
2021年8月22日04:34:28古典恋爱已关闭评论 29,424 4598字阅读15分19秒

那天,我在一家通俗的古玩店裏看到一塊古玉,嚴格的說是半塊古玉。面目慈祥的老闆告訴我說這是明朝時的東西了,三百多年了。只有一半,若是能找到另一半的話就值錢了。玉無暇,鏤空的花紋雕的是一個翩翩令郎,另一半一定是個待字閨中的小姐,她在作什麼呢?顯然,這是古時男女的定情之物,海枯石爛你仍是我的唯一。秋風清,秋月明,落葉聚還散,寒鴨息複驚,相思相見知何日,此時此夜難為情!不知經過了若干次的世事輪回再不見當初的紅顏。失踪了你愛著我的見證,說過的話還算不算?漂泊在風塵!我把這塊古玉掛在脖子上,招搖過市。然後我看見了無雙,她著裙裾有淡綠色荷葉邊的古裝,頭上有桂花油的清香。一塵不染。她站在落雨的青石板道上飄飄欲仙。我看到路人輕易穿過她的身體而渾然不覺,我想我是碰見鬼了。青天白天的。她跟我回到我的出租房內,我並不覺恐懼,想來是被她的仙颜疑惑。只有我能看到她。隨時,她可以消逝如雲煙。在她咯咯笑聲中明瞭了她的身世:大戶人家的女兒,許配了茶商林和之,他只是在父親的書房隔著重重的紗偷看的一個模糊的身影,下了聘擇日结婚,不想平地起風雷遭了戰亂,相互失散,她死於亂軍之中。"靈魂被禁錮于這塊古玉當中輾轉流離,"她指著我脖子上的古玉"這是我們的定情信物,他一定在另一半裏面等我"。 太老套的故事了,我打個哈欠,餓了。"你吃什麼呀,我請客。"我問。"不吃,我什麼都不吃"噢,不食人間煙火。懶得出去,我沖了一包速食麵。她背著手仔細在我狹小的房間裏轉了一圈,對牆上貼著的俗豔的明星照比較感興趣,問這問那。我也偷偷?著她的裙底。她發現了,"你看什麼呢?" "我看你是不是三寸金蓮,你們那時候不是都裹腳嗎?" "下游!無恥!"她面飛紅霞,杏眼圓瞪,勃然震怒。失言了。我無意中調戲她了。無奈我軟語溫存輕言相求。求她風過雨收,我見不得女人流淚。該若何向她解釋,現代女人都穿比基尼了,再守旧的人的腳也不是隱私。睡覺成問題了,我战战兢兢地問她可以在那里睡。"玉裏"。 第二天醒來,她已把早餐作好。看著桌上冒著熱氣的食物我倍感溫馨,太多年的孑然一身已讓我對塵世凡俗的關愛感应生疏而不屑。真正降臨到自己身上卻瞬間潰敗,她的溫情如脈脈暖風,我感应心裏面有層厚重冰凉的殼消融,有涓涓春水流淌。她不能以離開這塊玉,不得已只有我帶著她去尋找另一半玉石。失散了三百年的一個約定。如大海撈針。世事往往云云,錯過了,再回過頭去,遍尋不見。坐在麥當勞小小的座椅上,我累了。她伏在小桌上看起來失意而崎岖潦倒。我們都有點意气消沉。想勸她算了,本來沒什麼情绪的嘛。那怎麼可以,她反對,下了聘的,不能以忏悔的。好吧,我隱隱覺得自己背上一個肩负。我算什麼?關雲長千里送京娘。跑遍了這個都会所有的古玩市場,一無所獲。回抵家我马上爬到床上沈沈睡去,夢裏總見一片閃亮的東西漸近漸遠,是一塊玉吧,我伸脱手捉住它,看到躺在手心裏的是一滴水,冰涼晶瑩。然後我被她壓抑的哭聲驚醒。窗外月光如練。無雙坐在床角嚶嚶哭泣,梨花帶雨,我見猶憐。別著急,會找到的,我的抚慰蒼白無力。她哭聲更大了。她說人鬼殊途,不能以和我長時間待在一起的,她會不自覺吸我的陽氣,我會死的。怪不得她今天面色微微紅潤,我抓起胸前的玉也發現隱隱一絲血紅。怎麼辦?還是想幫她,別問為什麼。她有些許感動,伏在我肩上久久無言。我這個曾被她罵作下游無恥的人。將她額前的亂髮拂去,她訕訕的起身,腮邊兩朵紅雲,一時心潮汹涌讓她情不自禁。盡顯小女人嬌羞。"林和之是那里的茶商?" "杭州"。 西子湖畔,暖風熏得遊人醉。吳山路的夜晚是一個繁華陳舊的夢。各個真假古玩攤位在昏黃的燈下心事重重。這是個注定要發生悲歡離合的場景。找到了。它在那些奇形怪狀的青銅器下顯得樸實而卑微。摸上去一片冰涼。成交。我把兩片玉合到一起,完善而華麗,有幽香飄過。那一刻我希望世上所有的破鏡都能重圓,在恰當的時候。無雙顯現,神情木然。"他不在",她說"他不在裏邊,他基本就是一個無心的人。" 怎麼會?張開雙臂擁她入懷,我想溫暖她冰凉的身體。回程車上她一言不發。她說要走了。何處是家園?我想留住她,想對她說,我可以愛你嗎?"不能以,和我在一起你會死。" "我不在乎。" "可是我在乎" "你在乎我,是不是,你愛我的是不是"?我使勁扳著她的雙肩。"不,不!"她奔潰,淚流滿面。我昏迷了。醫生新鲜我會嚴重貧血。病房裏乾淨而潔白一如我的臉色。無雙站在陽光裏,看起來沈靜安祥。手中握著那塊玉,通紅圓潤,只有我知道它是有生命的。她對我笑一下。"我要走了,今生今世,我會記得你的溫存,三百年我終於找到一個真愛我的人,惋惜我們不能在一起。若是,上天能再給我一次重生的機會,我一定會再來找你的。" 她平靜說完這番話,使了全身的勁把那玉石擲到地板上。"無雙--"她化作點點流星光泽四射,如一朵璀燦的煙花在夜空中綻放,而後歸於沈寂。我默默揀起地上四散的碎玉,在我的手心它們滾動、彙集,最後變作一滴淚,冰涼晶瑩。
Introduce:That day, I see one Gu Yu in a common antique store Xuan , the Zha of case is half Gu Yu. The that the old Zuo with amiable appearance accuses Zuo of Yu my Zha is Ming Dynasty on the west, more than 300 years. Have an in part only, if can find the Yu of other in part,be worth Zuo . Jade free time, of the beautiful Ji carve of Zuo sky is one elegant childe, other in part is treats the young lady in word Zuo certainly, is she making assorted Zuo ? Zuo like that, Zuo is the decides affection thing of ancient men and women, hai Kushi you still are me is exclusive. Autumn Zuo is clear, qiu Yueming, fall Qu gets together Zuo