
2021年8月20日20:12:03发烧站在我床边的人已关闭评论 35,126 4062字阅读13分32秒







我当时一个人在房间晕乎乎的睡着,感觉头还是好重,当时大概也没办法想什么东西,但是一直担心那个电视剧没看完= =然后我还是冷,身上的热度退掉之后我还是冷,我就迷迷糊糊的睁开了眼睛,当时虽然迷糊,但是还是能看见东西的,然后我就看见一个似乎是女人的人站在我床边看着我,说是女人,因为那个人的头发很长,披散着,看不见长什么样子,但是和我姑姑差不多的样子,我迷迷糊糊的就以为是我姑姑,就喊了一声,但是没有人回答我,那个人就低着头看着我,我试图看清楚,但是身体跟不上思维,很快我就又晕乎过去了……也就没喊了,又睡着了。





Introduce:Our friends had experienced what ghost story a little together recently, I think, without how many, when what have memory exclusively is very small still, it is not quite clear to be written down now, but since said, I am recollected with respect to as it happens, and await me in those days very small, returning adventitious is true, anyway I was frightened at that time I control … 10 years old probably at that time, the home is on a small town, the parents in the home goes out to looked for work to work, this is the children staying behind that is that moment probably, my mom has worked in oily factory before, had allocated a house, after oily later works fell, our home bought the house, worker dormitory is probably over there the sort of, very pallet also. Await my pa Mom to not be in the home in those days, I and grandfather grandma live together, because all sorts of nutrition do not follow to go up,in one's childhood the likelihood is, and the old person looks after children you also know, anyway body of my that moment is particularly bad, it is to belong to 3 days of one ailment 7 days one a serious illness the sort of, family also has bought medicine to recuperate, but really it doesn't matter awaits I and young associate to go out to play together in those days with …… , can be those who play is a bit later, when going back, the day is already black, specific nevertheless it is when I also don't know, also did not remember anyway, the day is black, when I go back, begin anyway not quite comfortable, very fast still, have a meal also effort of it doesn't matter, my grandma just began to still feel I steal the what thing that eat stealthily outside, but I do an individual also not quite mental appearance, does the grandma ask to catch a cold? Often catch a cold because of me, so the grandma also does not have much more nervous …… I did not feel much more afflictive, say to do not have a cold, the grandma feels my forehead, also be to feel my forehead also was not ironed more probably, let myself play then, next oneself go busy oneself thing. I run to watch TV with respect to a person later, I rectify an individual to lie on sofa, lying, what is I also do not know to be put in TV, it is dizzier and dizzier anyway, the head is very heavy, eyelid also is, the feeling is very cold, but still be summer at that time, won't so I think with respect to the heart be to have a fever? The grandma comes over to see me later is to lying to be not moved probably, will feel my forehead again, it is to have a fever as expected, the grandma holds me in the arms to room bed, build good quilt, want to look for a method to help my allay a fever. You know to have a fever to dealing with this to plant this kind of thing, the old person has his experience, at that time also the day is black, grandma the law of cubic meter of earth before them. Law of this cubic meter of earth is quite amused, some puts a blunt knife in wind namely, perhaps take peach skin to be on my body rub, anyway not

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