
2021年8月20日20:36:18不是阴阳眼的灵异经历已关闭评论 42,634 4033字阅读13分26秒



这次后,我买瓜子一次都没中过奖,好像无论遇到什么事都挺倒霉的,不过也没什么大事发生,完全没将两者联系起来,一直到一年后,我去读小学了,刚学骑自行车,可是碍于白天马路上都有人无法练习。那晚是农历七月十四,老妈那天千叮万嘱孩子别往外跑。到了晚上,远远看去,路上真的没人,我就偷偷骑着自行车去了。 骑着骑着,发现也不知道从哪冒出来那么多人,面无表情的,有走着的,骑自行车的,开摩托车的,不过却没有任何声音。没过一会儿呢,身后远远传来弟弟在巷口喊我回家的声音。 回家后,我气呼呼地问老妈为什么不让我出去,老妈却说今晚是不会有人出门的。 我反驳街上有那么多人呢,结果只有4岁的老弟摇摇头,说他叫我的时候,路上只有我一个,然后老妈就让我烧香磕头拜土地老爷,狠批了我一顿。






Introduce:I am not eye of yin and yang, experienced too much clever different episode however, not be my fictional story below, need not believe, but do not want bespatter please. 6 years old before, my luck is first-rate, buy melon seeds to be able to come to a packet again every time, every time inn-keeper can the tooth looks at me crawlily to walk along 5 packets of melon seeds with 5 wool Qian Bao. Differ to me all the time after the dot has an accident, all ability were changed. The balcony that my that moment likes to go to grandmother home most plays, the balcony that runs to another family through the roof next door from the balcony plays, once I run too fast, double foot is handed in tangle together to boil downward down tile, had seen downstair pork archives, just feared the ground closes a key point, with respect to the feeling somebody had my foot, still turned over circuit in sky, open again when me when opening one's eyes, I am facing me the direction of firm trip, cousin also was psyched out, pop eye is staring at me. Nevertheless I react very quickly come over, also do not know the existence of fetch of world there is sth fishy, do not know good good impression withers one time, follow cousin to run rapidly next buildings. This matter also dare not say with adult afterwards, cousin however all the time very interrogative, say me at that time trip when, the thing that has posse white arrived by the side of my foot, then I got rescued, outside still suspecting I am the world of can small meritorious service tall person. This hind, I buy melon seeds to be done not have in overpraise, no matter encounter what trouble,be like what Dou Ting has bad luck, nevertheless also important matter of it doesn't matter happens, did not rise both connection completely, after arriving one year all the time, I go reading elementary school, just learned to ride a bicycle, but hinder by day on the driveway somebody cannot practice. That evening is the traditional Chinese calendar in July 14, old Mom that day 1000 bite child of 10 thousand enjoin does not run outside. Arrived in the evening, look far, the true nobody on the road, I am riding a bike secretly. Riding, discovery also does not know to appear from which come so much person, face expressionless, having, ride a bicycle, fly motorcycle, do not have any sound however nevertheless. Had been done not have a little while, transmit a little brother to call the sound that I come home in alley mouth far after one's death. After coming home, the ground asks my in a huff why old Mom doesn't let me go out, old Mom says tonight is however won't somebody goes out. I am refuted there is so much person on the street, only as a result young man of 4 years old shakes shake one's head, when saying he calls me, there am me only on the road, next old Mom lets kowtow of my burn joss sticks do obeisance to land lord, firm approved me. Of the same age, I do work in the hall, old father sleeps in the room, I did not see old father back went out through the hall to me a little while. Old Mom buys food, ask me old father is in, I say " old father went out, do not know to go. " as a result old Mom sees into the room old father is sleeping, scold me to lie, await my true grievance in those days, because I saw really

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