
2021年8月20日20:33:42喀什夜路遇鬼已关闭评论 35,636 3508字阅读11分41秒

大家好,我是十三月。 之前写了一篇《提着红公鸡的女人》,这则故事是一件真实发生的故事。 但是下面这件故事也是一件真实的故事,这是我和我爸爸同时看见的。


忘了是哪一年,那时候我好像也才12.13岁左右,我和我爸爸从喀什往叶城走,我从小在叶城长大… 但是我祖籍是四川人。 只是我的父亲年轻的时候在外打工,在叶城有了一点自己的事业。于是我们一家人就在叶城县扎根了。 (在这儿给大家普及一下地位啊, 叶城县是位于新疆省南疆通往和田的必经之地,上通阿里 下通和田…周边还有尼泊尔,印度等国家。因为我是现写的,也没有从网上找地名资料…所以只能想起这么多。)

好了,现在开始进入我们的故事 。刚刚给大家说了一点题外话。

那一天我和我爸爸开车从喀什往叶城走,因为那个季节是夏天。 新疆的夏天实在是太热了… 于是我爸爸就喜欢晚上开车走,(叶城离喀什一共也才200多公里,而且那个时候高速公路也才通车), 因为白天走容易堵车不说,而且还热的不行。所以我爸爸就喜欢晚上开车… 那一天晚上我们在喀什吃完饭过后就开始出发了。

天色越来越黑…路上的景色也越来越看不清,一路上就这么平淡无奇的过去了… 其实当时我早都瞌睡了,但是我又不得不佯装起来跟我爸爸聊天。 因为当时车上就我们两个人,我一睡着就没人跟他聊天了… 这很容易导致他打瞌睡…所以我一直强撑着自己跟他聊天 。

时间不知不觉的就过去了好久…差不多已经是晚上2点多了吧 ,我们当时也跑到莎车这个地段了,当我们还是有一句没一句的聊天,就在这个时候我看见我爸爸一下子不说话了… 眼睛紧紧的盯着前方,我当时是坐在副驾驶上面的,但是我是把座位放下来了…躺在上面的。 我看见我爸爸异常的表情我一下子就坐了起来也盯着前面看… 这时候我看见前面有两个人,像是一个老人牵着一个小孩,穿着一身白衣服…就在前面走!!! 这个时候我表情也严肃了起来…因为你们大家想一下:(大晚上的两三点,在高速公路上面还有两个人在走路… 想想就觉得可怕。) 我爸爸当时开的是小的车灯,就在这个时候我爸把车灯一关…迅速开了大灯 往前面一照… 那两个人奇迹般的现实了。

后面我们到叶城后,第二天就去给我爸爸请了一块玉石雕刻的观音菩萨… 给我买了一块野生的狼牙…外面用金子雕刻了一条龙。 后面我妈妈跟老乡聊天的时候无意中说到这个话题… 那些人听后就说莎车那条路段上一直不太干净… 之前出了好多车祸 。 据说有的大卡车司机走到那条路段上,方向盘就不听使唤了… 事情过了这么多年 那一条狼牙镶金龙的项链我一直戴在脖子上的 …包括现在也是。



Introduce:Everybody is good, I am 13 months. One is written before " the woman that is promoting red cock " , this story is a story that true happening. But below this story also is a real story, I and my father see this at the same time. Good, enter subject. Which is forgetting a year, await me to seem in those days also ability is controlled 12.13 years old, I and my father go toward Xie Cheng from assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting, I am brought up in Xie Cheng as a child... but my ancestral home is Sichuan person. When the father that is me only is young outer work, there is a bit in Xie Cheng oneself career. Then our family is in take root of foliaceous city county. (popularize a position to everybody here, foliaceous city county is to be located in Xinjiang to save Na Jiang to lead to with cropland surely the ground of classics, connect on fall in A connect and cropland... periphery still has Nepalese, the country such as India. Because I am written now, also did not seek place name data from the net... can remember so much only so. ) good, begin to enter our old practice now. Just said the word outside a bit problem to everybody. I and that day of my father drive to go toward Xie Cheng from assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting, because that season is summer. The summer of Xinjiang is too hot really... then my father likes to drive in the evening, (Xie Cheng leaves altogether of assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting also just 200 much kilometers, and at that time freeway also ability be open to traffic) , because go easy to block a car up not to say by day, and hot still be no good. So my father likes to drive in the evening... we eat a meal to begin to set out afterwards in assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting that day night. Colour of sky is blacker and blacker... the scenery on the road also more and more look not clear, all the way so bland past... I am actually early at that time drowse, but I must feign outfit rises to chat with my father. Because at that time on the car with respect to us two people, I was asleep to chat with him with respect to nobody... this brings about his catnap very easily... so I am maintaining myself by force all the time to chat with him. Time is imperceptible went for ages... had been much at 2 o'clock in the evening almost, we also run to Sha car at that time this a sector of an area, become us or one does not have chat, in this moment I see my father did not say at a draught... eye closely staring at ahead, I at that time is to sit in deputy drive above, but I am put the seat... lie above. The expression that I see my father is unusual I sat to rise to also be stared at at a draught look before the move... at that time I see in front have two people, resembling is an old person is pulling a child, white dress of dress a suit... go in front! ! ! This moment my expression is earnest also rise... because your everybody thinks: (big in the evening two at 3 o'clock, in there still is two above the freeway the individual is walking... want to feel

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