
2021年8月20日19:25:23阴森拐弯已关闭评论 41,329 2774字阅读9分14秒





Introduce:Have a person to had told you, late at night when must not does a person pass certain viatic turning? Because you are probable very can lucky encounter …… of a few good brother although I am to do not have personal experience to pass, but, my uncle aunty can be personal experience! Its course is such, be in a long time ago, this turning has been the absurd place that person place all knows, but do not believe unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease as a result of my uncle aunty, be in two husband and wife went to the uncle night a mahjong of friend home rub that lives around that, just bilked midnight two just should come home at 3 o'clock. His friend has persuaded them not to come home at that time, flat it is over there pass the night, but know actually my uncle is intended actually over there him? Be in persuade failure to fall, by get them two husband and wife are sitting very popular at that time " small sheep " autocycle comes home. in them two husband and wife arrive at that turning almost when, two people have a gloomy and cold wind with respect to what feel indistinct round their revolve. But do not believe unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease they still think is nocturnal wind, do not add more pay attention to continuity start off. Await in those day, the uncle is fierce see from the lens after looking a Bai Ying waves toward them! That Bai Ying more travel together side-by-side with the speed of their autocycle and them …… awaits them in those days actually two people have saw that Bai Ying, just think the other side did not see and do not want to frightening the other side to fall, the fear in pressing next hearts forcedly will pretend to be calm. God knows, be in that one split second that reachs turning, that Bai Ying dash forward wave both hands is extended in the center of the road, that attitude resembles is making gesture of ask for help with the other side same! Await in those days, uncle two husband and wife can no more have continued to pretend to disregard appearance, two people are in after crying, twist accelerator fierce rush out forth! With not extreme rate in two people Lai Biao car comes home below, did not reach the home to 5 minutes, but because fright is excessive,two people may be, the following day with respect to be laid up, repeatedly cure not recover from an illness. Cannot under, two people spoke out this thing, everybody offers to still to fane accident scene is done obeisance to. It is strange also to say, what after was being done obeisance to, the disease of two people happens to coincide is good.

入殓师殡仪馆灵异事 灵异事件


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