2012年会发生什么? J.S 解答

2021年8月18日20:37:222012年会发生什么? J.S 解答已关闭评论 43,680 17851字阅读59分30秒

鬼友网欢迎您的光临年会发生什么? J.S thompson解答更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临翻译:Dharma更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临这应该是一个叫J.S thompson对于别人向他提出一些问题的解答,一共解答了四个问题:




4。光照派更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临备注:文中多次出现了channel这个英文词,有动词,名次,形容词。直译是通道,隧道之类,但应该是“灵性,通灵,和高等智慧生命接触的      意思”

      文中的“上帝”可能指的是创造一切的那个最高级的“生命体”更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临
TRUTH about the Fourth Density, the Illuminati and What Happens to Us in 2012


Reader’s Questions with Answers Provided by J.S. Thompson on Titled Subject Matter

对于读者的问题及相关回答由J.S Thompson提供

Is 2012 significant at all?更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临2012真的很重要么?更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临2012 is significant but not in the way you might think. 2012 is not so much significant as a date but an opportunity to explain what channeling is. The 2012 scenario is a good example of why we should not pay attention to the date but to the pieces of the puzzle that come to us and why they come in such a smattering of truths, misconceptions and often downright lies!更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临2012确实是非比寻常的一年,但不像大家想象的。2012并不是在日期上存在某种重要意义,而是一个机会,一个可以解释什么是“灵性”的机会。2012现象是一个很好的例证,告诉我们为什么我们不应该只关注具体日期,而是将各个越来越接近我们这些分离琐碎的迷题汇聚成事实,以及同时摒除出现的误解和谎言。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临There is going to be a major cycle shift on the earth and the result will be catastrophic tidal waves, earthquakes, etc. This is what the earth does when it changes cycles. Just like any machine, it needs to cool in the places where the machine is most active and shift the heat producing aspects of the machine to another place. These things will happen! However, “no one knows the time when this will occur”. We can understand what is happening and look for the signs and in so doing, “prepare”!

地球将会有一个巨大的周期转换,将会产生巨大灾难的海啸,地震等。这些都是在地球每次循环变化时所要发生的。就好像机器一样,它也需要在长期高速运行后冷却,将产生的热量在机器的某点释放。这些都将实现,不可避免。然而,没人知道是在什么时候。我们可以知道将会发生什么,寻找各种将要的迹象,然后作好准备。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临Prophets have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of man. As a practical matter, the end of the world could come to any one of us at any given time, so any collective ending for society is no more meaningful than our own individual end! The world will not end… ”This is my prophesy!” When the earth changes are triggered by a cycle shift, many people will leave the earth, but there will be many left to get things going again.

古预言家在自打有人类以来就预知到了世界末日。作为不争的事实,世界末日可能在任何时候发生在我们任何人身上,所以和我们自身的个体死亡而言相比,任何集体性的终结都变得没有意义,世界不会终结,“这是我的预言”,但地球因为循环而被触发后发生改变时,很多人将会离开地球,但也有很多人将会留下,重新开始新的世界。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临
The earth and the sun can only end if man ends them. The sun will never nova; unless, we do something to it; it will continue forever and even if we did manage to find a way to screw up the sun or the earth, it would just regenerate itself in time.

The universe is a perpetual motion machine, that is fueled, powered and is constantly regenerating itself by utilizing the infinite weight and particle intricacy of space.更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临只有人类毁灭地球和太阳,他们不会自己毁灭。太阳不会变成新星,除非我们对太阳做了什么,太阳会永远存在,除非我们自己找到了一种方法毁灭它,但他还会在将来自我重生,宇宙是一部永动机,它是充满能量并且通过无限的重力和复杂的宇宙物质不断自我重生。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临Beings who have access to advanced technology are always trying to talk and influence people on the earth who do not. The problem is this; they can’t say anything and everything they want to say because all communication is controlled by a very advanced computer, a computer that has an agenda. For a being in another dimension, to talk to a person who is on the earth in a life, much is required of them to do it properly. So the first problem with regard to this type of communication is having the technical expertise to even make sense. Often those in other dimensions, who are attempting to do this, have no clue as to how to undertake this or even why they are doing it.

