
2021年8月20日19:46:03怀孕期间的怪事已关闭评论 34,394 3939字阅读13分7秒











Introduce:Be pregnant now have 3 many months, we this house is bought is semifinished product, never live outstanding, already decorated oneself, live to had in the past more than one year, be close to two years. Before this I never discover any problem, I also am not a superstitious person. To the thing of respect of ghosts and gods, do not believe all the time for sensible respect, for affection respect, believe a bit again. (but either very letter. ) because the age became old, the say true still hold outing of some fortune-telling is right, the business of experience is much also, to these things, more or less to hold out awe-stricken. Enter subject. My grandma is by May when died, I just come in those days menstruation, I already was pregnant oneself in the discovery end June. June when I am making various dreams all the time. Before two days when be pregnant in discovery, I dream to me grandma, she says to want to send a son to give me, I know she died very soberly at that time. Cross me two days to was pregnant with respect to fish next. Be in whole June, I arrive in the dream everyday almost my grandma. Setting is different, not quite remembered. After be pregnant in discovery, I still am meeting dream accidentally the grandma to me, but less. Meet sometimes the dream arrives the big snake with become known aureate perhaps snake. Arrive all the time at the beginning of August, it is namely at the beginning of this month when, I begin to make various bloodcurdling dreams. Matter with ghosts and gods. And because one dc blood goes to a hospital,the examination came out to have a quite big palace neck polyp August. Strange thing 1: It is I become nightmare in the middle of the night once, frighten woke. Next when I awake, I am right in the heart already said oneself, not afraid, have the word of what thing, grandfather, grandma can bless me. Those who frighten me dead is, I think so at that time, abrupt between the voice that has two people is not big, in me side side says, we are here, protect you here! Still repeated twice, how does this voice say, unlike Yours Excellency, also not quite resemble a child, very vacant. I am frightened dead at that time, thinking is a dream, smoked immediately from already spank, useful at that time force, the face is very painful. The husband grunt on the side is hit very noisily. I dare not tell him, be afraid that he says I am neuropathic. Strange thing 2: One day I take a nap, woke up at that time, I open an eye, the result frightened me to jump greatly, the decoration that discovers my home differred, be like the furniture that is a sitting room to was placed in the room to come. Next I want to do clear how one and the same, but strange is, my person is not moved at all, only the eye can be moved. I still am heard several people are quarrelling in edge of my the head of a bed what. But husband goes to work, there is my person only in the home. Grandpa, mother-in-law returns country with my son. Next I

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