
2021年8月20日20:03:41蛇道人已关闭评论 40,608 5417字阅读18分3秒




















Introduce:Tian Yuyuan, jiangxi person, live in clear Dai Qianjia year, have " lichenous afterglow hall takes notes " be handed down from ancient times, remember strange thing more among them. Cropland of one's early years ever entered the residence of a high official of some gigantic public official to become act customer at the source. So-called act guest, it is a private assistant attending to legal. His element has the eye that is born madly, because try repeatedly not, lose confidence to imperial examinations, add be fond of to make a sightseeing tour, accordingly often ask for leave goes out, go everywhere. Once, the tablet of Li Si an ancient style of calligraphy that Tian Yuyuan hears of to there is a Qin Chao in hill, want to go develop notebook come back. Searched a long time into hill hind, the result was not found, the day is late however, anxious, see in front light gives fully in lap, constellation is begged before going up. Arrived close before, discovery is a path view, there is a middleaged Taoism priest in view, although out-of-the-way is in remote mountains, but elegant of style of conversation of this Taoism priest not common, ode of poetic word song all is connected, yu Yuan allowing a surname deeply the heart is folded. A long time of two people idle talk, tian Yuyuan starves in the abdomen, taoism priest prepares food went doing a bowl of face to eat to him. The face also is the face of common, one paragraph is put inside paragraph gallinaceous neck, boiling water is very clear, taste under, it is delicious and unusual unexpectedly. He greatly amazed, ask that Taoism priest, also did not see raise chicken, which come neck of so much chicken, taoism priest is to smile however. Saying, a strong wind had suddenly outside, although the house is closing a window, but candlelight unexpectedly decrescent. Tian Yuyuan only is to want restoration of reactionary rule, who knows that Taoism priest to say to have Chou Jialai however, want Tian Yuyuan to waiting to be not moved in house, oneself went. Had done not have a little while, listen to that Taoism priest to say only: "Since you came, want to see a relative superiority or inferiority on the spot originally, but I have beautiful guest call at sb's house today, change tomorrow. " Tian Yuyuan is very curious, can the Taoism priest of this elegant also have Chou Jia unexpectedly? He is big courage from the window unoccupied place in look, see that Taoism priest stands in the courtyard however, the person is not however before, however a gigantic snake. This snake form is quite odd, the body has 45 feet to grow only, wide two feet are made, it is square simply, the upper part of the body is raised will look at that Taoism priest, listened to that Taoism priest to say this word, the head of this snake is nodded, disappeared from inside the courtyard. Wait for Taoism priest to come into house, tian Yuyuan also cannot help again, examine minutely a moment ago thing, taoism priest just says, oneself raise a snake technically this, gallinaceous neck is not actually in that bowl of side that Tian Yuyuan takes, however snake paragraph. Contemporary go greatly as a result of dish of another name for Guangdong Province, eat a snake not to calculate appalling, it is the thing of be terrified letting a person however at the outset. When the gourmet powder that Japanese invents just entered China, country sees this kind of powder can let clear water change chicken broth, anguine bone dust does say with respect to ground of incorrectly relay an erroneous information, gift is so so little. Tian Yuyuan begins a bit disgusting also, but the aftertaste rises, anguine Duan Jing is peculiar delicious, ask that Taoism priest raises a snake what to do. Taoism priest says, he is special feed ophidian, basically be to take bravery to sell herbal medicine shop,

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