
2021年8月20日19:44:58赤子之心已关闭评论 38,335 2390字阅读7分58秒





Introduce:What person doesn't have the heart of a newborn baby? Anybody has the heart of a newborn baby. What is the heart of a newborn baby? That has deep love for the heart of dot namely. Xiaowu is the manager of a company, he has a clever and sensible daughter. The daughter was about to marry this year, xiaowu should be very happy, but he is happy however do not rise. Because of Xiaowu early parted company with the wife, but he still loves a wife very much. Then, he thought of a plan. . . . . . Xiaowu's daughter passes a telephone call with male friend in the morning, male friend says to want to take her to have a meal. Then, she dresses up the building below good preparation goes. This is flashy she feels on the sly of rearward of a pair of eyes sees her, she is frightened gave a suit cold sweat. Intuition tells her male friendly meeting produces accident. This day, male friend is at the door restaurant waited for ages not to see cummer sign, want to look for her. Do not go searching to also applaud, this psyched out him really. Male friend sees suddenly very the person that resembles cummer has gone by the side of Chao Qiao, this is psychedelic it seems that, but he cannot have been considered so much, he loves his cummer too, more never mention it oneself should become bridegroom officer immediately, can this let a man be indifferent? Then male friend chased after the past, did not think of that female ghost has turned round to come, all over the face full mouth is blood, keep on saying says to want to look for him to revenge. Male friend between doubt, a middleaged man walked over, to his say: "Almsgiver, the somebody on this world with respect to there is sth fishy, because Shishan gets fruit of be apt to, apply evil because get disastrous effect, if you have the word of the heart of a newborn baby, be one field catastrophe then begin, you have how to love your cummer, killed her how many, remember so, do not let her get hurt. " male friend asks: "What how you know is so much, who are you after all? " " who am I? I am your prospective farther-in-law, with a ha breath out " this has small Wu Shui after all to the youth such? I also do not know, I know young couple married finally only, the life is very happy.

入殓师殡仪馆灵异事 灵异事件


殡仪馆鬼故事 我是一名入殓师,每天面对的,都是冷冰冰的尸体。 一次,我收到了一个陌生女子的电话,她告诉我,她叫阿娇,她得了癌症,活不长了,希望在她死后,我能为她整理遗容。 我本不想接这种事情,但阿娇说...
民间怪谈:天津十大灵异事件 灵异事件


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天津金永KTV 201房间灵异事件 (转帖)

纠结了很长时间,还是决定发个帖子818这件事,我真的不想再有人经历我那天经历的事情!真的太恐怖了! 前些天看见团购KTV的券,8块钱4个小时,我就觉得太便宜了,而且以前也去过那个地方(上次去还是两年以...
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周恩来总理出殡那天,八宝山发生一件离奇怪事,至今无人解释明白。这个故事发生在1976年的腊八节,一个对中国人来说意义重大的传统节日。 正值这一天,人们沐浴在浓浓的腊八节氛围中,享受着美食和快乐,然而,...