
2021年8月20日20:30:02灵异怪谈之导梦已关闭评论 48,313 4018字阅读13分23秒
















Introduce:Fan Jian discovers amazedly, oneself have a distinctive function unexpectedly, can guide the dream of others. It is laic Fan Jian originally, work in construction site all the time. Soon the Spring Festival is about to draw near, defaulted salary of a year, just send no less than coming, fan Jian and numerous fellow worker surrounded the abode of foreman watertight. Foreman also has trouble, bitter face says to develop business to pulling salary to did not pay, respecting become enamoured is in, in a tearful voice. Bad luck has head, debt advocate, fellow workers are wanting to nod color to look to development business, but all sorts of methods are used, also did not find the sign that develops business. The lamplight in work shed is dim, fan Jian lies on the bed of be soiled of sweat be soiled, longing for distance to expect his wife, flounder difficult Mian. Feeling is random in flying, he thinks of suddenly, see a when pass movie about pilfer dream before, it is good to if can give steel the dream that develops business the dream that develops business,was changed, calculate short of pilfer to change the state of freely, even if can guide his dream,also go. Those who let him experience workers is distressed, stung by conscience probably, give everybody's money earned by hard toil some more quickly paid. Sleep to wake partly partly, fan Jian entered the dream that develops business really. Development business is making fond dream: With the official of main station is formed do obeisance to sworn brothers, take Fan Jian of …… of next heavyweight project to guide the dream that develops business instantly: The official falls horse, the project fails, pauper was become between one night, paper a mouth to raise the home, be forced building site charge for the making of sth. , arrived the end of the year, development business defaults salary, he helpless and friend of one help with farm work beg …… shut-eye awakes everywhere, already arrived morrow noon. Fan Jian just was opened open one's eyes, outside hearing work shed one cheers, go out to look, it is to develop business to raising ready money of one leather case, pay labour the salary of people in turn. Fan Jian ponders secretly, can oneself guide really dream? He told this strange thing most the brotherly gold that be close friends is strong, jin Jiang feels his forehead, did not have a fever, how abracadabra. The Spring Festival returns the home, fan Jian's little sister comes complaint, say man deal earned dot money, outer biscuit was raised small 3, to her woman two without any consideration. Fan Jian says, can think method lets change one's views of younger sister's husband. At night, fan Jian thinks this thing checks have the aid of again guide dream function. Sleep to wake partly partly, fan Jian enters the dream of younger sister's husband smoothly: Younger sister's husband and small lover photograph accompany play of new horse peaceful, qing Qing I, pester lingering continous, fan Jian of …… of be deeply attached to each other begins to guide the crazy dream of younger sister's husband: Small lover is a Fu that has a husband, amour discloses, its husband carries a steel knife that showing cold light, chase after all the way when killing …… to awake in the morning, younger sister's husband is excellent already in

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