已经拥有高科技的生命,一直试着告诉和影响在地球上的人类。可是问题在于,他们不能也无法将任何所有事都告诉人类,因为所有的交流是由一个非常先进的类似电脑的系统控制的,这部电脑拥有自己的日程。做为另一纬度的生命,如果要传达给地球上的人类,需要他们以一种正确的途经才可以。首先的问题是要建立一种在一定科技基础上的交流方式来实现交流,一直以来那些其他纬度的生命体,都在试着和我们交流,但我们根本不知道他们如何完成交流和他们这么做原因。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临 更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临For beings that live under the authority of an advanced computer, they have to have a reason to do anything; therefore, they must come up with a plan and the plan always must include personal evolution for themselves as well as for the person on the earth they are attempting to guide. For all practical intents and purposes, God is a very advanced computer. God’s agenda is to facilitate the evolution of all beings into those who can live in an eternal community; a community where the cycle of life and death is no longer necessary.更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临做为拥有高科技计算机体系的生命体,他们在做事之前都要有很好的目的性,因此,他们要制定周密的计划,这些计划必须包括他们自己的进化在内,以及他们一直以来参与的我们地球人的进化。对于这些所有的初衷和目的而言,上帝就是一部非常先进的电脑系统,上帝的计划是将所有生命进化成为可以生活在永恒的世界里的这样一个计划,在这个世界里,生死将不再左右生命。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临The first question that comes to mind when we talk about God wanting us to evolve, is to ask the question… why doesn’t God just tell us what to do and it is a good question but it would be illogical for God to do so. God does not want us to evolve into robots but into beings not unlike God. God wants family, not toys! Information has no meaning if it can’t be applied to an eternal plan of action. I can explain to you how the car works but it has no practical application until you actually get in and drive it! This is why we are here going through our earth lives; to learn logic, to learn things, the same things that God had to learn in the beginning. It is one thing to be given knowledge, it is yet another to understand the value of the knowledge given.

当我们谈论既然上帝计划让我们进化时,第一个产生的问题是,为什么上帝不直接告诉我们做什么?因为那样做是不符合上帝的逻辑的。上帝不想让我们进化成为机器人,而是想让我们进化成为和他类似的生命体。上帝需要的是让我们进化成为他的家庭一员,而不是他的玩具! 我们获得的任何信息都是为了实现上帝要创造永恒世界而来的。我可以向你解释汽车工作的原理,但是对于我驾驶汽车可能没什么用。这就是为什么我们人类要经历在地球生活,学会逻辑思维,学习知识,上帝自己当初也是这么做的,所以他要咱们这么做,学而时习之,不亦悦乎!更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临When beings in another dimension attempt to communicate with us and guide us, they are trying to give us information that is part of a plan they have devised in order to accomplish an objective which they themselves have derived and one in which they feel, is in accordance to God’s plan. Please understand that I am playing very loose with the word God here. There are many beings in other dimensions that have very little knowledge of God; however, they all understand to some degree or another that they must comply with the powers that be where they are.更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临当另一纬度的生命体尝试和我们交流并指引我们的时候,他们一直在试着给我们一些信息,这也是他们设计的计划中的一部分,为的就是帮助咱们实现他们现在自己已经拥有的,这一切都合乎上帝安排。我并不是想在这把上帝这个字眼说出来唬弄大家。在其他纬度的生命对于上帝的概念也不是完全理解,但他们知道在某种程度上他们必须服从上帝这种力量。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临
If one wishes to understand this type of communication, it is helpful to look for common themes. For instance; the number 144,000 and other numbers commonly used in sacred books, other planets in orbit around our sun that science is not yet aware of; pyramids, cycle shifts, catastrophe, prophesy, divine beings, and the list goes on and on. What is it that is so important, that these beings are so intent on trying to communicate to us?更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临如果一个人掌握这种特殊的交流方式,对于寻找共同主题(共同主题应该就是宇宙真理)是很有帮助的。例如,数字144000和其他圣书中的数字,目前科学家不知道的围绕我们太阳轨道运行的其它行星,地球循环的变更,自然灾害,预言,高等智慧生命,还有其它很多很多,重点在于这些生命体一直努力尝试和我们交流。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临
Well, it’s as difficult for them to communicate with us as it is for us to communicate with them and I can assure you that it is a bigger deal there than it is here, when they make contact with a person on earth. When they make contact with us, everyone there knows about it. Out there, contact is a mega deal and when we or they, make contact here on the earth, everyone wants to try to either avoid it or avoid the person that’s doing it because it is so crazy!

