
2021年8月20日20:35:19戴鸭舌帽的“叔叔”已关闭评论 49,366 3997字阅读13分19秒






我有点后怕,说了声谢谢叔叔。他没理我,还是在跟另一个人说话。一会火车开走了(印象里最多不超过一分钟时间)我就往前走了,边走我边回头想看看那个叔叔长啥样子的,但是他不见了,四周围我都看了也没看到,连和他说话的另一个人也没看到。我当时记得其他周围的人都没有戴帽子,就他一个人戴着,不可能找不到的啊!因为其他人都在,唯独这两人找不到,我也没多想,直接回家了。直到一个多月后寒假,快过年了,站里又办安全展,我去站里玩的时候又看了一次照片,这其中有一张特别吓人,是一个人被火车压成两截的照片,我看第一眼就觉得害怕,就没敢多看,当我转身要走的时候脑子里突然闪过一个画面,照片里那个人戴着鸭舌帽!!! 我立刻回过头再看照片,哇!那个脸我认识啊,是那个叔叔啊,怎么,他被压死了!想想心里好难过,他上个月还救过我一命啊!




Introduce:Send in one's childhood thing. I am railroad children, the home is in the worker dormitory of railroad edge. Look at the train to be brought up. Do not have Gaotie and motor-car in one's childhood, only green skin car perhaps hauls the freight car that coal uses. Come home everyday the metropolis is transient " coal hill " , pile up namely actually the place of coal, because the sort of green skin car burns coal, because coal is too much, it is with respect to caboodle over there, of caboodle resemble each very high hill grave is same, so the person around cries over there " coal hill " . If do not have a car transient, can traverse a few rail come home. If have freight car,installing coal, the word of discharge coal, with respect to the platform that can go very far to walk along pull in all the time forth only, circle from platform again come home, should go more near 5, 600 meters road. So, a lot of people can depend, in coal of outfit, discharge when, time is longer, meet from the car the past is gotten below abdomen. That meets men and women almost the person around can be worn with very quick action is small head cat the waist is very fast go from run the drilling tool into the well of car abdomen bottom. Of course, grow to go in river side, which have not wet shoe. Also hear old people to comment via regular meeting: Suck of bell raw meat or fish changes partridge flute to consider break through  milometer of correct of  of Ying of  of perch of Sun of  of leech of excuse me R 3; Duty of children's hair of Xun Mou Mao steps on  to escape scabbard of  of  of palm of ≌ of breed of obstruct of children's hair of apology of border of  stalk  bakes technology of S of Li brandish Xiao also does not hit mosaic, the photograph is particularly intuitionistic, hold out a shock quite fearsome also. I arrived about the same 3, 4 grade when, also follow adult same, experienced the competence of drill wagon abdomen, and the action is quicker than Youring Excellency to still have. Remembering that is me 5 age when, fast the end of the year, I follow to classes are over euqally as one used to do come home, as it happens has a car archives to wear road, stop over. Of quite much at that time person, my eye is seeing have a few young had gotten the past, also want to get the past at a draught, the waist below the cat prepares to get. Just wanted in me forth when, there are two uncles behind me talking, among them a drink like a fish " child, you are dry, fast come back, wait a little while to go again, the train should leave immediately " , I look round see that person, do not know, be wearing deep gray peaked cap, wear Chinese tunic suit, country the uncle of word face, the figure is big and tall, another uncle that talks with him is written down not clear. Look round in me they when, the train was moved, leave at a draught. I have bit of fear after the event, said sound thanks an uncle. He did not manage I, still talking with another person. A little while the train left (a minute of time does not exceed at most in impression) I went forth, the edge walks along what want to see that uncle grow what sample later by the side of me, but he disappeared, I was surrounded to look to also did not see all around, another person that talks with him repeatedly also did not see. I am written down otherly at that time the person all round did not wear a hat, with respect to him a person is being worn

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