
2021年8月20日19:16:32去世的姥姥已关闭评论 37,460 2028字阅读6分45秒


姥姥的照片放在书桌上,我跪下按风俗给她烧纸,这是电话响起了,我舅舅拿起电话原来电话是我表妹打来的,当时由于她在上学住校,怕她害怕所以大家都瞒着他姥姥的死讯,但要知道她是我姥姥一手带大的和我姥姥的感情最深,没见到最后一面,老人不知道多遗憾,表妹说她做梦梦到姥姥走了,我舅舅喊了一声表妹的名字,这时仿佛有了感应一样,我老老的遗照啪的一声倒下了,当时门窗都是紧闭的 根本没风,而且放照片的书桌是一张四平八稳的写字台,旁边只有我跪在那也不可能有人去碰他,我觉的不可能是巧合,大概是我姥姥太思念我表妹了,所以听到她的电话就感应了,这世上有很多事情是无法解释的,我相信过世的人会感应到亲人的思念的。


Introduce:My grandmother dies before a few years, when going, I did not see her last, when I go, mourning hall has been decorated. The photograph of grandmother is put on desk, I fall on my knees to burn paper to her by custom, this is the phone rings, my cousin hits my uncle takes a phone to telephone formerly, going to school as a result of her at that time in residence, be afraid that she fears the news of sb's death that so everybody is hiding the truth from his grandmother, but should know what grandmother skill brings up to she is me the love with my grandmother is the deepest, did not see last, the old person does not know much regret, cousin says she daydreams the dream went to grandmother, my uncle called the name of cousin, as if at this moment like having a reaction, the involuntary discharge of urine of my Laolao toppled according to of bang, door window is lock is essential at that time do not have wind, and the desk that the desk that puts a picture is a piece of lacking in initiative and overcautious, there is my genuflect to touch him in that impossible also somebody only on the side, what I become aware is impossible it is coincidence, it is my grandmother probably too long for my cousin, the telephone call that hears her so with respect to the induction, there are a lot of things on this world is indecipherable, meeting induction reachs the person that I believe to die of the family member's longing. I listen to my uncle to say later, when grandmother dies, he is holding the head of my Lao in the arms, see she sat to wave suddenly to the ceiling, the instant disappeared, wait for him to answer a god to saw my grandmother had swallowed again last tone, I do not know the uncle shakes a god, nevertheless my uncle is at ordinary times very iron ages, often criticize me to have blind faith in, always won't speak carelessly, look the true meeting soul after this person is dead gives case.

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