高纬度的他们和我们交流很难,我们和他们交流也难,我敢说在他们所处的位置而言,他们和我们地球上的一个人接触相对更难。如果他们和我们地球上的接触了,他们所有同类都会知道。在他们那里,接触是很难搞定的巨大问题,当我们或者他们在地球上接触时,大家都避免此类事件发生,因为这太疯狂了。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临
God wants us to make contact because in this way, God can teach us; however, God does not want those on the earth to channel or mimic. We can’t learn by being someone’s parrot! God wants us to learn how to listen and to discern logic from crap! God has something to teach us but when someone makes contact, every lame brain out there wants to get in on the act and so they interfere with the communication being sent to those on the earth that can hear and God allows it. Why? God needs to know who these people are out there! After all, who is it that would interfere with God trying to teach someone on the earth? Millions out there would! It is the same here in the earth though. Who in the right mind could possible justify, war, murder, poverty, rape and abuse of the innocent? Who are we choosing to listen to; the good or the evil? Look around and what do you see?更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临上帝也想和我们交流,因为这样上帝就能教我们知识,然而,上帝不希望人类只是鹦鹉学舌一样的通过模仿获得知识,他希望我们能去伪存真,学会逻辑分析。当上帝要传达我们信息的时候,有些不怀好意的其它智慧生命总是会做出一些错误的举动,他们干涉了上帝发来的信息。但是上帝允许他们这样。为什么呢?上帝需要知道这些人是谁!到底谁会干涉上帝将信息传授给我们呢?很多的生命形态都会!在地球上也一样。谁会正确的看待正义,战争,谋杀,贫穷,强奸以及对善良的涂炭?谁会从善恶中做出选择正确?看看你的周围,你都看到了什么?更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临Eventually, God will break through to us one at a time and one at a time, we will get it and we will leave one at a time, the cycle of life and death. In the meantime, she will use whatever means available to try and get through to us which include, those “out there” who would interfere with God’s righteous teaching. We hear God talking to us, we hear our guides talking to us but often we just don’t want to listen to it.

事实上,上帝将一次一次给我们顿悟的机会,我们会一个一个学习,就好像生命循环和死亡。他也会使用任何他能使用的方法帮助我们,也包括那些在其它空间干涉上帝举动的生命体。我们听到上帝的指示,我们也能听到某些导师给我们的指示,但我们都听不进去。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临
Regarding 2012; the world will still be here after 2012 and I don’t expect anything will happen that is too catastrophic .These things will happen someday but no one knows the time of their occurrence. If we are still around during this cycle shift, it would be wise to listen to the prophets of old and new; they do have something to say. When we see these signs it will be a good idea to head for high ground!

