
2021年8月20日19:51:01父亲遇鬼已关闭评论 35,465 3848字阅读12分49秒











Introduce:Father has encountered ghost that seventeen years old years. Father receives the job of ghost, listen every times, I hind straight Mao Liang enrages back, say what also not dare oneself go latrine, have to sleeps one case with my Mom. Drink 192 boiler head ability is in father our sibling says this thing below a few suppliance. My grandma is weak and sick all the time, father goes 14 years old along with my uncle inside unconscious construction company learned a carpenter, the father of deft heart actor gives person 16 years old with respect to finish serving one's time. The 2nd year, father comes home visit one's family. My grandma enters water rice several days 10 not quite. Adage says is to call confinement disease, what actually the grandma gets is uterine cancer. Grandma very be fond of father, be afraid of again delayed the job, outside urging father to answer, cheat. Father 1000 not willing, 10 thousand not willing, but mother life is violated hard, be forced to clear away travelling bag hasty start off. That days, be illogical at all passenger car, also do not have blacktop, more than 100 lis of roads, father is gotten pedestrian go to railway station of dark blue city taking an only train. The train is before dawn 5 o'clock, father predicts to return can rich a many hour. That evening, be 13 or 14, father said to forget, return bright land of the first month of the lunar year hold out light. It is good to taking the advantage of moon hurry on with one's journey, winter the roadside Cha March child be illuminated by moon, sparkle, resemble crystal. Father shoulder carries the satchel of a grass green on the back, the head wears hat of a deerskin, it is the grandma gives ten when boil ripe eggs in satchel. (Phantom: HTtp:/// is reprinted ask reservation! ) father had walked along Huang Hua, had gone to how, had visited charger station, had walked along Li Tianmu, father says reckon arrived to be like garden, moon on the west inclined, father is a little tired, beginning a road to take a nap, rise mistily. I think, that scene affirmation is very good-looking, below moon, the boy with a tall figure is left shake, right shake, smooth askew ground walks. Suddenly, father feels somebody bumped into him. Father stanch footstep, stop wait-and-see, woman of a white garment and he brushs a shoulder and pass, extensive region of the pearls and jade of full head, hairpin, below moon glisten, the footstep is lightsome, body appearance graceful. Father has read a few years of private school, he knows give and accept of male and female is not close. Of night of most of a woman work does ground of for no reason at all bump into me? Father can'ts help turning a body, go to woman forereach, he should ask her namely, bump into oneself for what. Father is chased after at the back, the woman goes in front, old far the footstep of the rustle that hears each other. White Yi Yinzan of the woman is very clear in the dim light of night, father is worn with respect to abide that form is chased after continuously. But always not far not close ground is separated so a paragraph of distance. Father goes to feel puzzled more more, the heart thinks, if not is that woman a person? However ghost? Father thinks, say ghost is afraid of fire, father begins to fumble the big front door in satchel, father early go to school can smoke. Father

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