
2021年8月21日16:12:00妻子为何成红娘已关闭评论 34,824 5055字阅读16分51秒

据《剪灯新话》纪录,元大德年间,扬州一名崔姓官员同邻人吴防御友谊深挚,且崔家儿子兴哥与吴家女儿兴娘都在襁褓之中,于是崔家求聘兴娘,吴父赞成后以一支金凤钗作为订知己物。,不久,崔父带着家族远出做官,15年没传回一丝音信。兴娘便守在闺中,直至19岁仍未出嫁。吴母不忍女儿空等,便劝说吴父退婚。吴父恪守答应,坚持不愿。兴娘最终由于希望崔郎归来,思虑太过而卧病在床,不外半年光景便香消玉殒。二老伤心透顶,待殓尸时,吴母哭着亲手将金凤钗插在兴娘的发髻上,随之一同下葬。,造化弄人,两个月后,崔兴哥来到吴家,并向吴父注释这些年毫无新闻的缘故。原来,崔父在外做官时不幸去世,崔母也在早些年撒手人寰。直到服孝期满,崔兴哥才千里迢迢地赶来。吴父领他进屋到兴娘的灵桌前,烧纸钱把崔兴哥的到来告诉女儿。之后吴父劝他住下歇息,随即将崔兴哥放置在外宅书房。,过了快要半个月,正逢清明,吴府举家外出给兴娘上坟,只留崔兴哥一人看家。天黑时,吴家的人回来了,崔兴哥站在大门左边迎候。最后一顶轿子来到崔兴哥跟前时,“锵”的一声,掉下一样器械。他急遽捡起,却是一支金凤钗,他想要还回去,发现内宅门已落锁,不得已先回了住处。,崔兴哥燃起蜡烛,独自叹息错失姻缘,寄人篱下。准备睡觉时,溘然闻声“笃笃笃”的敲门声,他问是谁,无人准许。过了一会儿,又有敲门声。他开门去探看,竟是一个漂亮的女人。,女人一见门开,连忙提起裙角进了屋。崔兴哥大惊。那女人低着头,细声道:“崔郎不熟悉我吧?我是兴娘的妹妹庆娘,刚刚金凤钗跌在轿下,不知你见到没有?”说着,就要拉崔兴哥一同歇下。崔兴哥由于吴父待他不薄,忙再三谢绝,坚决不愿。庆娘脸涨得通红,威胁说崔兴哥将她诱骗到屋内,自己要把事情告诉父亲,再将他告到官府。崔兴哥不由畏惧,便依了她。天蒙蒙亮,庆娘又悄悄离去。云云连续一个半月。, ,一天晚上,庆娘对崔兴哥说:“你我二人现下私会,幸而无人觉察。常言道鲜花易谢,若事情被撞破,怙恃追责起来,结果难料。我虽然是心甘情愿,只是对郎君的名声有所玷污。不如我们早些逃离,隐伏偏僻村子或是藏踪异地。只有这样,我们才气白头到老。”,第二天五更,崔兴哥与庆娘轻装上路,雇船行过瓜州,直奔丹阳,投靠到崔家原先的一个忠仆处。老仆认出自己的小主人后,立刻下拜行礼,弄清二人到来的缘由,赶忙腾出正房,凡有所需,都供奉周密。,一年后,庆娘思乡心切,崔兴哥便随她回家参见二老。船至扬州城,庆娘溘然改口,称怕惹恼怙恃,让崔兴哥先去探看,她在船上期待新闻。崔兴哥要走时,庆娘又将他叫回,并递上金凤钗说:“若爹娘嫌疑你的说辞,便将这金凤钗给他们看就是了。”,吴父听说崔兴哥回来,喜悦地出来见他,非但没有指责的意思,反而致歉:“昔日里照顾不周,让郎君不告而别去了他处,都是我的不是。”崔兴哥虽惊诧,但照样拜伏在地上不敢仰面,口口声声称自己“死罪”。吴父让他起来讲话。, ,崔兴哥惊慌地坦率了自己同庆娘私通,尔后私奔外乡的事,并说现专程回来请罪。吴父受惊道:“庆娘已经卧病在床一年了,怎么可能与你私逃?”崔兴哥以为吴父恐玷污自家名声,有意说假话回避事实,便说庆娘就在船上。,吴父将信将疑地派童仆去察看,船是空的,吴父便斥责崔兴哥乱说八道。崔兴哥忙从袖中取出金凤钗。吴父见后,大吃一惊,这明白是亡女兴娘的殉葬物。,正在众人疑惑不解时,久病卧床的庆娘突然从床上起来,径直走到堂前,向父亲施礼下拜,说她是兴娘,无奈早死不能侍奉怙恃,可她与崔郎的姻缘未了,此番回来是想让妹妹庆娘来接续自己同崔郎的这段婚姻。若是父亲准许,庆娘的病马上可以痊愈,若是不答應,庆娘也就此丧命了。,全家人听后又惊又怕,看她的体态是庆娘,可声音举止全像兴娘。吴父指责她死后还回来扰乱人世,兴娘回道:“我死后到了阴间,九泉因我没有罪行而不加以拘禁。我厥后成为后土夫人的下属,掌管传送文书、奏章的事。后土夫人念我尘缘未了,特许我一年假期,让我来了却阳世事。”,吴父见她态度恳切,准许了她。她马上施星期谢,后又握着崔兴哥的手哭泣告辞:“怙恃已经准许我了,你就好好做新郎吧。只是万万不能有了新人忘了旧人。”说完便晕倒在地,气息全无。家人忙将汤药给她灌下,过了段时间庆娘才醒来,病体完全康复,只是问起前事,一概不知。,吴父选了一个吉日,让庆娘与崔兴哥续成这桩姻缘。崔兴哥将那支金凤钗拿到市上去卖,获得20锭银子,所有买了香烛纸钱送往琼花观,请羽士做了三天三夜的道场,来答谢兴娘。,兴娘厥后托梦给兴哥说:“承蒙郎君超度亡魂,我知你的心意。虽然阴阳相隔,我却深深地感谢你。小妹性情温顺,你要好好照顾她。”崔兴哥惊醒后又喜又悲,自此以后再也没有见过兴娘了。, ,Introduce:According to " cut lamp new word " account, yuan between Dadenian, a Cui surnames Yangzhou official with neighbour friendship of Wu Fang drive is deep, and Home Cui son promotes elder brother and Home Wu daughter to promote a woman to be in swaddle, then Cui Jiaqiu is hired promote a woman, after Wu Fu agrees, serve as with a Jin Fengchai be engaged keepsake. Before long, cui Fu is taking wife far give secure an official position, did not send a mail message 15 years. Promote a woman to be defended in boudoir, till 19 years old still did not get married. the mother cannot bear daughter cool one's heels, persuade Wu Fu break off an engagement. Wu Fu is adherence and affirmatory, insist not to agree. Promote a woman to because look forward to Cui Lang,return finally, consider carefully is excessive and be ill abed, do not cross about of half an year die of jade of popular pass the time in a leisurely way. 2 old sad in the extreme, when the cadaver