
2021年8月21日16:10:02妇产科的男医生已关闭评论 38,382 3897字阅读12分59秒

高伟一个妇产科的男医生,虽然妇产科男医生备受争议,然则,高伟依附着精湛的、熟练的手术手艺,在这家妇产科医院,做得很是著名气。,前来就医的人,都是著名而来的,甚至远处的人,都市特意跑来这家医院生产。,高伟在这家医院事情了近5年,5年来都是一丝不苟地为所有产妇仔细接生,5年来口碑甚好,高伟很是知足自己的成就。,最近妻子有身了,他想,得赶快挣些奶粉钱了,养个孩子不容易的。,这些日子他想到了一个来钱快点的方式,只要有孕妇来医院生孩子,他就会让孕妇剖腹产。由于剖腹产的手术费比顺产凌驾几倍,为了挣够奶粉钱,他便一直做着这样的缺德事儿。,虽然他知道,顺产对产妇和婴儿才是最好的,然则,为了孩子的未来,他照样一直昧着良心这么干着。,就这样,高伟一直这样地操作着,一有孕妇就吓唬家族,说不剖腹啊,产妇就会有危险,一尸两命。云云。他便一直给所有的产妇都实行剖腹,已经有99个孕妇被实行剖腹产了。,这天,他决议了,再做最后一票,完这票他就再也不做了。,恰巧午夜来了一个孕妇,羊水已经破了,孩子眼见着就要出来了,高伟赶快把孕妇推进了产房。, ,可是推进产房一看,谁人孕妇的孩子已经要出来了。孩子的脑壳都出来了,这样是没需要做剖腹产手术了。以前的那些孕妇都是胎头还没有露出来,而这个,胎儿的整个脑壳都出来了。,然则高伟照样不想放弃。他见助产护士去准备生产的工具去了,产房也没有其他人,于是,一个恐怖的想法涌上心头。,他走到产妇腿跟前,用手掌贴上了孩子的脑壳,然后用力一推!将已经露出来脑壳的孩子又给推回了产妇体内!,然后他又故技重施,叫护士给家族签字,说产妇危险,属赶快签字。,可是,由于手术时间准备有些长,孩子直接闷死在了肚子里,产妇也由于他那么用力一推,产道大出血殒命。,最后,家族也没有怪罪医生,还以为是意外,就这样,高伟没有对着一医疗事故付任何责任。, ,然则他的心里是惊慌的。尤其是当他回忆起产妇那死不瞑目的眼神时,总是会一阵寒战。,他已经无法再面临生产手术了,于是辞掉了事情。,十月妊娠期满,他的妻子到了生产的日子。他把妻子放置在自己当初事情的谁人医院,要求自己也要进产房,看着妻子生产。他畏惧妻子也有什么意外。,于是他也随着妻子进入了产房。,进入产房后,妻子生产格外顺遂。他这颗心才落了下来,还好没有抨击到妻子和孩子身上。,于是他又找了份其余事情,继续着正常的生涯。,原以为自己终于可以过正常的生涯了,可是他突然发现,自己的儿子有些纰谬劲儿。,孩子在出生的时刻看着还挺正常的。可是,他发现,儿子越长大,身体是正常长着的。可是,孩子的脑壳却没有长一点儿,依旧是婴儿的脑壳。,半岁了,脑壳没长;,一岁了,脑壳没长;,三岁了,脑壳照样没长。高明的儿子脑壳一直都是婴儿的脑壳!高明这才明了过来了,自己的报应来了!,自己儿子的脑壳不长大,这都是由于被挤的啊。正如当初自己将谁人产妇儿子的脑壳硬生生地挤进了母亲的身体里一样,以是儿子的脑壳,才不长大……,这正是天理昭昭,报应不爽。, ,Introduce:Gao Wei the male doctor of a department of gynaecology and obstetrics, although male doctor of department of gynaecology and obstetrics gets dispute fully, but, gao Wei is being depended on masterly, skilled operation technology, in this maternity, be being done very is famous gas. The person of go to a doctor comes before, it is famed and those who come, the person of far even place, can run designedly this hospital production. Gao Wei worked nearly 5 years in this hospital, coming 5 years is meticulous ground is all puerperas attentive deliver a child, come 5 years public praise is very good, the achievement that Gao Wei is him satisfaction very. Wife was pregnant recently, he thinks, must make some of milk powder money rapidly, it is not easy to raise a child. He thought of these days one comes money quickly means, want to pregnant woman comes to a hospital to give birth to the child only, he can allow pregnant woman Caesarean birth. The operation expenses because of Caesarean birth is more severalfold than natural labor tower above, to make money of enough milk powder, he is doing such mean thing all the time. Although he knows, natural labor just is best to puerpera and baby, but, for the child in the future, he or all the time be ignorant of is worn conscience is so dry. such, gao Wei is being operated so all the time, one have pregnant woman with respect to gally family member, say not paunch ah, the puerpera can have risk, one cadaver two lives. Such. He carries out paunch to all puerperas all the time, already 99 pregnant woman are carried out Caesarean birth. This day, he decided, redo last ticket, be over he also did not make this bank note again. Came in the middle of the night by chance a pregnant woman, amniotic fluid had been defeated, child eye is seeing be about to come out, gao Wei drove pregnant woman rapidly delivery room. But advance delivery room to look, the child of that pregnant woman should have come out. The child's head came out, it is to do not have so necessary become a Caesarean operation. Those pregnant woman previously are fetal head still come out without dew, and this, fetal whole head came out. But Gao Wei still does not want to abandon. He sees aid the tool that produces a nurse to plan production, delivery room also does not have someone else, then, idea of a bloodcurdling emerges mind. He takes puerpera leg in front of, stuck the child's head with the palm, push forcibly next! Give the child that has shown a head again turned puerpera system inside! Next he stock trick is applied again, call a nurse to sign to the family member, say the puerpera is dangerous, belong to sign rapidly. But, because operation time is exact equipment is a little long, direct stifle was in the child in abdomen, puerpera also because of him so push forcibly, produce massive haemorrhage death. Finally, the family member also did not blame a doctor, still thinking is accident, such, gao Wei did not pay any duty to one unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment. But his heart is alarmed. Answer recall puerpera when him especially when the eyes of that die with a grievance or everlasting regret, always meet a shiver. He can no more have been faced,

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