
2021年8月20日19:53:28恶灵已关闭评论 34,474 4203字阅读14分0秒















Introduce:Have a year of tomb-sweeping day, call Wang Jin guide the hill on dependant to do obeisance to ancestral grave of hold a memorial ceremony for, he has a young son of 56 years old, year young ignorance, run in disorder everywhere, he sees ancestral grave from the back not far place, have a graveyard, meantime Hao brushwood is unripe, wild flower blooms. Go plucking wild flower amuse oneself, do not take care, a foot steps to go up in graveyard, "Pit-a-pat " , right leg is immersed in decayed coffin in, coffin medium skeletal step. The child is frightened so that burst into tears. Wang Jin hears the child's cry, abide sound searchs, see the son falls into graveyard cavity in, drag the child hastily, hold the graveyard that removes him to leave cave in in the arms. In oneself home graveyard burns money to change paper to already finished, came home hurriedly. After arriving home before long, the child comes on suddenly, all over ignore cold heat up suddenly, wang Jin thinks the child got fright, feel distressed son, it is good to sit in bedside character is placatory, wanting to see a doctor, unexpectedly son expression is choppy, eye shows fierce light, pointing to Wang Jin to say: "I am chapter of arhat of can area Great Master, before one's death famous, VIPs all without exception acts according to me to be distinguished guest, suffer common people to respect, after dying unexpectedly, be trampled by your not dry behind the ears children however my inner and outer coffins, walk break my waist spirit, really abominable, I must to you all alone life, my bosom hates ability pass the time in a leisurely way mediumly! " Wang Jin hears character big Jing, press one's suit arhat chapter forgive the child's life, would rather weigh gold to invite monk path to pray for its soul of release souls from purgatory. But the soul of arhat chapter does not agree from beginning to end. Wang Jin is have to, be forced to pray in town god's temple town god asks to shelter, do obeisance to town god, in returning the home, the expect in night is worn son, do not become aware fall asleep, he goes to call together of person of town god group confrontation in temple. Wang Jin comes in temple, see town god sits high on hall only, sentence an official impish row is in both sides, zun Youniu head, right side having a horse, good not august. Wang Jin before going up at once, worship on bended knees is on the ground, the course of incident, narrate. Town god lord listens, command the left and right sides carries arhat chapter to come round to confrontation. The soul of arhat chapter, go up hall come. Speak with fervor and assurance, tongue-lash Wang Jin indulgent cheeper tramples his skeletal. Town god father asks arhat the chapter says: "What profession are you before one's death? " (phantom: HTtp:/// is reprinted ask reservation! ) arhat chapter answer says: "Oneself are can area a person of academic or artistic distinction before one's death, often search dragon to attack a vital point for others, for people benefit. " bate of strike the table of town god father says, "Darned, you since can replace others,seek acupuncture point of auspicious of riches and honour before one's death, the grave cemetery that why chooses for oneself does such however decline can't bear? This shows, you do not have genuine ability and learning, the generation that is a gain fame by deceiving the public and! To earn doit more, make irresponsible remarks, confuse right and wrong, kill sufferred from 100 thousand other peoples, trample after you are dead by children inner and outer coffins, step on lumbar bone, it is have only oneself to blame, this is you before one's death the Nemesis with too much commit a sin

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