
2021年8月22日10:34:15七仙女显灵已关闭评论 44,720 3951字阅读13分10秒

柳家村有个叫柳泉的小伙子。一天他在山上采蘑菇时,不小心被毒蛇咬伤了左脚,整条腿都肿了起来。左脚不敢着地,一着地脚疼得钻心。他只好找了一根木棍拄着,单腿蹦着往回走。山路原本就崎岖难行,他一条腿蹦,就更难了,有时不小心碰着受伤的脚,就疼得他直叫。,正在他没有设施的时刻,从山上传来女人响亮的言笑声。他扭头一看,只见七个优美的女人从山上飘然而下,纷歧会就来到他的身旁。一个女人看了看他问:“怎么被蛇咬了?”柳泉说:“是。”谁人女人说:“你蹲下。我给你看看。”柳泉刚蹲下,几个女人围着他蹲了下来。有的查看伤口;有的翻箱子。一个女人拿着一个带管的器械从他的伤口处抽出许多黑血,直到望见红色的血才停手。另一个女人拿出一包药粉上在他的伤口上,然后把伤口包好说:“好了,这样你就可以回家了。”说完几个女人谈笑着向远处走去。,柳泉站了起来,以为脚不怎么疼了。他就拄着木棍一瘸一拐地往回走。刚进村遇见了快嘴李二婶。李二婶问他怎么了。他就把被毒蛇咬了遇见七个女人给他治伤的事说了一遍。李二婶说:“柳泉,你真有福气。这是七仙女显灵救了你。要否则你还能在世回来?”, ,说来也巧,统一天村里的李二柱在山上砍柴,砍伤了左手,也遇到七个漂亮的女人和一个满头鹤发的老头给他上药包扎,还给了他一包药。,有人说这七个女人一定是七仙女。谁人满头鹤发的老人一定是太白金星。,不久,七仙女显灵舍药的新闻就在十里八村传开了。,在距柳家村五里处,有一座仙女庙,人们纷纷赶到那里许愿,还原,讨药。他们又是进香又是上供,跪在地上叩头拜仙女。,村里有一个叫柳老栓的老汉生来性格耿直强硬,从来不信邪。有一天晚上他赶着马车从外地回来,经由仙女庙。他向庙里看了一眼,见庙内香火缭绕,供桌上摆满了贡品。他停下车,走进庙里,将香炉推倒,将供桌掀翻说:“我倒要看看仙女们有什么灵性。”说完走出庙门赶着车继续往回走。溘然后面传来女人的喊声:“大爷!等一下,捎个脚!”他想:这黑灯瞎火的,我车上坐个女人算怎么回事?不理她。他不只没停车反而把车赶得更快了。可没走多远肚子疼了起来,疼得他直不起腰来。他连忙停下车,蹲着地上捂着肚子直叫。这时从后面上来七个女人把他围了起来,有的切脉,有的用听诊器检查。然后从药箱里拿出药片给他喂下,纷歧会就好了。, ,柳老栓回抵家,把这事告诉了老伴。他老伴骂道:“该!谁让你去招野七仙女了。这是仙女们对你的责罚。看你以后还信不信?”柳老栓说:“我信了,明天我就去上供、进香。”,第二天天一亮,柳老栓就赶到仙女庙进香、上供、叩头异常至诚。人们见这个从来不信鬼神的倔老头都云云挚诚地烧香拜仙了。来仙女庙许愿、还愿、讨药的人就更多了。这样一来地里的农活都延迟了。,一天,人们正在排队拜仙,来了一位满头鹤发的老头。他死后跟了七个漂亮的女人。呀!这不是太白金星和七仙女吗?人们纷纷跪下叩头。那“太白金星”见了忙高声喊道:“人人快起来!我不是什么太白金星。她们也不是什么七仙女。我是北京中医药大学的教授,她们是我的学生。我行使暑假时间带她们到这里实习、考察,遇到一些受伤的群众,就辅助包扎一下,没想到闹出这么大的误会。世上基本没有什么鬼、神。人人不要再信什么神呀、鬼呀、仙呀的了。”,原来是这样呀,人们这才明晰。, ,Introduce:Liu Jiacun has a boy that makes Liu Quan. A day he is in on hill when mushroom, was bitten not carefully by serpent left foot, whole leg is swollen rise. Left foot not dare touchdown, one touchdown foot aches so that get a heart. He was forced to look for lean on a stick of a club to wear, thin leg is skipping to turn back. Hill route goes hard with respect to rugged originally, his leg skips, more difficult, come up against wounded foot not carefully sometimes, ache he is continuously to cry. Doing not have method in him when, upload from hill come the woman's ringing Tan Xiaosheng. He twists a head to look, see 7 beautiful girls wave to fall however from hill only, do not come to him a little while beside. A girl sees him ask: "How was bitten by the snake? " Liu Quan says: "Yes. " that girl says: "You crouch. I look to you. " Liu Quangang crouchs, a few girls crouched round him. Some examines cut; Some turns over a case. The thing that a girl is taking a belt to be in charge of takes out a lot of black blood from his cut part, just stay a hand till the blood that sees red. Another girl takes out the in him cut on a packet of powder, had included cut next say: "Good, such you can come home. " say josh of a few girls to wear go to far. Liu Quan stood, feel crural not very ached. He is worn with respect to lean on a stick club turns back lamely. Just encountered aunt of Li Er of one who is quick to express his idea into the village. Li Er aunt asks him how. He was bitten by serpent the trouble that encounters 7 girls to give heteronomy the injury said. Li Er aunt says: "Liu Quan, you are really blessed. This is 7 fairy a ghost show its presence or power saved you. Or are you returned can living come back? " say artful also, the Li Erzhu of same day village chops bavin on hill, threw left hand, also encounter 7 beautiful girls and an old man of full head white hair to wrap up to the medicine on him, still gave him a packet of drug. Someone says these 7 girls are 7 fairy certainly. The old person of white hair of that full head is too white Venus certainly. Before long, the message that 7 fairy a ghost show its presence or power abandon medicine is in get about of 10 lis of 8 villages. In village of the home that be apart from willow 5 lis are in, have a fairy temple, people arrives in succession over there promise, reductive, denounce medicine. They are to enter sweet it is to offer up a sacrifice, genuflect does obeisance to fairy in the kowtow on the ground. The old man that there is to call Liu Laoshuan in the village is inborn disposition honest and frank is stubborn, do not believe unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease. One day he is driving carriage to come back from the other place in the evening, through fairy temple. Looked in his Xiang Miao, see the burning incense inside temple winds around, on altar filled up with articles of tribute. He stops car, walk into temple in, overturn censer, throw altar say: "I should see fairy people have what intelligence. " say to walk out of temple door to driving a car to continue to turn back. Suddenly from the back the call that transmits a woman: "Uncle! Wait, take along sth to sb foot! " he thinks: Of this dark,

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