
2021年8月20日20:24:20新疆怪谈之深山里的部队已关闭评论 60,423 3875字阅读12分55秒
















Introduce:This story is me listen over there the coal boss that surnames money from come. He the driver that once upon a time is coal of a carry, the coal use that is in charge of a gouge in remote mountains technically comes out. That colliery that Laoqian works, in the remote mountains that is located in Na Jiang to stand by Kunlun hill, basically be insular, dish of hill way that the car opens a colliery to want to approach two days to highway, this road is built technically to haul coal, rugged twist, calculate elder old driver, also dare not slight this road. Car arms is before Laoqian, what route had not gone? But saw this way, also be one's heart still fluttering with fear. Salary of if it were not for gives still calculate full tall, anyway also won't come place of this kind of ghost him. That was 1997 a day of summer, laoqian follows as one used to do same, pulled use of one car coal to give mountain. Also do not have a thing all the way. Left one day, laoqian parks the car in roadside to prepare to rest. Take a nap incidentally. Just closed the eye, hear the voice of rumble grand suddenly, old money big Jing, hasten get off look after all. The chain of mountains of ahead is in, cloudy, it is to raining so. The climate of remote mountains unlike hill outside, especially summer, say to rain. And rain in Kunlun hill, have mountain torrents of —— of a result only possibly. Old money racing bike most those who be afraid of is this, the colliery has a driver to go to encounter mountain torrents on the way last month, be developed a few inside and outside, discovered an empty wagons breaks up in Gu Zhong only finally, person and the coal of one car did not see whereaboutldirection. Laoqian frightens extremely, hear crash is closer and closer only. The instinct that seek to live on drives him: Run! But cannot run below past hill, it is court death simply so, water flows toward small part, can run toward hill only, jump over safety higher. Then Laoqian cranky climbs toward hill. Fortunately, the hill of this one belt not very steep, laoqian climbs at an easy rate also. Climb taller more so, arrived gradually hill head, laoqian looks later, water had rushed, tram did not see sign already. Laoqian feels not safe still, upgrade climbed one cut. Climb another the top of a mountain, laoqian looked again, original hill road already was developed by the flood. Old Qian Xinli one cool, the road that go back is to do not have, do not have method, only toughen one's scalp-brace oneself seeks a way forth. Crossed the top of a mountain, relief is even a lot of, laoqian is going slowly, the flood is like far went. Went a long time probably. Laoqian tired thirsty, want collapse immediately. Be in when be not being maintained quickly, laoqian discovers ahead has a black smoke to appear suddenly. Old Qian Daxi, disregard overworked, hasten ran over. Stand by when him when looking, ate one Jing again, here is ground of be stationed of one department unit actually. How can there be unit in remote mountains? He never has heard to there still is a military camp near this. But thirsty make he

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