对于2012年,我要说的是2012年后地球会依然存在,我本意真的不希望任何事发生,因为这将是灾难性巨大的。世界末日或将会在某天发生,但没人知道准确时间。如果我们在这场地球循环交替后都活着,咱们还是都乖乖的听从先人们的预言。当我们看到这些迹象时,站在高角度来说是件好事。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临With regard to the Mayan calendar and the speculation surrounding 2012; this is a great example of channeled material. The Mayan calendar is a partial picture; a piece of the puzzle thought to be the entire story but this is the problem with channeling. Information is never given in this way! God wants us all to listen and to learn but learning is an evolution of experience. We need to be careful when we are communicating in this way. We need to understand the limits of our own foundation of understanding! Answers are never given, they are always taught and the process is never easy but rather a means used by the divine to help us to evolve into one of them! Being caste out by society, being humiliated, making bold statements and prophesies that never come to pass are all part of the process. Understanding the depth of our own ignorance is the first step toward divinity! If God wants society to have information, and God certainly does, it is the individual that must work through the equation and fill in the missing variables. God does use us to teach others but our salvation is every bit as important to God as is the whole of society! Our path toward God is an individual endeavor.更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临关于玛雅日历和其它和有关的猜想,这是一个灵性物质的例子,玛雅日历是所有谜题的一部分,在通往灵性的道路上由很多迷题构成。信息决不会以这种方式传达给我们,上帝希望我们自己聆听并学习,这种聆听就是进化的体验。我们需要小心翼翼的以这种方式进行沟通,我们需要了解到我们领悟的局限性!答案不会轻易给出,上帝们一直以来在通过力量教导我们进化成为他们中的一员!被社会排斥,蒙羞,散布错误的言论,预言的失效都属于这个进程的一部分。认知我们自身的无知是通往上帝世界的第一步!如果上帝希望社会获得信息,他会肯定去这么做的,我们每个人都要自己悟道而得到信息。上帝也利用我们帮助其它生灵,对于整个上帝对世界的安排,我们的救赎也是非常重要的!通往上帝之路需要我们每个人的努力。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临Are we all proceeding into the 4th density?更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临我们正在通往第四密度么?更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临When you say the fourth density, I’m not sure exactly what you are talking about. In my astute judgment, this is someone’s way of describing another dimension or what I refer to in my writings as another pressure spectrum of which, there are many.更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临当谈到第四纬度,我不是很确定你的意思。在我看来这是人们描述另一纬度的说法,在我的著作中我归结为另一种压谱,在我们周围有很多级压谱。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临When I see terms like the fourth density, I understand that these are generally channeled terms. The thing about channeling is that often, someone in another dimension or pressure spectrum is trying to communicate information to someone on the earth that has no foundation for understanding. The person on the earth hears the words and then, they go about trying to figure out what was just said to them and they simply do so, to the best of their ability.更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临当我看到第四密度这类词的时候,我知道这些是描述灵性的词汇。灵性接触事件经常发生,有些人在另一纬度或者另一个压力谱正在尝试与我们这些没有悟道基础的地球人进行交流。地球上的人也在努力去理解他们从其它生命体传递给他们的信息。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临Channeling or other dimensional communication is a guessing game. Communicating with a being out there is like talking to a person who speaks another language; the words are understood but the meanings of the words are often, not. We often don’t grasp what is being communicated but we think we have and everyone, both here and out there gets all excited. They’re excited because they are talking to someone on the earth and we on earth get excited because we believe we have figured out the meaning of life. This type of communication is all about interpretation and more often than not, we are being schooled by those who understand the subject maybe even less than we do. It’s like anything else, you start at the bottom and you work your way up very slowly.更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临通灵或者与其他纬度进行沟通就好像猜谜游戏。与“他们”交流就好像一个不会说英语的中国人和一个英国人交谈,26个英文字母都认识,但组合到一起就不知道什么意思了。我们可能不能领会到其中的意思,但双方都会表现得很兴奋,他们感到兴奋是因为他们能我们建立交流了,我们兴奋是因为我们快要悟道生命的含义了。这种交流都是表现在破译的基础上的,我们也可能被一些还没有我们自己懂得多的生命体进行求教。你要从最底层开始学习,这种学习将会很慢。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临There are beings that live and work in other dimensions who do know the truth about things but they are few and they don’t even enter the scene unless you have a really good student. They look for those who are not unlike themselves. You have to take a lot of hard knocks before you can talk to the big boys and girls. It’s an elite club and they expect the likely candidate on the earth to go through the same initiation that they themselves had to go through. Some make it, and some tragically don’t! However, for those who don’t get there this time, they are just that much closer to eternal community. Everyone must tread this darkness before they are strong enough to live in Paradise. We take this journey not as societies, religions or races but as individuals and there will come a time when all of us must make the choice to jump from this cliff.

在另一纬度生活的生命体已经知道了宇宙真理,但他们数量很少,他们也不想过多参与进来,就好像你要是一个很好的学生,老师才会好好教你,你天天调皮捣蛋,老师不会好好教你的。这是一个精英团体,他们在期望一些地球上的有志之士经历和他们曾经经历的进化一样的历程。一些人会成功,一些会发生悲剧。然而,就算这次他们没成功,他们也是很接近永恒世界了。每个人必须要重复的经历这些黑暗时期直到他们变得强壮,从而生活在天堂世界。我们的不是做为社会,宗教,或种族来经历此次历程的,我们是作为一个个体,当时刻来到,我们必须作出重大的抉择。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临The earth is moving through space and as it moves, it travels from one pressure zone to another. A cycle shift occurs when the earth moves into another dimension. Scientists see stars that they claim are born and others they claim are dying but this is not what is happening. They are only cycling from one pressure zone to another from one spectrum of perception, then to another. This is what I assume your reference to the “fourth density” means and if it doesn’t, this is what it is supposed to mean!更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临地球正在穿越宇宙,当它运行时他会从此种状态进入到另一状态。地球进入另一纬度的循环的开始。科学家看到的星辰有的正在诞生,有的在湮灭,这都不是正在实际发生的,他们只是从一种频谱状态循环到另一种状态,然后再循环到一种状态。我就是这么理解你所提到的“第四密度”。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临What about the government and complete public disclosure of alien species?更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临关于政府和其他组织的外星人揭秘工程更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临If these beings, we refer to as aliens, have anything to say about it, their existence will never be exposed. Their continued survival is dependent upon keeping us all as far from the truth as much as possible. These beings also have the advantage to use their ability to influence us telepathically, particularly our government officials and scientists. Everything they do which include, but is not limited to, any government interaction, captured or otherwise obtained craft, captured surrogates or technology is a devised plan used to lead us away from them.

