
2021年8月20日20:08:31儿时的未解之谜已关闭评论 40,359 2880字阅读9分36秒











Introduce:Mix today when colleague prattle, everybody is telling the oddity that has happened beside oneself, let me remember when the one act that sees. Up to now, still be remain fresh in one's memory. When spending the New Year every time, every family decorate with lanterns and streamers, lively and extraordinary. Male people sits on kang to drinking wine of far apart chat foolishly, female people sits in another side to eat edge the Eight Diagrams to wear the so-and-so of whose home wears what how wear, strength is bit candidder now and then also meet collect follows those wine sweat dispute one time to wine desk. And children gather the dot prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan bamboo, snowball, play play house …… everywhere a joyous sound laughs language. At the beginning of good year 3, should be the family goes to kin home visitting originally pay a New Year call, can be the decadent that drinks because of before old father one evening, only so mother and I went. Because my home is to live below the foot of a hill, go out to be able to see that not fast rise so, the thing also produces on this hill. That day, old Mom and I go out together kin, just went out to see barpque one act, on the hillside that bespreads pure white Bai Xue, falling to become piece into piece magpie, appear so dazzling, quiet however as if nonexistent, in the middle of, penguin of a be similar in shape, have one person however much taller " thing " the station is over there, also be motionless, look at a direction silently, I and my Mom were psyched out at that time, the station dare be not moved in that, just so look at, later still is the mother is pulling me to be run back to, wait when dragging old father to come out, it is 23 minutes merely, on hill however whats were done not have. Old father says is us certainly dazed, old Mom is quite excited also at that time mix conflict rise. To confirm, 3 people go to examine, I remember myself at that time fine hair on the human body scamper rose, the footmark of magpie is completely around, and a moment ago saw that " thing " the position, have the track of size of two adults foot, more the enlarge edition that resembling is goose footmark. Later, I follow playmate people speak of this thing, they believe not quite, for this, go up every time hill when my metropolis is particularly advertent, occasionally the word of be seized by a whim also can run to hill another very far place goes searching, it is empty-handed all the time however. I also examined a lot of data on the net, want to search without me however. This mystery also does not have the answer to now, remember this thing is extraordinary every time make a heart.

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