
2021年8月20日20:29:11酒店惊魂已关闭评论 42,864 3521字阅读11分44秒







Introduce:I call A not, the clerk is become in a hotel. What I should say today is the strange thing that I encounter in the hotel. Often live the person of the hotel knows, the hotel can have guest room and meal commonly two branches, and I go to work in meal ministry, had to get up at 6 o'clock every morning go the guest of inn prepares breakfast. What the winter shines every day is late, we go up commonly breakfast is two people go up together, I called the colleague of acting generation to go to work together with in the morning that day. Arrived in inn turn on all lamps, begin to clear away a thing to prepare serving next. Because breakfast is,open in the hall, so the lamp between the bag won't leave. But should go storeroom takes bean to call soya-bean milk, I carry course with respect to generation letting era, I go wrapping the storeroom between to take bean. Between the bag in the window still can look so that see to shined, but corridor does not have a window, one inky. Because I go to work in inn very long very familiar to everything, did not open the lamp, cross corridor to go between the bag directly. The end of corridor is a big spectacles, I had not noticed usually, when going to the end that day, can't help suddenly looked sidelong at a mirror. Originally should inky mirror looks suddenly however get myself. It I did not feel what to have at that time is strange that I did not feel what to have at that time, but that mirror seems to attracting me to look, I stand by a mirror slowly, actually not self-conscious made mask used as a toy to the mirror, I am pouty it is pouty also, I push a key point it also pushs a key point, what a big spectacles in inky corridor illuminates me is clear. I looked to back through the mirror, standing nearby in my backside a person, also wearing same uniform with me, I think is generation of my work in the same placing, I am laughing at face about to call her, discover shadow of the what in inky corridor is done not have however. I catch face about to see a mirror, discover to there still is that individual behind me however. I also dare not turn round again, I closely staring at a mirror in it, it is motionless, as if also staring at me, we are worn with respect to such refuse to budge. Begin to sweat on my head, the sweat of forehead is bungled one drop on carpet, the feeling spent a few centuries, I do not know it wants what to do, but I also see it without courage again, I close an eye, the hope opens an eye to disappear again. Crossed the left and right sides one minute probably, I open an eye slowly, looked toward the mirror, it disappeared as expected, I loosened at a heat, just wanted face about, discover it is in however my on the right side of. I had turned the head just is opposite on its face, its hair is built entirely go up in the face, see not clear look, the hair is dripping water, the feeling just came from the fish out in water like. I had lost this time thinking. Can decide surely only staring at it. It slowly raise a hand, lift oneself bang, raise oneself face slowly

入殓师殡仪馆灵异事 灵异事件


殡仪馆鬼故事 我是一名入殓师,每天面对的,都是冷冰冰的尸体。 一次,我收到了一个陌生女子的电话,她告诉我,她叫阿娇,她得了癌症,活不长了,希望在她死后,我能为她整理遗容。 我本不想接这种事情,但阿娇说...
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天津金永KTV 201房间灵异事件 (转帖)

纠结了很长时间,还是决定发个帖子818这件事,我真的不想再有人经历我那天经历的事情!真的太恐怖了! 前些天看见团购KTV的券,8块钱4个小时,我就觉得太便宜了,而且以前也去过那个地方(上次去还是两年以...
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