
2021年8月20日19:49:01卡拉OK店灵异事件已关闭评论 53,747 3801字阅读12分40秒


在靠近咸美顿街附近有一家K房叫盛多欢乐,这家店还算好的就是没有色情服务,就是算正规的生意。因为老板以前是我的辖区的,所以好多事情都是他跟我讲的,不存在案件问题,请大家不要误解。那天,来了8个年轻人唱 K,服务生就替他们开了房间,送上饮料和小吃,于是一帮年轻人就在房间欢唱玩耍。其中一个女生中途出来上厕所,回去的时候问服务生,为什么你们不安排那个最大的房间给我们,我们这么多人,这个房间好拥挤啊。服务生很疑惑地说,你这间K房是我们店里最大的啊。女生说我上完厕所回来看见走廊尽头有间207房间很大啊,好多人在唱歌,但是都好奇怪,有的穿着很老式的衣服,都好像粤语长片里的七十年代的大叔大婶啊。服务生心中一惊,语言含糊地说你一定是看错了,你们的房间就是最大的,放心吧,那边没有更大的房间了。于是年轻女孩就回去和朋友继续唱歌了。



Introduce:This its happening is in Chang orchid street, a Chang orchid street is flourishing horn flourishing and street, in oily hemp ground street of old division temple and nest play Taoist priest with north, mi Duidao with on the west to the south of Shanghai street, it is the place of a good and evil people mixed up of all sorts of people, this street also is the red-light district that did not permit through Hong Kong government, nevertheless any can play can find inside the street. Standing by Xian Meidu there is Fang Jiaocheng of a K near the street much joy, this inn returns those who had calculated to do not have pornography to serve namely, calculate normal business namely. Because be of my area under administration before the boss, so he says a lot of thing with me, nonexistent case problem, ask everybody to be not misunderstood. That day, came 8 youths sing K, the service was born with to open a room for them, serve beverage and fastfood, then a gang youth is in a room carol amuse oneself. Among them midway of a schoolgirl comes out to go up toilet, when going back, ask the service is unripe, why you do not arrange that the biggest room to give us, our so much person, this room is very crowded. The service gives birth to very interrogative ground to say, you this K room is the biggest in our inn. The schoolgirl says I finish a toilet to come back to see there are a 207 rooms at corridor very big ah, a lot of person is singing, but very strange, some is wearing very vintage dress, be like the seventies uncle aunt in full-length film of language of another name for Guangdong Province. The service gives birth to the one Jing in the heart, the language says you are to misread certainly vaguely, your room is the biggest, be at ease, there is bigger room there. Then young girl goes back to continued to sing with the friend. The service is unripe know what thing happens, because do not have 207 rooms at all, reach 206 rooms only at most, and also won't have the uncle aunt that wears vintage dress singing, had not recieved downstage. The event that there has been similar spirit other in inn previously happens, employee classics regular meeting " bump into ghost " , in ferial in can see many suddenly sometimes a room, a lot of person suspects he is dazed, but there are a lot of guests however inside the room. Still occasionally, these are registered without advanced stage or had driven the visitor of the room, they can sing in the room in a certain sky do happy, the curiosity that can wear sometimes is strange, somebody wears long A Chinese-style unlined garment, somebody wears vintage business suit, and the singing that passes is 6, the great musical composition seventies. Will tell to employee, dare go in far from inquiry, sing had been sung, sing go with respect to OK, do not have originally because of their trendy K Fang Ligen 6, the song seventies, and who can wear long gown mandarin jacket to sing card pull OK. After waiting for this to help a youth be sung, preparation went, when settle accounts, 9 people laid on Zhang sheet collect fees project, because will receive fund by the number, and the youth is mixed

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