
2021年8月22日10:29:23一念成佛,一念成魔已关闭评论 49,273 4027字阅读13分25秒

我自小即是一个有娘生没娘养的孩子,连怙恃的面都没有见过,随着年迈的奶奶轻易过活。奶奶眼看着自己的时日已经不多,便将我送到了当地一个叫济世堂的药铺里,跪着求掌柜能收容我,药铺掌柜见我可怜,便美意将我收为学徒。掌柜另有一个学徒,唤做崔生,人人都挖苦他是崔莺莺和张生的孩子,而崔生每次都是缄默,貌似人人挖苦的人与他不相关。而事实就是崔生生性怯懦,从不与他人多言,事事郑重行之。,一日清早,一人慌张皇张从门外跑进来,气喘吁吁对着掌柜说:“掌柜的,欠好了,东城出了命案,是崔家的小姐,昨晚随行的丫鬟看到是鬼将崔小姐掐死的,可是遗体上并没有伤痕,心脏却不翼而飞,你说怪不怪?”,“世上那里来的鬼,若是有,也是那心怀不轨之人有意伪装。”掌柜一边说,一边扒拉着算盘。,“那遗体没有伤痕,又没有中毒,你怎么说?”那人不佩服地看着掌柜。,掌柜没有吭声,瞪了那人一眼,那人悻悻然走开了。,“师父,我去东城外采些草药回来。”崔生说完,不等掌柜应声就背着药筐脱离了。, ,“不失事也不去东城,还没看出来这小子还爱凑热闹。”掌柜望着崔生的背影喃喃道。,自那日东城回来,原本缄默的崔生变得不再说一句话,谁语言他都不理,掌柜见他失礼,便将他痛斥一顿,他用狠厉的眼神望着掌柜,掌柜不禁打了个寒噤,不再与他言语。他原本也就是个无关紧要的人,现在更是没人搭理他。,忽的一日,崔生捉住我的手说:“思思,这里不是你该待的地方,脱离可好?”,我反唇相讥“那你为何还要留在这里?”他摇头脱离。,直到有一天,掌柜家中有丧事来不了,而又有人急着抓药,崔生一副漠然的神色,我只能硬着头皮上。而就在那晚,我瞥见一道鬼影进了药铺后的储药室,我战战兢兢地跟了进去,却见全身是血的崔生倒在地上,心脏不翼而飞。就在我刚想呼救的时刻,一个青面獠牙的鬼走了进来,“思思,别叫了,你知道世上同父异母的姐弟相恋,将他们的心脏做药引可以让人死去活来吗?”恶鬼边说边摘掉脸上的面具,原来是药铺掌柜。,我一头雾水,他继续说:“崔小姐和崔生就是姐弟,崔生是崔员外的私生子,而崔生却不自知,他之以是还留在这,就是想找我报仇,再者我的夫人病故,现在我必须要她重新活过来,不管怎么说,他都必须死”,我终于明了,“你这样杀戮别人玉成自己不以为太残忍了吗?”,掌柜哈哈大笑“你愿意你的奶奶死去吗?”,是啊,我不愿意,我只想奶奶永远陪着我,“我已经帮你物色好了人选,怎么做就看你的了!”掌柜继续说道。,厥后奶奶去世了又复生了,人人都说是我孝感动天,我只微微一笑不做回答。,厥后的厥后,济世堂的掌柜收了我做义女,并把药铺传给了我,自那以后,我便成了药到病除,能使人死去活来的女神医!,可世间又有几人得知,他们视为救命菩萨的女神医会是杀人不眨眼的妖怪,时常梦中被冤魂索命!正所谓“一念成佛,一念成魔!”, ,Introduce:I from pee be the woman gives birth to the child that does not have a woman to raise, the range that links parents had not seen, follow the fare of grandma drift along of old. The time that grandma eye looks at him already not much, in the herbal medicine shop that sent place hall of a world making aid me, on bended knees seeks manager can take sb in I, shopkeeper of herbal medicine shop sees I am pitiful, receive me kindly for apprentice. Shopkeeper still has an apprentice, call out do Cui Sheng, everybody speaks the child that he is Cui warbler warbler and Zhang Sheng, and Cui Sheng is silent every time, the person that looks like everybody to speak and he is irrelevant. And the fact is Cui Shengsheng the gender is timid, never as wordy as other, discretion of at every turn goes. A day of early in the morning, one person is confused from run outside the door, breathless say to shopkeeper: "Of shopkeeper, bad, the city gave a case involving the killing of a person east, it is Cui Jia's young lady, ghost takes Miss Cui by the throat saw along with the servant girl of travel last night, but there is bruise on the body, the heart disappears without trace however, do you say to be not blamed quite? " " the ghost that where comes on the world, if have, the person that also is that cherish against the law is pretended of purpose. " manager says at the same time, pushing lightly at the same time abacus. "That body does not have bruise, do not have again toxic, how do you say? " that person looks at shopkeeper ill-affectedly. Shopkeeper does not have utter a word, glare that person, that person angrily went away. "Master, I go east suburban collect some of medicinal herbs to come back. " Cui Sheng says, differ shopkeeper is carrying medical basket on the back to leave immediately. "Do not have an accident to also do not go east city, had not seen this boy still loves add trouble to. " the back that shopkeeper is looking at Cui is unripe mutters. From that day east city come back, originally silent Cui Sheng becomes say a word no longer, who talks he is paid no attention to, shopkeeper sees he is discourteous, his bitterly attack, he is visitting manager with the eyes of firm severe, shopkeeper can'ted help hitting a shiver, no longer as verbal as him. He is original namely dispensable person, now is nobody responds him more. Ignore one day, cui Sheng captures my hand to say: "Think of, here is not the place that you should need, leave but good? " my recriminate " why do you stay even then here? " he shakes his head leave. Until one day, there is funeral arrangement not to come in shopkeeper home, and somebody is urgent make up a prescription of Chinese herbal medicine, cui gives birth to the expression of a pair of indifferently, I can on toughen one's scalp-brace oneself. And be in that evening, after I see a ghost shadow took herbal medicine shop store medical room, I followed cautiously to go in, the Cui Sheng that sees all over the body is blood however falls on the ground, the heart disappears without trace. Just wanted to cry for help in me when, the ghost of a green-faced and long-toothed-terrifying in appearance went, "Think of, did not cry, you know the half-blooded sister younger brother on the world is in love, it is OK to make their heart make their heart medicine bring bring the dying back to life letting a person? " the mask that face of edge pick off says to go up by the side of cacodaemon, it is shopkeeper of herbal medicine shop so. ,

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