
2021年8月20日20:32:35笔仙真的会害人,这是我一生中的噩梦已关闭评论 198,881 3950字阅读13分10秒



那是我在合肥上学的时候,那时候我16岁,又一次如往常一样在网上 搜灵异事件,看到一个招灵游戏‘笔仙’,说可以问出前世和未来,我动心了 ,就硬拉着朋友一起玩,几天一连玩着好几次都没事,就是喊笔仙出来聊聊天,问问未来之事,朋友觉得是假的玩着没意思,也就不和我玩儿了,我的求知欲挺强的,胆子也挺大,就经常一个人玩,从两天玩一次,开始变本加厉到一天玩儿五六次,不可否认,我上瘾了。开始不用笔都能把它招出来。















Introduce:I pledge these personal experience that are me! ! Without a bit deceit. Because be in the home in one's childhood,hire crystal bier make funeral arrangement, be opposite all the time so this respect is interested in clever different. That is me when Hefei goes to school, await me 16 years old in those days, again if be euqally as one used to do on the net incident of search clever different, see one enrols clever game ' pen celestial being ' , say to be able to ask a preexistence and future, I one'sed mind disturbed, pulling a friend forcedly to play together, a few days of in succession are playing many times to do not have a thing, call pen celestial being to come out to chat a little namely, ask prospective thing, it is false that the friend feels playing uninteresting, also do not play with me, my curious be about to hold out strong, courage is quite great also, often a person plays, play from two days, begin to become aggravated to play to a day 56, undeniable, my addiction. Begin need not the pen can come out its action. Pen celestial being says to become me friend, I also believed, until one day. That day is on Saturday, classmates are very much come home, because I am not native, waiting for in the dormitory with respect to a person, colour of sky is black in the evening begin to rain, was June obviously in a little cool however, my person is dull, the beginning that looks for trouble again enrols my pen celestial being, talked about before dawn with pen celestial being at 10 o'clock from in the evening at 3 o'clock, suddenly, he and I say, a few people came at the door, I look up look, the door is close ah, a person is done not have, say with him you and I am joking, he says I am invisible, actually the doorway is ghost should catch me, make me bit more careful, 6 buildings do not have a person one layer this in the evening, listen carefully, begin noisy to rise outside very small very finely small footstep, stopped to my doorway. I was afraid of a bit, begin to ask how he does, he says scarcely can kill me to let me believe him, my come to an agreement or understanding, he begins to say to let me be cut on the leg with the knife, I also do not know how, feel artifice ministry has a thing to pulling me to cut 3 knives on the leg, remained many lifeblood, but I felt do not have. Then he lets me take white shirt, with me the blood on sanitary towel is added water is mixed together, I let wear on white shirt, I am looked at especially weird dare not wear. He lets me arrive the balcony, arrived after the balcony in my heart suddenly a sound is in all the time I jump down bewitch, I say to dare not jump to come back to close the window immediately. Then I say bewitch taking two girls reduced the living quarter on the side of hilt, I can live, can be me not dare. Next he lets me take a cup to receive tap water to drink again, said I had remembered word of a few what not clear, if knowing to pressing him only, go doing me can living, I begin big courage to open the door go toilet drinks water, the view that presses him is drunk one cup one cup then, as demon barrier, drink really finally no less than, spat come out, of abdomen round billow

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