
2021年8月20日20:05:50实验室的鱼苗已关闭评论 36,026 3645字阅读12分9秒
















Introduce:The education building of marine institute has 6. The lab is a few bungalow, in 6 education building south. When I learn cure, the desire with the greatest life is to be here attend in a advanced studies, of happen to is, the Zhang Chang Wu of the institute is my new neighbor. His old partner and I often buy food together. Before long, zhang Chang Wu begs me to help, let me hold two or more posts concurrently in marine institute. Breed a project to cooperate a new fry, morning and evening changes water twice to foster Min and feed to fry feed. The lamplight of lab morning and evening is eternal, it is to stimulate fry to grow allegedly. The water jar with neat person tall waist does not see an end greatly, most begin not to see thing having work at all. I should be in every night at 9 o'clock when punctual change water, ability came home at 11 o'clock. Besides the lab, it is inky everywhere. I got used to the job very quickly. The lab is cleaned to get bright and clean by me, fry people very quiet. Now and then I can say to talk to them. When male friend will see me, frighten the fish in the crock, fry jumps out in succession surface. I admonish male friend, fry be shy with strangers, let him do not come later. A day, laozhang says, these fry are sex of a person of wide knowledge and sound scholarship. Knowing you is to come feed their, won't jump out. Rise from that day namely, when coming home in the evening, I can encounter the turning of the lab a person. He does not talk, pass by with me. I think is the researcher that works overtime in the lab, his footstep is very light, besides the fish, the person does not listen almost. At first I am done not have oversensitive. One day, when changing water to fry, for a short while, wave light is crystalline, all fry touched report general, very quickly and case, as if on surface issued rain. I am panic-stricken, do not have one person for nothing however after one's death later. I find Laozhang, recount this matter. After Laozhang listens, expression changes slightly, but he or the mood that enrage ground of compose oneself idle to comfort me. He says, you are the institute recruits the person that patronizes fry the first times. The teacher is previously helping processing, but the institute extends scientific research project this year, just need full-time of person specially assigned for a task so. Fry understands human nature, only my blurt out says. Can want to leave his office in me when, I am illuminated from a collective on the wall suddenly in point to identify that individual. It is him, looking is me really oversensitive. But be changed this,made Laozhang expression change greatly. He says this person leaves opening school very long, come back impossibly. Do not have demur. My later as usual goes the lab is fed feed change water. Fry is very quiet, everything returns to normal. Inside period of time, I did not see that mysterious night pedestrian again. Before long, sudden death of old partner heart disease, on funeral, all people in that piece of group photo went, lacked that individual that I once encountered alone only, stem from curiosity, I ask the person all round, why to illuminate

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