comes loose, Zuo of Xuan of cold Zuo breath, lovesickness photograph Yao knows He Ri, affection of of Zuo of this this night! Do not know Jian Zuo how many times Zuo of affairs of human life answers the Ji Zuo at the beginning of of or else Yao . Lose the Yao Zhu that your writes me, doesn't Zuo calculate the Yu of Zha Zuo ? Driftage is in Zuo ! I get on of Zuo Gu Yu in the neck, enrol Zuo city. Like that I see after Yao Zuo , she writes skirt to the full front of a Chinese gown the ancient Xuan that has Zuo of Qu of carry on one's shoulder of weak Jin color, there is the faint scent of sweet-scented osmanthus oil on Zuo . One is not caught. Her station is falling green flag of rain on the road Zuo Zuo desire celestial being. I see passerby Zuo wears Zuo easily her body Zuo and like that not Yin , I think I am the ghost that touch Yao . Of blue sky white day. She returns my rental room with me, my not Yin fears , thinking is by hers fine-looking puzzle. Only I can see her. Zuo , she is OK and abreaction the that be like Zuo . In her in chortle Long bright Bing her one's life experience: The female of big other people, Yu matched tea Shang Linhe, he just lies between the form that writes the one faintness that heavy Ji peeks in the room of father Yin , fell to hire day to get married, do not think thunder of the Zuo since flat met with , each other be scattered, she is dead at Zuo in. " Zuo fetch is banned Zuo sheds Zuo at Zuo of the Zuo in of Zuo Gu Yu, "She points to the Zuo of Gu Yu " that writes my neck to go up is the keepsake deciding affection of my , he waits for my " in face of Xuan of other in part certainly. Too set story, I hit yawn, Zuo . "You eat assorted Zuo , my Zha guest. "My . "Do not eat, my assorted Zuo does not eat " Oh, fire of of not maneating Zuo . must go out, my a packet of fastfood Zuo . Her back writes hand young Ji to be in the Zuo of room Zuo Xuan with my small circuit, the star of the common Zuo that the Zuo on writes takes interest of Ning of the feeling that compare Zuo , Zuo that. I also secretly? By the skirt that writes her. Her , "Do you see assorted Zuo ? "I see " you are San of 3 inches of gold, is your that is awaited to wrap Mo ? "" indelicacy! ! "Glow of Ji of her face Zuo , glare of apricot eye , agitatedly. A slip of the tongue. of the Zha in my meaning she. of Zha of Nai my Zuo puts Zuo character photograph to beg. Beg rain of her Zuo Zuo to close, my Yao does not get of female stream of people. How does Yu solve Zuo to her, acting woman wears bikini, again the Mo of stick-in-the-mud also is not Zuo illicit. Sleep Yin becomes Zuo , I am cautious ground her but,

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