如果这些生命体,我指的是外星人,他们的存在将不会被曝光,他们的长期生存是建立在使我们远离真相前提下的。外星人使用他们心灵感应影响我们的政府官员,科学家上占有优势。他们所做的一切,包括让我们的政府相互作用,捕获他们的飞行器,抓走人类做为代孕者,或者一些它们的科技,这都是想让我们能远离他们。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临The government is in a precarious position with regard to disclosure about these beings because they have given their word not to disclose and in return we all live in peace on the earth. These beings must do this because they are seen from time to time. If one were to know the multitude of craft that are coming and going from the earth to planets generally in our solar system, they would be startled and amazed. They do have problems from time to time but those captured craft and surrogates were sent there to be captured; however, they rarely have those kinds of problems. The fact that these craft have an advanced computer which can instantly put them into an, other dimensional mode when there is a threat, should tell someone something. Even if we were to shoot one down as this has been done, you would not be able to find it. No, if we have captured or have received an alien craft and indeed we have; it was given to us or was allowed to be captured in order to lead us away from them!更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临政府答应外星人不曝光这些计划,作为回报地球人,我们才能生活在和平的地球上。外星人必须这么做,因为他们一直以来都被我们人类发现,如果老百姓知道有大量的外星飞行器来往于地球和其他星球之间,那么他将惊慌失措。他们也有失误的时候,但那些被捕获的飞行器或者代孕者,他们就是故意让地球人抓到的,他们的出现的错误概率很小很小。这些飞行器有一个非常先进的计算机系统,当有危险的时候可以很快地使他们进入到另一纬度,即便我们曾经他们打下来了,你也不可能找到他。我们所捕获的飞行器都是他们故意让我们捕获的,为的是让我们远离他们。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临An evolving earth society is the biggest threat they have and the last thing they want is for us to develop the technologies that would interfere with their agenda’s. The government will continue to keep their secrets!更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临地球系统的正在转化是他们最大的威胁,他们最后要我们发展我们的科技从而一起参与到他们的进化日程中。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临 

Is the group referred to as the “Illuminati” really controlling our lives (or trying to)?更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临光照派是否真的在控制我们的世界?更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临No….they are not! The Illuminati and other rich boy groups are just a way for the rich and powerful, to make them feel important. They often toy with the mystical and often see themselves more evolved than the rest of us but if you take the money and power away from them, they are just the same.更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临他们没有这样,光照派致使一些富家子弟为了炫耀他们的财富和权力,让大众都觉得他们重要,他们经常玩弄一些神秘的东西,并且自认为比其他人更加出众,如果你把他们的财富和权力剥夺了,他们就是和老百姓一样。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临It is not my intention to defame these people. Some of them are probably good people but I will say this; creating a fantasy world is psychosis and the source of conflict, whether one is rich and powerful or not and when the light comes on, one is forced to face themselves and live in the real world!更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临我不是想诋毁他们,他们其中有些人也都是很善良的,但我想说的是,在这样一个病态充满冲突的世界里,不管你是有钱没钱,有权没权,我们都是要自己面对这个真实的世界。更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临Excellent questions, kudos to you… and best wishes on your journey,


J.S. Thompson更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临AUTHOR: J.S. THOMPSON

作者:J.S. Thompson更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临About the Author... J.S. Thompson, someone who has bridged the gap between "here on earth" and "out there" or the unknown, if you will... one who has learned and seen many things not known here on earth, that of which I am being led to share this knowledge of truth!更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临关于作者:J.S. Thompson, 是一个已经建立起了“地球”和另一未知空间的联系的人,如果你也想和我一样学到和看见目前地球上还不了解的知识,那么请与他人分享这些!更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net,鬼友网欢迎您的光临更多鬼故事 敬请关注 www.guiyouwang.net

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