
2021年8月20日19:45:52诡事已关闭评论 34,648 3814字阅读12分42秒












Introduce:Buffalo is the playmate when father men of two or more generations, the grandfather's childhood is spent in a southern little village, and buffalo is one of best playmate when father men of two or more generations, accordingly he has what secret to be able to tell a grandfather, also include among them so incident of a clever different. The grandfather of buffalo dies early, parents is long-term and outer job, come back rarely at ordinary times, so he lives together with the grandma at ordinary times. In their home not rich, live in a very old building all the time, the house is bigger, 2 buildings are put full firewood, first floor has a lot of bedrooms, if a person is slow-witted,be here usually, feeling of this kind of hollowness also can make a person scared. Be an autumn then in the evening, weather is not very good, buffalo is waited for TV watchs in sitting room and grandma, look at look at buffalo extensive to rise to come mistily, be in he is recumbent and recumbent when be about to be asleep, the village is abrupt power cut. The grandma searched a long time to also did not find the candle to say to Shui Sheng: "Buffalo! The grandma goes buying a candle, you wait in the home meet! " buffalo nods say: "You go! Come back earlier. " the grandma promised to give the door hurriedly. When the grandma walked along buffalo to fear to rise suddenly, he looks all around a few long nobody live and be regarded as sundry the room of the room, over there black faint, meet it seems that abrupt change gives what thing like. Buffalo produced a scared move suddenly, he is busy closed an eye, sit over to also dare be not moved easily. Passed a little while, he hears a grandma to call him, buffalo is opened open one's eyes, discover the grandma is lifting root candle to looking at him smilingly. He is very strange, the buffet of the village leaves home in further, grandma how to come back so quickly? It is dot after all nevertheless, buffalo just thinks, did not go to again deep in want. He complains: "Grandma, this is black the ground but fearsome move! " the grandma is smiling to say: "Good grandchildren! Do not fear, grandma is this to come back? You look! Http:/// grandma still bought bottle of fruit milk that you love to drink most to you. " buffalo made reputation surprizingly, take everything into one's own hands crossed that bottle of fruit milk. It is him only the riant peace that discovers a grandma suddenly is nodded from time to tome different, have say of some of fearsome …… grandma it seems that: "Buffalo, you are tasted at once, value bad to drink? " Shui Sheng answered, to turn on beverage bottle. Bottle is incompact, it seems that the grandma has helped his to turn on, buffalo is thinking, the mouth had affixed the opening of carefe, flavour of a stinging was passed, buffalo of this kind of flavour is very familiar, the pesticide with commonly used classics of common village person is this flavour. Buffalo puts down bottle say: "Grandma, the face is not fruit milk here, it is pesticide! " at this moment the complexion of the grandma becomes suddenly ferocious rises

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