
2021年8月20日19:16:25小学时遇到的恐怖灵异事件已关闭评论 108,204 3539字阅读11分47秒

发生在国小三四年级,有一天下午大约五六点,接近黄昏吧,我独自一人去学校玩游乐设施。 我很想玩圆锹形的厢型荡鞦千, 就是铁皮包住、可以在内部坐人那种前后两排能坐六个人,如果有人在旁边推摇可以荡很高。我想玩却被人抢先了有一个和我差不多的小学生独自坐在里面两侧有三个小孩帮忙推拉厢型荡鞦千 。

我站在旁边看,就看他们晃啊~~晃啊~~越荡越高、速度逐渐加快已经接近紧绷、秋千发出很刺耳的吱基、吱基声我一直担心那秋千会支撑不住~~我彷彿看见螺丝已经松动眼睛一直紧紧盯着秋千看~~基嘎~~基嘎声音越来越尖锐~~我的心情紧张到极点!! 坐在里面的孩子也受不了、不住的抗议:

“你们不要在摇了!!我想要下来!!我要下来~~~!! ”

那三个孩子却当作听不见,用力的继续将他推到最高点 。

“哎呀~~天啊!! ”

嘎嘎的一声巨响、秋千再荡到最紧绷的时候支架断裂!! 那里面的孩子咻~~被抛飞出大约两楼高 旋转一下后、啪、脸部墬地~~一张脸在草皮地上滑行数公尺 框啷!!那断裂的厢型秋千就落在他身旁他努力在爬起来后,满头满脸都是鲜血混着泥沙他脸部一片黑~~细看却是皮肤破裂后粘陷进去的细碎砂石就像将表皮切割开在将砂土塞挤进去一般他半眯着眼睛一手捧住不断涌出的血水、张开嘴巴大口的喘气 。


头像辣椒一样、一颗红通通还不停冒血,我在旁惊得目瞪口呆。看看地面,长长拖出一道血痕,我以为另外三个摇荡鞦千的小孩是他的同伴 应该会关心他扶着他走路吧!!没想到他们不但站着不动。

“嘻、嘻、嘻、嘻、嘻...”.居然还嘲笑他 。


“呵、呵、呵~~~哈哈哈哈哈.... ”

他们越笑越大声~~此时黄昏的红霞染遍天空红红的映着他们的笑脸、我觉得十分阴森诡异感到强烈的厌恶和不舒服就往校门走了在这件事发生以前,我们学校三年级的学生也发生过意外是三个学生去海边游泳溺死,当时也有一个同学站在岸边看到溺水过程不知道为什么,我常常将荡鞦千的三个孩子和溺水事件联想在一起为什么呢?因为我觉得当时那嘲笑他人的三个孩子行为表现很反常,让我的意识怀疑他们不是人或许受伤的孩子人缘不好、或许只是意外而非陷害 但是小孩子看到这种画面会出现这种反应真的很奇怪为什么还那么小就毫无同情心呢? 我知道我是胡思乱想,但是我觉得,心地残忍的人和害人的鬼没什么两样。


三个学生去海边游泳溺死,当时也有一个同学站在岸边看到溺水过程 目睹溺水过程的孩子,和受重伤的孩子真的是同一人.... 难道是见死不救而遭到溺死的同学报复? 还是纯粹被同学排挤的恶作剧呢? 至今尚无答案。因为我没有追查真相到底的勇气..... 以上是我一生中所遇到最离奇、也是唯一的真实事件。

Introduce:Happen in the country small 34 grade, one day at about 56 o'clock afternoon, be close to dusk, I go to the school playing You Le establishment alone. The compartment that I think to employ round shovel form very much swing Zuo 1000, it is iron sheet encase, can interiorly sits the sort of around can take the person two rows 6 people, if somebody is pushed by,shake can swing very tall. I want to play however by the person first one sits inside alone with my about the same pupil two side have 3 children to help push-pull compartment swing Zuo 1000. I stand by to look, see them shake ah ~~ shakes ah ~~ swings more jump over tall, speed to be accelerated gradually had been close to stretch tight closely, swing gives out very harsh Zhi base, I worry about Zhi radical sound all the time that swing can not prop up of ~~ my Fang to see screw has shaken an eye all the time closely! ! The child that takes inside also is overcome, the protest that does not live: "You were not shaking! ! I want to come down! ! I should come down ~~~ ! ! " those 3 children regard as however inaudible, emphatic continues to push him apogee. "Alas ~~ day! ! " when blare, swing swings to stretch tight the most closely again, bracket ruptures! ! The child ping ~~ inside that is cast to fly off after Gao Xuan of about two buildings turns, a piece of face is in ~~ of ground of of ministry of bang, face to go up soddily Lang of casing of slippery linage meter! ! The compartment that ruptures then swing falls in him beside after he is climbing hard, full head is blood is mixing silt all over the face his face ministry scrutiny of a black ~~ is the skin however what defect sticks to go in after burst is finely arenaceous stone resembles cutting skin rift to be in sandy soil a place of strategic importance is squeezed go in commonly skill of eyeball of have sth in mind of his half narrow one's eyes. He did not cry, groggy past playground direction went. Head portrait chili is same, one bright red risk blood ceaselessly still, I beside Jing is gotten dumbfounded. Visit the area, long long pull an a blood mark, I feel additional to the companion that the child of 1000 is him should meet 3 rock Zuo care him to helping him up to walk! ! Did not think of them not only standing to be not moved. "Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi. . . " . Still mock him unexpectedly. Should be the person that I consider to see one suffers serious injury done not have on foot so comical? "Ah, ah, breathe out ~~~ to breath out Hahahaha. . . . " they laugh at louder ~~ more the reflecting them smiling face that right now crepuscular Gong Xia paints celestial Gong Gong, I feel very ghastly and weird to feel intense detest and uncomfortable went to be born in this accident toward the school gate previously, the student of 3 grade also has produced our school is 3 students go accidentally seaside natant be addicted to is dead, also a classmate stands in the bank to see at that time drown process

入殓师殡仪馆灵异事 灵异事件


殡仪馆鬼故事 我是一名入殓师,每天面对的,都是冷冰冰的尸体。 一次,我收到了一个陌生女子的电话,她告诉我,她叫阿娇,她得了癌症,活不长了,希望在她死后,我能为她整理遗容。 我本不想接这种事情,但阿娇说...
民间怪谈:天津十大灵异事件 灵异事件


天津金永KTV 201房间灵异事件 (转帖) 灵异事件

天津金永KTV 201房间灵异事件 (转帖)

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