
2021年8月20日19:54:34困惑的拍照已关闭评论 36,452 3750字阅读12分30秒



























Introduce:A day 30 years ago morning, a surname direct the teacher walks into auspicious cloud photo studio, will to make out an invoice be in, the comrade that follows make out an invoice says: "Comrade, I should be illuminated small a inch photo, can you be in 3 wash in the day come out? " " do you do what so urgent? " " have urgent need because of me. " " why not early one day comes. " " I received an announcement yesterday, should attend teacher of run by the local people to become a full member exam, want photo first, do not have in the home, rapid move comes in, ask you to help. " " then you must make money more, ability takes a picture ahead of schedule. " " row! " Mr. Dong is taking bill to walk into photography room, pay bill in the hand of cameraman yellow master, the other side has received bill, had done register, pay bill in the hand of Mr. Dong to say: "This cannot be lost, this is the evidence that takes a picture. " Mr. Dong will to photographic place sitting, yellow master comes to him in front of, pull open the lamp, after mix up lamplight, return camera by, open the switch of camera, when focus is apart from, he is astonied, mr. Dong is first sit well, abrupt became an extremely pain suffering, the person of grin of tooth of give a talking-to. Yellow master has moved a head to see Mr. Dong is sudden have an attack of one's old illness. See Mr. Dong sit over well, said: "Are not moved! " " I know. Master, a moment ago you are moving back and forth when camera, have a place that squeezed me without shadow person. " " you fasten bullshit! Had sat. " yellow master returns camera again on the side, see the window of camera, was dumbfounded again, mr. Dong is first sit well, abrupt a person that turned tooth of extremely pain suffering, give a talking-to into grin again. Second tune sees yellow division Fu Zai Mr. Dong, mr. Dong sits to bench again. Mr. Dong says " master, be like somebody not to let me take a picture. Squeeze me left bench " " you are fastened cranky, had sat to be not moved, begin to take a picture. " the look of cameraman moves the window of camera, mr. Dong still sits well, wanting to press when shutter, the person disappeared again, changing those who come is the person of grin of tooth of extremely pain suffering, give a talking-to. "Master, again the person that does not have a shadow squeezes me left this bench. " " what do you call? Had sat. " the look of yellow master still on the window of cinematograph, mr. Dong cries again: "I was squeezed to leave bench again. " yellow master this from photograph saw anguish like the window extremely, the person of grin of tooth of give a talking-to. He speaks at the same time with Mr. Dong: "This photograph did not have a law to illuminate. " yellow master does photography to work 20 years superabundant, never come up against this is planted today thing, he thinks: Anyway, oneself must make the best of time to take a picture, complete the work that take a picture. "You had sat to me, I look at you, who to see squeeze you next bench. " the window that he saw camera, see Mr. Dong sits well, camera lens

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