a mouth. I am a little girl of more than 10 years old only, I am very much moment has a lot of idea, a lot of words, always be expression does not come out however. I am very pained. We ate a meal a few days in uncle home. Uncle sent everybody the gift, brother elder sister was received. Can do not have me, I feel happy uncle forgot me, had said in that story, who has accepted the gift of corpse or benefaction, corpse is sent in the future power when can be controlled by it. Can be meal of a few days, can …… ? I am abrupt fear rises. Nevertheless I still have an unexpected tricky move, I can jump sidle road, can be controlled, the ideology that still has oneself. I think uncle can change a lot of money come out, can let home of hall elder brother become gorgeous, penates full fill. Qian Ke is the thing that everybody likes. We eat a meal, still sit on wooden stool, uncle very diligent ground is sweeping the floor do sanitation. Can be him is facial very young, 30 come year old. Listen to a person to say he exchanged a head, the likelihood is afraid of frightening everybody. He can be to kill a youth, install the head on his head, I am suspecting. If be the head that how goes up certain body is very old, I watch his hand, but his hand is not old also, just compare head macula just. Can be a cheater. I ever had seen

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