
2021年8月22日10:33:45讲鬼故事的女主播已关闭评论 41,519 4142字阅读13分48秒

信托人人对与yy并不生疏,yy上土豪炫富,土鳖干看着,接下来我要为人人讲的呢,也是发生在yy上的一个故事。,小丽是yy上的一个女主播,天天晚上都市来为人人直播讲鬼故事,为了更好的有气氛来为人人讲鬼故事,她把自己房间买了许多装饰品,再配合上灯光,和鬼屋很像,小丽本人也把脸上擦了很白的粉,眼角和嘴角也擦上了红色的颜色。,天天直播都市收到许多游客所送的礼物,这天小丽照样和往常一样为人人讲鬼故事,等到故事讲完了,有一个名叫 残年 的游客为她刷了许多礼物,小丽看到所刷的礼物心内里想着,这小我私人真好,一小我私人都给自己刷了快一千块钱,她就和残年发私聊说:谢谢帅哥你这么支持我,残年回复说:没事,感受你讲的故事挺好的,然则你一个女孩为什么要把自己脸上化妆成这样呢?岂非是由于你本人太漂亮了。,小丽就回复说:由于这样对照有气氛,游客们也喜欢。残年说:呵呵,你能不能让我看看你的真实面目呢?小丽心想,这小我私人也刷了这么多礼物,就让她看看吧。,两小我私人打开视频后,残年发现小丽真的很漂亮,就回复到:你这么漂亮有没有男同伙,要是没有的话,我做你男同伙吧。小丽心内里想到,这个男孩这么有钱说:我没有男同伙,然则我现在让你做我男同伙也不能能,由于我们相互都不领会。, ,残年看到这些后就感受有戏,就对小丽说:没事不着急我们逐步来,天天都市陪着你直播。就这样小丽天天开直播残年都市陪着她,天天都市为她刷礼物,等小丽下了直播他也都是陪小丽聊一会天,然后就让小丽早点休息。,时间不知不觉过了几个月,小丽也准许做残年女同伙,有一天,小丽开直播快一个小时了,都没有看到残年的泛起,今天不知道怎么回事,公会发的有一个刷礼物义务,然则今天晚上基本没若干游客来为她刷礼物,心内里异常着急就冒充和游客说去茅厕,买通了残年的电话问他在那里为什么不陪她直播,残年说:我在外面今天有一个同伙生日,以是有点忙真的不是有意没去陪你,小丽就异常生气的对残年说:我不管你现在在那里,必须赶忙来我直播间,要否则我就和你分手。,一直到破晓12点直播竣事,小丽也没有看到残年的泛起,就对着电脑说算了,明天再重新找一个男同伙,这个家伙一定是没钱了,欠美意思来,以是才欠美意思来,明天直接和他装异常生气说分手,再重新找一个有钱的游客当男同伙,横竖又不是第一次了。, ,就在小丽说完了这些话之后,她感受房间内里有一阵凉风吹进来,仰面一看,发现是窗户忘了关了,等小丽关上窗户转身之后看到她房间内里站了一小我私人,等到那小我私人逐步的靠近的时刻,她发现这小我私人就是她的网络男同伙残年,小丽心内里异常畏惧的就问:你为什么会突然泛起我的房间,我似乎没告诉过我家地址。,残年就和小丽说:原本我在外面用饭,跟同伙好好的用饭,你却打电话由于我今天没陪你,你就直接拿分手威胁我。我心内里也是真的喜欢你,不想失去了就最先回去陪你,在回去的路上没想到遇到一个醉酒驾驶的司机,直接开车从我身体上开已往,等我醒了,我发现我已经死了,我心内里放不下你,以是就过来陪你和你告辞,然则没想到,你却把我当成了一个玩具,既然这样,你也就下来陪我吧。,小丽看来残年恐怖的样子向自己逐步的走来,嘴内里大呼着:不要,不要过来,求求你不要过来,放过我吧!然则一切都晚了……,第二天小丽的家人来叫小丽用饭,叫了半天也没人准许,等走进去一看,发现自己的闺女躺在地上,已经死去,遗体已经冰凉,法医来到也检查不出来死因是什么,只能把遗体拉出去剖解举行仔细检查。, ,Introduce:Believe everybody is right not as unfamiliar as Yy, dazzle of the local tyrant on Yy is rich, ground beetle doing is looked at, next I want those who tell to be everybody, also be a story that produces on Yy. Small beautiful it is Yy a when go up female advocate sow, can be everybody everyday in the evening direct seeding tells ghost story, for better atmosphere will tell ghost story for everybody, she bought him room a lot of adornment, cooperate light of light the lamp again, with ghost house very picture, small beautiful oneself also get on the face brushed very white pink, canthus and corners of the mouth also smear gules color. Everyday the gift that direct seeding can receive place of a lot of tourists send, this Tian Xiaoli is same as usual still tell ghost story for everybody, when the story is told, a tourist that is called the last days of life brushed a lot of gifts for her, small beautiful thinking inside the gift heart that sees place is brushed, this person is really nice, a person was brushed to oneself fast 1000 money, she says a little with illicit of hair of the last days of life: You support thank handsome young man so I, reply of the last days of life says: Do not have a thing, the story that feels you are told is quite good, but why should your girl get on him face make up such? Because you yourself are too beautiful,be. Small beautiful say with respect to the reply: Because have atmosphere quite so, tourists also like. The last days of life says: Ah, can you let me see your true face? Small beautiful heart thinks, this person also brushed so much gift, let her look. After two people open video, what the last days of life discovers small Li Zhen is very beautiful, arrive with respect to the reply: You are so beautiful have a boy friend, if do not have, I become your boy friend. Small think of inside beautiful heart, this boy has money to say so: I do not have a boy friend, but I let you become my boy friend now impossible also, because of us each other do not understand. The last days of life sees there is show with respect to the feeling after these, right small beautiful say: Not the thing is not anxious we come slowly, meet everyday for company your direct seeding. So small beautiful open direct seeding the last days of the year everyday metropolis for company she, can brush a gift for her everyday, etc small beautiful issued direct seeding he also is to accompany small beautiful talk about a day a little while, let next small beautiful breakfast rests. Time spent a few months insensibly, small beautiful also promise to do girlfriend of the last days of life, one day, small beautiful direct seeding is fast a hour, did not see the occurrence of the last days of life, do not know how to return a responsibility today, consortium sends one brushs gift task, but essential tonight not much the tourist will brush a gift for her, inside the heart very anxious pretend to say a toilet with the tourist, get through the phone of the last days of life asks he does not accompany her living broadcast where, the last days of life says: I have birthday of a friend today outside, so a bit busy not be intended really did not go accompanying you, small beautiful say with respect to pair of very angry the last days of life: I no matter where are you now, ,

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