that wait for encoffin, the mother is crying to insert Jin Fengchai on the bob that promotes a woman with one's own hands, follow one of is the same as bury. Good luck gets a person, after two months, cui promotes elder brother to come to Wu Jia, explain these to Wu Fu year of cause that is without a message. Original, the misfortune when Cui Fu outer be an official dies, cui mother also is in some earlier year leave the world. Until take filial piety to expire, cui promotes elder brother just ground of from a great distance comes. Wu Fu gets him to arrive into house before the clever desk that promotes a woman, burn paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead to tell a daughter the arrival of Cui Xing elder brother. Wu Fu persuades him to live later next go to bed, arrangement of elder brother of immediately general Cui Xing is outer curtilage study. Spent near half month, meeting clear and bright, wu Fu lifts the home to go out to promote woman visit a grave to cherish the memory of the dead, leave Cui to promote elder brother only one person is special. At dark, the person of Home Wu came back, cui promotes elder brother to stand in gate left await the arrival of. Last sedan comes to Cui Xing in front of elder brother when, "Clang " , like dropping thing. He hastily pick up, it is a Jin Fengchai however, he wants to still go back, the gate of an old-style inside discovery already fell lock, answered abode first act against one's will. Cui promotes elder brother to burn a candle, plaint alone miss the fate brings lovers together, live under another's roof. When preparation sleeps, hear suddenly " earnest earnest earnest " knock sound, who is he asks, nobody agree. Passed a little while, have again knock sound. He opens the door go explore looks, it is a beautiful girl unexpectedly. The girl sees the door opens, mention at once skirt horn entered room. Cui promotes elder brother big Jing. That girl is small head, fine track: "Doesn't Cui Lang know me? I am to promote the woman's little sister to celebrate a woman, just now Jin Fengchai drops below litter, do not know you to see? " saying, be about to pull down Cui to promote elder brother to rest together. Cui Xing elder brother waits for him because of Wu Fu not thin, busy decline repeatedly, do not agree stoutly. The face that celebrate a woman goes up aglowly, menace says Cui promotes elder brother to go to her coax inside house, oneself should tell father the thing, tell him feudal official again. Cui promotes elder brother not by fear, depended on her. Day daybreak, celebrate a woman to leave stealthily again. Last so a half moon. A day night, celebrate a woman to promote elder brother to say to Cui: "We illicit of 2 people now is met, luckily is unmanned and conscious. Saying the road to happiness full of hardships, if the thing is bumped to defeat,

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