
2021年8月20日19:43:59奶奶的报应已关闭评论 35,865 4607字阅读15分21秒















Introduce:Wind blew a leaf, blow woke the earth, blow the psychology that does not enter a grandfather however. The grandfather feels less than having a tiny bit of the awaken of spring. Although he began one year as usual spring ploughing, but in the heart however very indolence is fast, edge nag works by the side of, voice is very big, the grandma does not listen what is the grandfather saying. His talkative sound passes grandma for fear that to Zun Lin right abandon, face is impassable, the grandma from time to time that takes in the house so often look toward the window, nag of grandfather of for fear that is ham. Alarmed left adjacent right company. Tell the truth, grandma and grandfather marriage are joyless, that is the result that parents monopolizes. But they passed a few years together however. What the waist of the grandma aches is fierce, not dare straight waist, the grandfather did not have grandma rearward follow, some are incommensurate. Chanced a gentleman of fortune-telling comes on the ave, the edge takes margin call: "See hand look, knowable past and future, treat a disease dispel evil, protect restful. " the grandfather did not want to get the gentleman of fortune-telling into house more, the grandma sees a grandfather take stranger into house, all over the face dissatisfaction just should talk, fortune-telling gentleman immediately one-up say: "Aunt body is bad, what the waist aches is fierce. " what the grandma sees this gentleman says is very right, also do not have have the nerve to drive a door out of this gentleman, the grandfather also begins to rise enthusiasticly, busy end water pours tea, fine hear gentleman place talk: Last year the autumn, weather gradually cold, early in the morning of a big snake is on the highway slowly climbing, everywhere look around, want to look for an other people to live, but become when he climbs mouth of grandfather home gate, as it happens is being carried the grandfather that shovel should go out sees, the grandfather cries greatly: "Snake! Whacker a snake! I did not see a snake a lot of years. " saying a grandfather to turn a few rounds round this snake, the grandma sees the grandfather's excitement is strong, back down at the same time peek at the same time the trends of grandfather and snake, right now grandma lost the lead former days, the grandfather sees big snake want to run, hastily the shovel since brandish, the shovel was in the waist of big snake, immediately, a big snake became two parts, go up to climbing hurriedly, rolling, be like each other look about another part, it is OK to think it seems that reset is together. The grandma says hastily: "Fast, fast take away. " send in the large hole that then the grandfather sends past the eastern side the snake, going up on the way, as a result of the snake roll the in part that causes the body shifted to an earlier date to be in roadside, the grandfather throws the another share that be the first in one chasm. When fortune-telling gentleman respecting here moment, the grandma is low the head feels embarrassed say: "You are not those who will see a doctor, how to speak of this fearsome story. " the gentleman sighed tone say: "Because you are attendant at that time,be, did not persuade your husband in time to kill unripe, that is originally " snake sending blessing. " very infrequent, average person does not see it, he is to go you

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