
2021年8月21日16:12:25给小鬼治病已关闭评论 34,339 3643字阅读12分8秒

利民诊所里的黄医生已经在这个小村里事情了多年,今晚,轮到黄医生他独自在诊所里值夜班。,夜,深了,黄医生无聊的坐在椅子上打着哈欠,兴许不会有人来了,看来一会儿他就可以关门回家睡觉。,突然,门口传来急促地敲门声,黄医生立马苏醒过来,利索的启齿,“请进!”,话音刚落,一个年约四十的妇女满脸焦虑的推门而入。,“黄医生,请你救救我女儿吧!”,“别急,先让我看看你女儿。”黄医生连忙稳固她的情绪。,“我女儿还在家里,家就离这不远,黄医生行行好,和我去一趟吧!”,妇女请求道。,黄医生医者从医,自然是救死扶伤为先,赶快摒挡医药箱,拿好抢救药品,就让妇女带路,急遽赶了已往。,路上,黄医生以为周围环境有些眼熟,但世态紧要,忙着赶路,也就没有在意,急遽而过。, ,黄医生随着妇女来到她家,妇女拿出钥匙开了门,连忙将黄医生请进去,带着他来到女儿的眼前,黄医生认真检查了一番,又量了体温。还好,孩子只是发烧了,三十九度!有些高了,但还好,来得及医治。,黄医生有序的拿出一次性注射器和药水,给孩子打过针后,又拿了一些退烧的药给女人,仔细说明吃药的次数、时间、数目。,而装药水的玻璃瓶则被妇女随意的丢在门口的垃圾篓里。,妇女对愿意来救治女儿的黄医生很是感谢,付了医药费后,又很虚心的将黄医生送到了村口。,走出村子几步,黄医生转头往村子口看了一眼,发现村口的妇女已经不在了。他在心里叹息,这妇人走得可真快,一眨眼就回去了,可能是悬念家里的孩子吧!,回去后,黄医生摒挡好诊所便关门回家了。,翌日,黄医生来到诊所,发现装钱的抽屉内里多了一张冥币,以为可能是谁的开顽笑,放在这里好玩的,拿出来放在一边后便没有再剖析。,中午,黄医生出诊回来,途径一片坟地,环视周围的环境,以为有些眼熟,难免停下脚步来又认真环视一圈。,突然,他打了个寒颤,这不是昨天晚上经由的地方吗?,他壮着胆子走进这一片坟地,走着走着,他蓦然望见一座坟头的边上有一些玻璃碎片。走近仔细一看,他心里马上发毛,这不是他昨晚用过的药水的瓶子吗?,再遐想到早上抽屉里的冥币,他心里一惊,额头冒出冷汗,他这是撞鬼了!,突然,他瞥见昨晚那妇女在坟头上看着他笑,黄医生吓得撒腿就跑。,厥后诊所里的同事拿了那座坟的死者的照片来给他看时,照片上确实是那天晚上的妇女。,黄医生立马将照片还给同事,昨天晚上是事他现在想想都心有余悸。心里默默忠告自己:往后他再也不独自一人去值夜班了,他怕撞鬼。, ,Introduce:Doctor Huang in benefit civilian clinic had worked in this hamlet old, tonight, be turn for Doctor Huang he is worth evening shift in clinic alone. Night, deep, doctor Huang sits foolishly on the chair to hitting yawn, maybe won't somebody came, look a little while he can close come home sleep. Abrupt, door oral instruction will knock hurriedly sound, doctor Huang regains consciousness immediately come over, agile mouth, "Enter please! " one's voice in speech just fell, one year of woman of about 40 push the door anxiously all over the face and enter. "Doctor Huang, ask you to save help my daughter! " " fasten urgent, let me visit your daughter first. " the mood that Doctor Huang stabilizes her at once. "My daughter still is in the home, the home is not far from this, be merciful of Doctor Huang travel, go with me! " the woman is entreated. Doctor Huang cure person from cure, nature is heal the wounded and rescue the dying is first, clear away medical box rapidly, take drug of good emergency treatment, let a woman act as a guide, drove the past hurriedly. On the road, doctor Huang feels surroundings has some of look familiar, but the ways of the world is urgent, busy move hurries on with his journey, also did not care about, hasty and over- . Doctor Huang follows a woman to come to her home, the woman took out the key to open the door, go in Doctor Huang please at once, those who taking him to come to the daughter before, doctor Huang was checked one time seriously, measured temperature again. Not bad, the child just had a fever, 39 degrees! Some are tall, but not bad, cure of there's still time. Doctor Huang takes out one-time injector and liquid medicine in order, after hitting a needle to the child, the drug that took a few allay a fever again gives a woman, show thinness frequency, time, amount carefully. And the vitreous bottle of ram water is lost at will to be in the rubbish basket of the doorway by the woman. The woman comes to be willing Doctor Huang of cure daughter is to appreciate very, after paying medical expenses, very polite will yellow doctor sent a village the mouth. Walk out of a village a few paces, doctor Huang looked toward village mouth later, the woman that discovers village mouth already be dead. He plaints in the heart, this woman goes but really fast, blinked to go back, the likelihood is to care the child in the home! After going back, doctor Huang clears away good clinic to close came home. The next day, doctor Huang comes to clinic, inside the drawer that discovers outfit fund much money of a piece of dark, think the likelihood is whose mischief, put here amused, take put aside hind did not pay attention to again. Midday, doctor Huang pay a home visit come back, way a cemetery, look around the environment all round, feel to have some of look familiar, unavoidable stop offal pace to come serious sweep circuit. Abrupt, he was hit cold quiver, is this the place that passes yesterday evening? He is strong courage walks into this one cemetery, going, he catchs a glimpse of there is fragment of a few glasses on the edge of a grace mound abruptly. Approach to look carefully, in his heart immediately lose one's temper, this,

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