
2021年8月20日19:51:22除夕的家堂已关闭评论 36,654 3787字阅读12分37秒












Introduce:The friend's grandma dies old, do not cross ashes of the dead to be being put in the hall of ashes of the dead of crematory all the time. His father falls ill all the year round, every moon expenses for medicine has 3, 1000 yuan 4. It is the first undergraduate that builds professional finish school originally, but be mixed finally however lost the job, destitute unceasingly, serious defect pesters a body. Allegedly their home asks a hall every year not to ask his grandfather, ask a grandma only. The father that the reason is him hates his grandfather all the time. After all all the time not successful. Accidental opportunity my visit a grave to cherish the memory of the dead coming home, say the thing of visit a grave to cherish the memory of the dead. The grandma that he tells me to say him still is without be buried how, I said with respect to read smoothly that appearance is bad. Then their home looked for a ground to bury his grandma with respect to the plan, that day is the room of crematory ashes of the dead that the mother that I and friend still have him takes, just went in, I all the time silent is reading aloud " south Bodhisattva of king of the Tibet that do not have the ground " allegedly Tibetan Bodhisattva wants to spend all living creatures in hell, not empty oath does not become hell Buddha! I look forth, the foot of the friend's mom walks to to do not have the sewer mouth of the lid to go up, I cried! Aunt, below careful foot! She just realizes below it is sewer mouth, we went in. Inside gloomy and cold and quiet some are disturbed in the heart that lets me, specific how does uneasiness also say not to come out, the small grid of a platoon, be this place that a lot of the people rest? They once were real people, there has been love to had had feeling on this world, had had feeling, in the caddy that having …… of dispute of success or failure is this square only now, still have above the photograph with yellow hair, sigh with emotion more quite in my heart. Found the urn of his grandma, because use adhesive plaster, without scissors, I get off the key comes. Doing not have those who think of is unexpectedly the net was in inside room of ashes of the dead. When coming out, we did not talk, hasty went cemetery. On Yellow River edge, the friend's father, the spirit that friend grandfather still has additionally two grandmas ready (the grandma of former friend is 3 aunts too) the friend still copies alone " ground Tibet Bodhisattva wishs originally classics " hasty bury. Year the New Year's Eve when they ask a hall, all person grandfathers and grandma people asked come home. The father illness of the friend after the Spring Festival began to improve, and the business in the home also has begun to rise. They say was to bury the cause of the grandma, nevertheless the friend's grandfather has 3 to be in grave, did not rise piece. But also be be buried to was installed. Dim in probably a kind of force is in what controlling! (Phantom: HTtp:/// is reprinted ask reservation! ) nevertheless, child desire filial piety and the thing that is absent in person still is being performed time and again. The friend should be kind to his parents, no matter they are alive,still die. They

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